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【シーズン6】人生💯倍の祝福😊【聖書】ヨハネの福音書21章 復活の主の召し

2024年06月13日 05時48分02秒 | 福音書
ヨハネの福音書21章 復活の主の召し

John 21: The Calling of the Risen Lord
1. the re-calling of the disciples (21:1-14)
John's final picture is his own memoir. They were fishing all night long. But they cannot catch fish as they would like. Then Jesus appears. They let down the nets as Jesus suggested, and a miracle of a great catch occurs. This episode is similar to the episode when John became a full-fledged disciple of Jesus.
John became a disciple of Jesus because he was recommended to do so by his teacher, John the Baptist. However, it seems that once they became disciples of Jesus, they only accompanied Jesus on His Galilean mission for a while and then left Him. Later, Jesus again invites John to become His disciple. That is very similar to the event described in this chapter 21.
There was a great fishing miracle that time, too, and they responded to Jesus' invitation and became full-fledged disciples from there. What was John's intention in adding this unique episode of the Gospel at the end, as if he were returning to his own start? It is a thought-provoking point.
Let us note, then, that John's colleague Peter was about to return to his own work, again saying, "I am going fishing," even though he had encountered the resurrected Jesus. Why did his heart want to return to his former life while experiencing such an unprecedented event as the resurrection? His mind was not on Jesus' teaching to wait for the promised Holy Spirit, nor on the Lord's command to go into all the world and preach the gospel. It is as if the incident with Jesus had never happened. It is indeed strange.
But this may be because, despite the fact of Jesus' resurrection, there was a reality that made it seem like an illusion. Jesus appears and then disappears, and we are wandering around in daydreams. Peter, who thinks realistically about what it would be like to live like this forever, must have woken up around this point and decided to step down and go fishing. But then Jesus reappears. And then, the events of the time when they followed Jesus in earnest once again will be reenacted. In other words, Jesus once again gave them a full-fledged calling. This time, they are called to walk with the invisible Jesus of the resurrection and to step out into a life of service to him. It is not an illusion, but a walk with the invisible Jesus, following him as he pulls up a net that is surely palpable. He says, "Be ye faithful unto death, and testify of the gospel.
2. Peter and Jesus (21:16-25)
The dialogue between Peter and Jesus is recorded. It may have been a message to the believer, who had betrayed Jesus in his suffering under persecution, was sinking into a pitiful state, and was on the verge of losing his faith. The point of this dialogue is the appointment of Peter to the office of "shepherd my sheep," but with a firm motivation to "love" Jesus as the basis of his ministry. At the time, Peter was in a situation where he denied the Lord, even though he prided himself on offering himself to the Lord more than any of the disciples. To such Peter, Jesus repeated three times, "Do you love me?" which clearly confirms the basic motivation for following Jesus. The most important thing above all else to join Jesus' ministry is love for Him. It is not ability. If you have love for Jesus, it doesn't matter if you have a miserable past, if you have led a dissolute life, you will follow me. But it is a gamble, even for God. God trusts in untruths like us. Once we understand this, our resolve will be deeper.
Verse 21, some workers substitute self-fulfillment for following the Lord. As Paul says, some try to join in this with partisanship and competitiveness. In other words, there are workers who boast about how good their own work is compared to the work of others. But God does not like such workers. The Lord is calling you with the expectation of the work that only you can do. And He is watching your irreverence and love very carefully. You must respond to God's call. I pray that you have a good day today.

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【シーズン6】人生💯倍の祝福😊【聖書】ヨハネの福音書20章 神の栄光を信じる

