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人生💯倍の賛美😊【聖書】詩篇148篇 被造物を含めた終末的礼拝

2023年06月16日 09時19分03秒 | 詩篇
Psalm 148: Eschatological Worship Including Creation
1.Context and Background
 This psalm also praises God and continues from Psalm 146. But what makes this Psalm unique is that the psalmist calls on heaven and earth to praise God. It is not to the people of Israel. This may be because the call to worshipers has already been made in Psalms 146 and 147, or it may be understood that it is natural for the children of Israel to praise the Lord. At any rate, here the psalmist is calling on heaven and earth to unite with creation in offering praise to God.
 This is the very image of eschatological worship that John describes in the book of Revelation (7:9). Paul says in Romans, "The creation itself will also be delivered from the bondage of perdition, and will be set free in the glorious freedom of the children of God" (Rom. 8:21). In other words, it is not only human beings who await salvation in the Lord. Every living creature created by God "groaned together until now, and suffered birth pangs together" (Romans 8:22), longing for God's restoration. God's plan of salvation extends not only to human beings but also to all things created by God, and when that salvation is complete, everyone will praise and worship God in unison, which will be the final form of the redemption of all things.
2. Praise the Lord in heaven and on earth!
 Specifically in verse 2, beginning with all the angels, the sun, the moon, the shining stars, and the heavens, worship God (vv. 1-6). And to the earth, He calls upon the giant beasts of the sea, the deeps, fire, hail, snow, smoke, storms, mountains, hills, trees, and birds (vv. 7-10), and the kings, nations, and princes of the earth, young men and women, old and young, who have not yet called upon God (vv. 11-13), to praise Him. We should note this spread. Often the church has been talking about the salvation of souls and focusing only on human beings. I think that the church has been working to get a headcount of believers. However, since salvation is a matter of concern for the whole of creation, it is natural that it should be concerned with the various situations in the world. In that sense, it is not wrong for Christians to be sensitive to environmental issues. If we are entrusted by God with the stewardship of creation and have a desire for the completion of redemption that includes the entire creation, then we can be mindful of resource and environmental issues, and responsible attitudes and actions toward these issues can occur as well.
3. worship with creation
 Worship is not tied to the confines of a church building. It is an activity that transcends physical space, transcends denominations and groups, and brings together all the churches of the earth, so to speak, in an invisible church, a universal church. But what is being spoken of here is worship that resonates with all of creation.
 Often there are churches that hold outdoor worship services. Often it is done in a recreational sense. They leave the synagogue and go out into nature to praise God and hear His voice. But there does not seem to be a sense of worshipping with nature. Biblically, we should say that worship is required to praise and bow down to God with nature. Worship with God's creation, rather than taking place in nature. It is a time to savor a Psalm 148-like worship that we are not normally aware of, a worship that is one with creation in heaven and on earth.
 It is not clear what the "horn" in verse 14, "The Lord has lifted up the horn of his people," refers to. In context, it may refer to the restoration of Israel's position by the return of the captives, but from an apocalyptic perspective, it is reminiscent of the raising of the Savior (Luke 1:69).
At any rate, we look forward to the day when all creation, heaven and earth, and all the nations, peoples, and languages of the earth will join together in praise and worship to the Lord. This Psalm reminds us of the image of the ultimate worship described in the Book of Revelation (7:9).
<Quiz Corner>
First, yesterday's quiz. How many sheep did Solomon offer at the dedication of the temple? (1) 1,000, (2) 12,000, and (3) 120,000. The answer is 120,000 head (1 Kings 8:63). Now for today's Bible quiz. In which New Testament throat passage does Paul clearly speak of the redemption of creation? (1) Romans 3:23, (2) Romans 8:21, (3) Romans 12:1. Then I pray that today will be another good day.
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