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人生💯倍の視野😊【聖書】哀歌4章 刑は執行された

2023年12月03日 17時30分34秒 | エレミヤ書
4章 刑は執行された
Chapter 4: The Punishment Was Served
1. the meaning of the technical book
 As already mentioned, Lamentations is a technical poem, or "iroha-uta," in which the first letter of each verse is aligned with the alphabetical order of the 22 letters of the Hebrew language. The structure is also elaborate, with chapters 1 and 5 and chapters 2 and 4 corresponding in thought, and the most important thought being placed in the middle three chapters.
There are various theories as to why Lamentations was created as such an elaborate poem. One might well be that it was to aid memory. But the reason that makes the most sense to me is that such craftiness would help the poets to suppress their deepest emotions and calmly reflect on their sorrows. In the first place, the lament was probably written with the intention of being recited in public worship as a spiritual lesson that should not be forgotten. It is therefore quite understandable that the poet did not want to provoke undue emotional response to the deeply sorrowful content of the poem by making it a technical poem, but rather calmly let God speak to him through the content of the poem. In fact, the content of the poem, even though it is from ancient Israel, still speaks to us deeply and penetratingly, as if it has transcended the ages.
2. the punishment has been fulfilled
Verse 1 recalls the incident in which Nebuzar Adan burned the temple (2 Kings 25:9). The nation of Israel was trampled and humiliated by Babylon (v. 2). Wretched was the suckling child. Food was running out and mothers were unable to fill their children's bellies (vv. 3, 4). And at this time, the rich and the poor all suffered the same fate (v. 5). Then there was the worst incident of a mother boiling and eating her own child (v. 10, corresponding to 2:20). These are truly heartbreaking events, but the technical versification allows the reader to read along without hesitation.
 At any rate, this terrible event was God's punishment of Israel's leaders who had continued to commit all kinds of sins (v. 13). But why did God go to such lengths in punishing them? It may indeed seem that way in some places, but let's pay attention. The psalmist says, v. 22: "The punishment for you has been fulfilled. The Lord will no longer take you captive and transfer you. "With this horrendous situation, God's wrath has ended. God's punishment has been fulfilled. No more. There are no more plagues, if there is any need for atonement for sins, it has been fully paid for, it is all over.
The same is true of the cross of Jesus. The crucifixion of Jesus was a truly gruesome event. A single human being rushed to his death and beat him to death. And finally, to impress upon them that He was not the Son of God, they crucified Him together with two other evil men, demonized Him, and threw Him away. Why did Jesus, who loved, helped, empowered, and saved people, have to suffer such treatment? He says it was for the forgiveness of our sins. He says that our sins were atoned for by the sacrifice of the cross. And on the cross, Jesus breathed His last, saying, "It is finished," as if to confirm this (John 19:30). It is no longer done, and no more plagues of God will befall us. What matters is whether we live in that faith. Believing in God's forgiveness, getting up believing that we have been given a new life, and moving forward on a new page of life, that is our next step. So, I pray that you have a good day today.
<Quiz Corner> 
First, yesterday's quiz. The Jews still use this lament to recite on special occasions today. Zero or X? The answer is 0. In fact, they use this lament to be recited on the 9th of the 5th month (the month of Ab, now July-August), the day of mourning and fasting for the destruction of the Temple. Now for today's Bible quiz. Who were the prophets active during the time of Pekah, Rezin, and Ahaz? (1) Elijah, (2) Isaiah, and (3) Jeremiah. See you tomorrow for the answer. Well, I wish you a good day today.

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人生💯倍の視野😊【聖書】エレミヤ書52章 エレミヤ書の付加文