2024年06月11日 12時05分05秒 | 福音書
ヨハネの福音書20章 神の栄光を信じる
John 20: Believing in the Glory of God
1. the empty tomb (20:1-18)
On the morning after the Sabbath, Mary came to the place where Jesus was buried while it was still dark. If you read and compare the events in this area with Matthew, Mark, and Luke, you will see that they are different. The appearance of the angel, the location of the angel, the circumstances of Mary's encounter with Jesus, and Peter's identification of the empty tomb are all different. The closest in content would be Mark and John. One wonders which one is closer to the facts.
At any rate, the important fact that John reminds us of is verse 9: "They did not yet understand the Scriptures that Jesus must be raised from the dead. John says that although his memory of the past is even slightly fuzzy, it was true that he was resurrected, and that they did not understand what the Bible said about Jesus' resurrection.
What is more, there is no record of Jesus' ascension in John. As tomorrow's reading of chapter 21 will make even more clear, John records from the crucifixion to the resurrection, painting a picture of Jesus on his way back to his heavenly Father and putting down his pen. He does not record the words of the command to preach, as in the gospels of Matthew, Mark, and Luke. Why is this? Perhaps he was thinking of the readers of this gospel. John's main message to his readers, who at that time were facing the hardship of persecution and the threat of death, was the image of Jesus, who endured the suffering of the cross. There was comfort in Jesus' death on the cross. It means that even the earliest disciples did not understand, and needed to be taught. And in verse 17, Jesus' words to Mary, "I go up to Him who is my God and your God," which only John records, indicate that that Jesus, facing death on the cross, was on His way back to the glory of His heavenly Father. In other words, John is trying to tell his readers that you are now suffering the same sufferings as Jesus, and therefore, like Jesus, you are about to return to the Father in glory.
2. peace be with you.
The purpose of the episode from verse 19 onward becomes clear: In verse 19, Jesus appears to the disciples, who are gathered together in fear of the Jews. This must have been the very situation of the church at that time under persecution. To these believers, whose faith was being tested and who were gathering together, John tries to remind them that the invisible Holy Spirit is with them, saying, "Peace be with you.
John then takes up the episode of Thomas, with the assumption that Christians who are careful and yet unable to have peace. And simply trusting in God, verse 27, he urges him to "become a believer, not an unbeliever." Thus, instead of being stigmatized as a dishonorable unbeliever, Thomas is a good example to the readers of the time, eliciting from them a confession of faith, "My Lord and my God.
Thus the Gospel, unlike Matthew, Mark, and Luke, was not simply written for educational and missionary purposes, but rather for the purpose of supporting Christians in the deeper aspects of their faith. Believers who waver between faith and unbelief are not crazy. What is important is that they, like Nicodemus and the Samaritan woman, need a direct, heart-to-heart dialogue with Jesus. And as they talk to each other, they need to deepen their conviction of faith, v. 31.
If there really is a God, then there is a deepening of faith. And faith does not happen by trying hard to believe. It is something that comes naturally as we encounter Jesus and talk with Him intimately. Humble and humble submission to God and talking with Him through the Bible is what makes our faith grow. I pray that today will be another good day.

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【シーズン6】人生💯倍の祝福😊【聖書】ヨハネの福音書19章 十字架の御業の完成

2024年06月10日 11時46分05秒 | 福音書
ヨハネの福音書 19章 十字架の御業の完成
John 19: Completion of the Work of the Cross
1. trial by Pilate (19:1-13)
Jesus was tried and sentenced to death in a Roman-style trial. The charge was treason against the Roman Empire, claiming to be the King of the Jews. Pilate knew that this was not a serious accusation. So he actually tried to get Jesus released by citing the robber Barabbas and by flogging and chastising Jesus. But the Jews were rejecting Jesus to no end, and in the end they continued to cry out for him to be crucified.
Pilate fears that Jesus was called the "Son of God. At the time, that was the name used by the Roman emperor to refer to him. Who in the world is this man? Where did he come from? Pilate was puzzled by Jesus being accused by the Jews. But finally, a voice came to Pilate's mind. If you let this man go, you are no friend of Caesar. Everyone who makes himself king is disobeying Caesar" (v. 12). Pilate was brought back to reality. This was a story about a country that was not of this world, a story that did not care about truth. Pilate, as if in the heat of the moment, admits Jesus' guilt and turns him over to the Jews for crucifixion. We cannot laugh at Pilate for stopping to think. It is our reality. We are in a position to do justice, but we are unable to do so, and that is our reality. The difference between Jesus, who accepts the flogging and this unjust treatment without hesitation, and Pilate, who is swept away by weakness, was the depth of his connection with God. If one does not recognize God and thinks only in the context of this reality, one cannot help but be swallowed up by such weakness. Even if one acknowledges God, if one's connection with God is not strong, one is at the mercy of the weakness of one's heart, which cannot be helped.
2. crucifixion of Jesus (19:12-42)
Thus, Jesus was crucified, but He Himself said, "It is finished," knowing that all His mission had been accomplished by this, and He went to heaven. God's plan of salvation for mankind is now complete. The New Testament letter to the Hebrews explains the meaning of the cross of Jesus in light of the Jewish culture. Simply put, the Japanese believe that "sins are washed away," while the Jews believe that "sins are forgiven by the shedding of blood. This is the reason why they have repeatedly performed the ritual of slaughtering sacrificial animals on the altar and pouring their blood on the altar since ancient times. It was against this background that Jesus hung on the cross. In other words, Jesus' crucifixion is the last offering to mankind, the once and for all. No more offerings are left after this, no more rituals will be repeated, and the forgiveness of mankind's sins is complete. The forgiveness of mankind's sins is complete! So it is.
No matter how outwardly respectable a person may appear, there is no doubt that inside he or she still harbors sins and desires. A person who would say, "I have no sin, I am a good person," would be a liar without a care in the world. And when such people gather in heaven, it is no longer heaven, but an extension of this world. Who can have hope in such an afterlife?
If there is an afterlife that is truly holy and full of blessings, it can only be entered by those who confess before the cross of Jesus that it was for the forgiveness of their sins, repent of their sins, and seek to prepare themselves to be fit for the Kingdom. The Apostle Paul said, "God made Him who knew no sin to be sin on our behalf, so that in Him we might become the righteousness of God in Him. For God so loved the world that He gave Himself for us, that we might become the righteousness of God in Him" (2 Corinthians 5:21). The cross of Jesus gives hope to mankind after death, and believing in it is the first condition for entering the Kingdom of God. So I pray that you have a good day today.

