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2024年06月29日 11時49分41秒 | 使徒の働き
使徒の働き17章 ギリシアでの宣教
パウロは、神の御計画に従って、ギリシアへと宣教を展開していきます。しかし、神の計らいとは言え、妨害が止むことはありませんでした。パウロを追いかけて、パウロの働きを阻止しようとするユダヤ人も後に続くのです(1テサロニケ 2:2)。ただそれは、パウロが、自分が持っている律法学者の資格を活かして、世界に点在する離散ユダヤ人の会堂に出向いて宣教をしたので、当然の結果であったのかもしれません。当時、たくさんのユダヤ人がエルサレム以外に移住していました。記録によると、ユダヤ人はインドにまで進出し、ユダヤ人の会堂が建てられていたことがわかっています。ともあれ、パウロはギリシアのマケドニア地方を横切るエグナティア街道を通ってテサロニケへ向かいます。しかしユダヤ人の妨害のため、そのままベレヤへと移動しました。
Acts 17 Mission to Greece
1. Mission to Greece (17:1-21)
According to God's plan, Paul went on a mission to Greece. However, in spite of God's plan, obstacles did not cease. Some Jews followed Paul and tried to stop his ministry (1 Thessalonians 2:2). However, this may have been a natural consequence of Paul's missionary efforts as he used his qualifications as a scribe to go to the synagogues of the scattered Jews throughout the world. By this time, many Jews had migrated outside of Jerusalem. Records show that Jews went as far away as India, where Jewish synagogues were built. In any case, Paul was on his way to Thessalonica via the Egnatian road, which crosses the Macedonian region of Greece. However, because of the Jewish obstruction, he went directly to Berea.
Berea was a relatively large city with a large Jewish population and a synagogue. The people who gathered there listened to what Paul had to say and confirmed what he said in the Bible. This must have been a great encouragement to Paul. In Jesus' parable of the sower, it is like the seed falling on good soil.
Next was Athens, a great city. The people of Athens "spent their days doing nothing but talking and hearing new things. In Jesus' parable of the sower, they are compared to a heart that is like a well-trodden path. They have ears to hear, but they don't listen, they forget, and that's the end of it. Wherever they went, the reaction of the people was different.
2. Sermon in Athens (17:22-34)
The author, Luke, recorded one of Paul's sermons in Athens. Let us briefly summarize its content. First, verses 24 and 25, God is Lord of all and does not need temples or the various religious rituals of men. Next, verses 26-27 say that man needs God because he was created by God. Some people often say, "Why do you need to believe in God when you evangelize? But the reason to believe is because God is, and God created man. Verse 28 says that God is invisible to our eyes, but He is very close to us. Finally, verse 29 says that it is foolish to worship God as an image made of gold, silver, or stone (vv. 28-29).
There are many gods made of wood and stone that are worshipped in Japan. But no one really believes that they are gods. Paul says that we should no longer be ignorant of God. We must be aware of the fact that we "live and move and have our being in God.
In fact, after writing this blog for more than 26 years and prayerfully studying the Bible every morning, I have come to realize this myself. Nature is indeed very good. This morning was another beautiful morning. A few months ago, dawn had not yet broken and Orion was still beautifully visible. Gradually the sky turned white and the early risers began to sing. By now, the early risers have finally gone somewhere, and it is morning when the crows and cicadas begin to sing. As I read the Bible each morning, I became aware of the rhythms of a well-made nature. And if God created these worlds for our blessing, it is also how much God loves us. Let us be thankful for God's abundant blessings and live our lives with great anticipation. I pray that today will be another good day.

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【シーズン6】使徒の働き16章 第二次宣教旅行の始まり【聖書】人生💯倍の祝福😊