2023年12月01日 09時45分33秒 | エレミヤ書
エレミヤ書52章 エレミヤ書の付加文
Jeremiah 52 Additional Text of Jeremiah
1. background and contents of chapter 52
This is the last chapter of the book of Jeremiah. Rather than being a continuation of the prophetic book, this chapter describes a single historical fact and conveys the truth of Jeremiah's prophecy. In fact, 51:64 says, "So much for the words of Jeremiah," making chapter 52 a separate record.
Let us take an overview of what is actually written in chapter 52. First, verse 1 describes the outcome of Zedekiah, whose future is foretold by Jeremiah. Zedekiah's mother is said to be the daughter of Jeremiah from Libnah, but this Jeremiah is not the same person as the prophet Jeremiah. Be that as it may, in verse 11, Zedekiah is avenged for his rebellion against Nebuchadnezzar. In verses 17-23, all the ritual vessels, or treasures of Israel, were removed from the temple and taken away. In verse 30, we are told that a total of 4,600 captives were taken to Babylon on three separate occasions. What is described here is the same as in 2 Kings 24:14, 16, only the number of people recorded is very different. It is thought that this is probably because the book of Jeremiah gives the actual number of adult males, while 2 Kings gives the overall number. And verse 31 describes King Jehoiachin's pardon, but this was after Nebuchadnezzar's death, when Jeremiah was no longer supposed to be dead. In other words, chapter 52 was clearly an addition by someone other than Jeremiah.
2. to remember God's certainty
Anyway, the recorder of chapter 52 adds the following commentary to the article: "Indeed, it was the Lord's anger that caused Jerusalem and Judah to be thrown down from His presence" (v. 3). In other words, it was not against Nebuchadnezzar that Zedekiah and Israel rebelled. It was not simply because they were outraged, upsetting the balance of power of their contemporaries. It was precisely because they rebelled against the invisible Maker of heaven and earth, the God who once poured out His exceptional mercy on Israel and delivered them from Egypt.
The walls of Jerusalem and the temple were destroyed, and the city was reduced to a pile of rubble. The author of chapter 52 is trying to convey to us the certainty of God's Word. God is working and guiding history. Without remembering this God, there can be no future for us.
Chapter 52 is also written in a way that gives Israel hope for restoration by focusing the second half of the chapter on the pardon of Jehoiachin. Again, God is not one to judge and be done with things. In that sense, Jeremiah's prophecy, while painful to those who lived through the fall of Jerusalem, should have been a source of comfort, encouragement, and hope to those who actually lived through the 70 years of captivity that followed the fall. Do we read it today in the same way, as an earworm, or do we read it as a source of comfort, encouragement, and hope? It depends on how our souls are before God. Many people say that the Old Testament is painful to listen to, that it is condemning and unappealing. But in the context of our situation, it is a book of comfort, encouragement, and hope. This is true when we read it with reverence and a broken heart. I wish you a good day.
<Quiz Corner   
First, yesterday's quiz. Where is the first place in the Bible where the Euphrates River is mentioned? (1) Genesis, (2) Kings, and (3) Jeremiah. The answer was (1) Genesis. It is mentioned in Genesis 2:14 as one of the four rivers in the Garden of Eden. Now for today's Bible quiz. Manasseh held the longest reign in the southern kingdom of Judah, then who was the shortest? (1) Joshapate, (2) Ahaz, and (3) Jehoiachin. The answer will be given tomorrow. I wish you a good day today.

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人生💯倍の視野😊【聖書】エレミヤ書49章 四方が確かであっても