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【シーズン6】人生💯倍の祝福😊【聖書】ヨハネの福音書18章 イエスの捕縛、裁判、十字架

2024年06月09日 22時04分56秒 | 福音書
ヨハネの福音書18章 イエスの捕縛、裁判、十字架
エルサレムの旧市街にある神殿の丘と呼ばれる場所から、ケデロンの谷を挟んで東側にオリーブ山があります。その西側の斜面にゲッセマネ(油しぼりの意)の園があり、イエスはそこを祈りの場としていました(ルカ22:40)。マルコの母マリヤの所有地であったとも考えられています。そこには古くから教会があり、テオドシウス大帝によって建立された最初の教会は、614年ペルシア軍によって破壊され、1919年、フランシスコ会によって、現在のビザンティン式カテドラルが再建されました。この教会のために16カ国の国際的な協力があったため、俗に「万国民の教会(Church of All Nations in Jerusalem)」とも呼ばれています。中央祭壇の前には、イエスが祈られたと思われる場所、「苦難の岩」と呼ばれる岩盤があり、鉄柵で囲まれています。多くの巡礼者が訪れるところです。
John 18: Jesus' Capture, Trial, and Crucifixion
1. the arrest of Jesus (18:1-14)
The Mount of Olives is located on the east side of the valley of Kederon from a place called the Temple Hill in the Old City of Jerusalem. On its western slope is the Garden of Gethsemane (meaning "anointed one"), where Jesus used as a place of prayer (Luke 22:40). It is also believed to have belonged to Mary, Mark's mother. There has been a church there since ancient times. The first church, built by Theodosius the Great, was destroyed by Persian troops in 614, and in 1919, the Franciscans rebuilt the present Byzantine cathedral. It is also commonly called the "Church of All Nations in Jerusalem" because of the international cooperation of 16 countries for this church. In front of the central altar, there is a rock formation called the "Rock of Suffering," where Jesus is believed to have prayed, surrounded by an iron fence. It is visited by many pilgrims.
There is also a "Cave of Betrayal" about 100 meters north across the park and across the road from the Church of All Nations. It is believed to be the place where Jesus was arrested for betrayal by Judas Iscariot. Jesus was arrested amidst a platoon of Roman troops, but as Isaiah prophesied (53:8) he made no resistance at all and was taken to the official residence in Caiaphas. Rather, it was as if Jesus was waiting for the moment and taking the situation more proactively. In fact, Jesus overpowered Peter with the sword, let the disciples go, and was the only one willing to be taken away.
2. Jesus' Trial and Argument (18:15-40)
Jesus' trial begins. It was an unjust trial, but here again John recalls not so much the injustice of the trial as Jesus' nonchalant acceptance of it as the fulfillment of prophecy. As already noted, arrests for serious crimes had to be made during the day, not at night, trials had to take place before several judges, and sentences had to be carefully rendered three days later. But Jesus will take this unjust trial as it comes (v. 36). Jesus had something to accomplish through the crucifixion that would be determined by this trial. Jesus came into the world with a mission, and in chapter 18 and again in chapter 19, he emphasizes that he is not of this world. Such was Jesus' appearance and claims that Pilate was hesitant to treat Him as guilty. Citing the diabolical Barabbas, he tried to appeal to the conscience of the Jews, who were calling for the death penalty, to release Jesus. The results follow in chapter 19, but what is noteworthy in chapter 18 is the dialogue between Jesus and Pilate over the "truth."
Pilate would have known better. Pilate must have known that Jesus, standing before him, was not a rebel who would stand up to the Roman Empire. So he must have wondered who this man was. Jesus tells Pilate, "I was born to testify about the truth, and that is why I came into the world. Pilate accepted Jesus' words, "What is truth?" but did not delve further. But it is emblematic of the reality of most human beings. People seem to live in search of truth, yet they do not. Not many people live their lives in earnest search for truth. But there is truth to be sought, and that truth is found in Jesus and in the Bible. If you are a seeker of truth, please keep listening to the words of Jesus. I wish you a good day today.