2023年11月28日 22時16分21秒 | エレミヤ書
49章 四方が確かであっても
Chapter 49 - Even if all sides are certain
1. the sentence against Ammon
In chapter 49, God's words of judgment are further expanded to Ammon and Edom. The Ammonites, descendants of Abraham's nephew Lot, are a people related to Israel (Genesis 19). They settled mainly in Rabbah (present-day Amman, the capital of Jordan), verse 1, "Milcom." The New Revised Version 3 translated "Malqam" or "their king" as in the Hebrew text. The New Revised 2017 corrected it to "Milcom" following the translation of the Seventy, as indicated in the note outside the column. This may be because the context was seen as a condemnation of the idolatry of the Ammonites, who were also called Molech, the national god of the Ammonites. The phrase "that abominable Milcom of the Ammonites" or "Molech" is a recurring phrase in the Old Testament. It is the religion of offering infants as sacrifices to idols, which came to Israel along with the practice of political marriage in Solomon's time. This abominable practice was once eliminated during the Reformation period of King Josiah, but has been revived again. God pronounces judgment on the Ammonites for their infatuation with this abominable idolatry. But God does not intend to destroy the Ammonites. God's desire is to abandon the idolatry that leads to such cruel human offerings, and to turn back to the true God and restore a sense of what is natural for human beings and a truly peaceful society. Thus, God promises to restore the prosperity of the Ammonites who abandon idolatry (v. 6).
2. pronouncement to the Edomites
 Next, the Edomites. The Edomites were descendants of Esau, grandson of Abraham, and settled in southeastern Palestine. v. 7 "Teman" is the name of Esau's grandson, but here it is a place name. The inhabitants of Teman were known by their wisdom and lived protected by the natural terrain, "the dwelling place of the rock and the top of the hill" (v. 16). In other words, they thought they were living in a safe dwelling place, surrounded on all sides by rocks. But no matter how protected they were on all sides, their destruction came from above. We are told that God will thoroughly judge the Edomites as well. Edom will be judged because of their pride and because of their threats. There is no message that Edom will be regenerated like Ammon.
3. the sentence against the other Palestinian cities
 From verse 23, the message of judgment is directed to Damascus and various other towns scattered in the northern and eastern parts of Palestine, including Hamath, a town on the Orontes River north of Damascus in northern Palestine, and Alpadeh, a town further north. and refers to the nomads, or Beduin, who live in the eastern town of Palestine. Hatzol in verse 28 is a town in northern Palestine, and Elam in verse 34 is a town far from Palestine, east of Babylon, on the Persian Gulf. Jeremiah's prophecy is indeed far-reaching. Rather, it is a sign that God is looking out for all nations.
 In his mercy, God promises restoration and restored prosperity to the Jews, Moabites (48:47), Ammonites (49:6), and Elamites (49:39). However, in fact, it is only Israel that was destroyed by Babylon and received its blessings. Why? There may be various reasons, but I think the difference between Israel and the other nations was that Israel accepted the Word of God with faith and longed for its restoration. Just as destruction comes from above even if you are protected on all sides, salvation also comes from above even if you are in trouble on all sides. I should say that God will let stand, as He promised, those who trust in His Word and wait for the opportunity to be regenerated, even if they are knocked down. I wish you a good day today.
<Quiz Corner      
First, yesterday's quiz. Who introduced Chemosh, the god of the Moabites, to Israel? (1) Solomon, (2) Ahab, and (3) Josiah. The answer was (1) Solomon. Chemosh worship continued until the time of Josiah's Reformation (2 Kings 23:13). Now for today's Bible quiz. Which of the following was the capital of Elam? (1) Susa, (2) Nineveh, (3) Turo, and the answer will be given tomorrow. Well, I wish you a good day today.

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人生💯倍の視野😊【聖書】エレミヤ書48章 モアブに対する裁き

2023年11月26日 17時12分16秒 | エレミヤ書
48章 モアブに対する裁き
Chapter 48: Judgment on Moab
1. the relationship between Israel and Moab
Chapter 46 is a message of judgment against Egypt, chapter 47 against the Philistines, and this chapter 48 is a message of judgment against Moab. Moab is ethnically descended from Abraham's nephew Lot, the founder of the nation of Israel, so it is related to Israel by blood. Later, Lutz, a Moabite woman, married Boaz, an Israelite, leading to David, the founding king of Israel, so Moab and Israel had a deep relationship. In reality, however, Moab and Israel did not have such a friendly relationship.
After the Exodus, the tribe of Reuben claimed the land as their own, and ever since then Israel and Moab have been in conflict. Then, at the end of the Southern Kingdom of Judah, during the reign of King Jehoiakim, Moab became an ally of Babylon against Judah, but was destroyed by Babylon itself. The destruction of the nation of Moab had already been prophesied over a hundred years earlier by the prophets Amos (2:1-3) and Isaiah (chapters 15 and 16), and Jeremiah's message is a repeat.
2. message to Moab
So, in this 48th chapter, as we read on, the message of judgment is a long one. The message of God's wrath and retribution goes on and on, so much so that one is tempted to skip the rest of the chapter and move on. However, it should be said that there were difficulties and evils in those days when God's judgments had to be spoken so much.
Therefore, if you listen with patience, you will find that the harsh, yet simple message really goes to the heart of human society. For example, in verse 7, Moab says that he relied on things and not on God, and thus his feet were shod. In verse 29, Moab is brought low because of his exaltation. In a sense, these points are universal truths. Values that put money and things first, worship, and materialism are fragile foundations for life that can be swept away at any moment. People think that money and things make them feel secure, but there is nothing more fragile than relationships connected by money and things. Sometimes it is only solid relationships that ultimately help people.
It may also be true that he who is exalted is brought low. Moab was well known for its wine brewing, and verse 12, "Therefore, behold, his days are coming. Then I will send to him the keepers of the wine cellars. They will take him out of the vat, empty his vat, and break the jars." The same is true of the wine cellar. In modern terms, we are told of an image of a wine brewery that has gone out of business, with the production line shutting down and the factory being dismantled. If Moab had lowered himself, he would not have been crushed by God in this way.
In the end, human beings can walk most stably when they live humbly. As a result of man's attempt to be above others, he not only becomes arrogant, but he also steps on God's throne. But God alone is the One to be revered. In the end, it is important for human beings to walk with the understanding that they are created by God, that they endure with God in suffering, and that they rejoice and give thanks with God in good times and bad times. It is important for us to walk with the biblical view of life that we should walk in this way because we are human beings. I pray that today will be another good day.
<Quiz Corner   
First, yesterday's quiz. Which of the following is not one of the five major cities of the Philistines? (1) Gaza, (2) Ashkelon, and (3) Kahfurtl. The answer was (3) Kahfutol. By the way, the five largest cities in Philistine would be Gaza, Ashkelon, Ashdod, Ekron, and Gath. Now for today's Bible quiz. Who introduced Chemosh, the Moabite god, to Israel? (1) Solomon, (2) Ahab, (3) Josiah, and the answer will be given tomorrow. Well, I wish you a good day today.

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人生💯倍の視野😊【聖書】イザヤ書47章 ペリシテに対する預言

2023年11月25日 13時52分37秒 | エレミヤ書
47章 ペリシテに対する預言
Chapter 47: Prophecy Against the Philistines
This is a prophecy against the Philistines. The Philistines were a people who lived in the Mediterranean coastal plain between Jaffa and Gaza. The name "Palestine" comes from the word Philistine.
1. before Pharaoh struck Gaza 
Jeremiah told the Philistines that Babylon was attacking them. The title says, "Before Pharaoh has yet struck Gaza. It was probably the spring of 604 BC when Nebuchadnezzar attacked Gaza. At this time, the Philistines asked Egypt for aid. Egypt, however, failed to respond. Later, in 601 BC, Pharaoh regained his momentum and regained Gaza. So we say that "before Pharaoh had yet struck Gaza" refers to this time.
2. the onslaught of Babylon
In verse 3, Babylon is likened to water coming from the north. Babylon's onslaught is like a flood, and the reinforcements from Phoenicia are of no help (v. 4). Kahfutol" refers to the island of Crete, from which the Philistines are said to have originally come. In verse 5, Gaza is "shaved on the head," perhaps symbolizing lamentation over the defeat. Ashkelon, north of Gaza, is also considered to be in ruins. This would mean that every major city in the Philistines is driven to ruin. This is a desperate description. Then Jeremiah's words, a prayer, are inserted. Ah, O sword of the LORD! O sword of the Lord! How long will you not rest? Rest quietly in your sheaths" (v. 6). It is perhaps noteworthy that Jeremiah refers to the "waters that arise from the north" as "the sword of the Lord. He speaks of the disastrous international conflict as not merely a war of imperialist aggression, but one in which Babylon is used as an instrument of divine judgment. Some may find Jeremiah's view of the war confusing.
3. God's Justice
No one who watches and listens to the news of recent international conflicts can possibly think that this is God's hand of judgment. If there is any part of us that thinks that this is God's judgment, then like Jeremiah, we are compelled to say to God in prayer, "Lord, stop your hand. But it does not work that way. Rather, we call for a cease-fire against the country that has the upper hand. However, as the war drags on and the circumstances of the countries in the middle of the conflict become clearer, some of us will gradually realize that this is not a matter of simply asking for a ceasefire from the superior or stronger country. Rather, it is the result of long-standing hostility, hatred, and conflict, which must be judged by a true and righteous God.
Jeremiah says, verse 7: "How can I rest? The Lord has commanded the sword." There are things that must be judged. It should be said that there is a pitfall in turning a blind eye to such a situation of human sin and seeking a superficial peace. The role of religion is not to be used as an ideology of war, but rather to reveal the situation of the human soul that causes war. Truly, man recognizes the warring spirit that lurks even within himself, seeks salvation from his sins, and is made new in God. In this way, a new world order will arise. There is a situation in the world that demands the manifestation of God's justice. I pray that today will be another good day.
<Quiz Corner</div>
First, yesterday's quiz. Who was the king who was killed trying to stop the Egyptian army heading for the battle of Carchemish? (1) Amon, (2) Josiah, and (3) Jehoiachin. The answer was (2) Josiah. Now, here is today's Bible quiz. Which of the following is not one of the five major cities of the Philistines? (1) Gaza, (2) Ashkelon, and (3) Kahfutol. See you tomorrow for the answer. Well, I wish you a good day today.

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