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【シーズン6】人生💯倍の祝福😊【聖書】ヨハネの福音書17章 大祭司の祈り

2024年06月09日 21時58分26秒 | 福音書
ヨハネの福音書17章 大祭司の祈り
John 17 Prayer of the High Priest
1. Jesus' Prayer for Himself (17:1-5)
The Last Supper is over. Jesus must have taught all that He needed to teach, and knowing that His hour had come (18:4), He has a few moments to pray to the Father before going to the Garden of Gethsemane. There He prayed about three things: about Himself (vv. 1-5), about His disciples (vv. 6-19), and about the Church (20-26).
First, in verse 1, Jesus prays for Himself that His glory might be revealed (v. 1). In verse 4, Jesus has faithfully done all that God had planned for him. He then returns to heaven and prays that "that glory which we had together before the world began" will be revealed.
Christianity says that there is one God, but God the Father and God the Son are clearly distinguished here. Some may think that the two are one, three in one with the Holy Spirit, the Triune God, or something like that is not quite clear. The phrase "three in one" means that the three parts of God are one, but that is not the same thing. If God could be explained simply by human wisdom, He would no longer be God. If man could understand God, God would not be superior to man. For those who still want to understand the Trinity, I suggest, for example, that one person is a father, a husband, and a son, and so on. That, too, is an incomplete explanation.
The important thing is to know that God. That is, not to understand him intellectually, but to have a close personal relationship with him. That is why, verse 3, we are told that it is eternal life, and that is God's desire and the purpose of faith.
2. prayer for the disciples and the church (17:6-26)
Jesus then prayed for His disciples, v. 6, "I have manifested Your name." The "I have revealed" in "I have revealed" means to remove the covering. Jesus spent three years with His disciples, thereby revealing the "name" of God, that is, His character in all its fullness. As they say, he who has seen Jesus has seen the Father.
And now, as he returns to heaven, he prays for the church that will be left behind, saying in verse 11, "Protect them in your name, so that they may be one with you. That they may be one, just as we are." Just as the Father, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit are different, yet one, so the Church prays for the unity of the diverse. In the same way that a bird's nest is made of wood branches, plastic pieces, hangers, and other miscellaneous materials, but functions as a nest of love, the church is expected to be completed as one place where each believer is nurtured by the love of God. It is expected to be a special place, a place that is not of this world, a place that leads to heaven. A place of unity of love and sanctification, and if that is the case, many will also trust the church and gather in it.
Finally, in verse 20, Jesus prays not only for those who believe in Him by the words of His disciples, the people of the Church then, but also for us today. It is astonishing. How could Jesus pray with us in mind as well? So Jesus prays for us to be one, just like the Triune God, verse 21. Perhaps the mystery of the Trinity is understood when Christians have the experience of being one in the Church. And when the world witnesses that experience, it will know that God is true. The power of evangelism does not lie in the church's loud propaganda or performance, but only in living in the eternal life of God. I wish you a good day today.

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