2024年06月28日 11時28分10秒 | 使徒の働き
使徒の働き16章 第二次宣教旅行の始まり
Acts 16: The Beginning of the Second Missionary Journey
1. The Second Missionary Journey (16:1-3)
Paul's most frequent missionary stops were in what is now called the Republic of Turkey. In all three of his missionary journeys described in the book of Acts, he traveled through this area. There he used the Roman highway that ran mainly through the southern part of the province of Galatia, "Antioch of Pisidia ⇔ Iconium ⇔ Listera ⇔ Derbe. Since the Roman colonial cities were scattered along the route, it was easy and safe to travel, and considering the ease of spreading the gospel, it was a natural progression.
The account of the second missionary journey begins in chapter 15, verse 36: "In the spring of 50, Paul planned another visit to the provinces where he had previously preached. The purpose was to communicate the decisions of the Jerusalem conference to the churches in Syria, Cilicia, and other areas, and Timothy was a new addition to the team.
As for the distance, it is about 1,700 kilometers. It would be like taking the highway from Tokyo to Sakurajima, Kyushu, then turning around and coming back to Fukuoka. It took 44 days to make the trip on foot, so it was quite an arduous journey.
2. Strengthening the Churches (16:4-8)
Anyway, verse 4 says, "They went from city to city, telling the people the rules that the apostles and elders at Jerusalem had established and that they were to observe. As mentioned, the purpose of this mission was to indoctrinate, to establish what was being taught. It was to clarify and educate the people in what they were to believe and to strengthen the church as a whole.
So verse 5 says that the churches were strengthened and the number of those who were added to them increased day by day, but chapter 16 tells us that the dynamism of the early church was not due to Paul's "zeal" but to his "obedience. Paul was at a loss as to how to preach in the future. Paul's thought was to go west to Ephesus. But Jesus did not allow him to do so. So Paul wanted to go north to Bithynia. But again, God's disapproval is clear. The road to the east or south is no longer the way to go, but only to return home. Paul wonders where to go, and somehow he ends up heading northwest to Troas on the east coast of Turkey. That night, God clearly showed him the way to go. The mission was not driven by Paul's thoughts or zeal, but by the will of God.
3. The Macedonian Mission (16:9-40)
So Paul went into the unknown, into Greece, a world he had never even considered. There God opened the heart of Lydia, a wealthy merchant from Thyatira, to listen to Paul. He was also imprisoned for healing a young girl who had been seized by a spirit of prophecy, which led the jailer to come to faith with his family. It was a very small beginning, but it was the first step in a great mission. Paul was sent to Philippi for the very purpose of planting the Philippian church. This Philippian church became the church that supported Paul's ministry the most. Later, the book of Philippians was written to this church. The names of these three men do not appear in it. However, it is possible that there was such a close, unselfish, missionary cooperation.
The ruins of the church in Philippi that remain today tell us that it later developed into a large church with four large basilicas, an octagonal chapel, and five to seven overseers. Start with a small prayer room and believe in the Lord Jesus. It is interesting to note how the message, "Do this and you and your family will be saved" (v. 31), bore abundant fruit. Thus, Paul's missionary work as a follower of Jesus became more than a work beyond Paul's thoughts. The important thing is to focus on God's plan. I pray that you have a good day today.

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【シーズン6】使徒の働き15章 エルサレム会議 【聖書】人生💯倍の祝福😊

2024年06月27日 11時36分38秒 | 使徒の働き
使徒の働き15章 エルサレム会議

Acts 15: The Jerusalem Conference 
1. The Jerusalem Conference (15:1-6)
Chapter 15 is the record of the first conference of the Christian church. Opinions are divided between those who think this event is the same as the one recorded in Galatians 2:1-10 and those who think it is not. In any case, the first gathering of the Christian church in history went to the heart of salvation by faith.
First, the debate was provoked by "those who came from Jacob's place" (v. 12), that is, those associated with the original Jerusalem church. They insisted to the people of the church at Antioch that "unless you are circumcised according to the custom of Moses, you will not be saved. A heated debate ensued over whether circumcision was a requirement for salvation. In order to reach a final decision, Barnabas and Paul were sent to the Jerusalem church. The apostles and elders met to discuss the issue.
2. Conclusion of the Jerusalem Conference (15:7-29)
As a result, in verse 7, Peter first spoke of the assurance of salvation for the Gentiles. He said that this was evident from the fact that they had received the sign of the Holy Spirit from heaven. He also claimed that the traditional Jewish practice of circumcision and observance of the Law of Moses had nothing to do with salvation. Then, in verse 12, Barnabas and Paul shared their own experiences as if to support Peter's statement. Finally, in verse 13, James, the Lord's brother who was a leader in the Jerusalem church, sums up the discussion in the same way. In verse 16, he spoke of God's plan to include the Gentiles, citing the Old Testament prophecy in the book of Amos (vv. 16-18). He said that since Old Testament times it has been ordained that the Gentiles would be part of God's people. And that the way to do this is not by keeping the law, but only by believing in Jesus, without adding anything to the cross of Jesus.
However, verse 20 says to "avoid uncleanness, lasciviousness, strangulation, and blood as an offering to idols," that is, to be mindful of the dietary practices that the Jews abhor. This is an important conclusion that holds true today. People who believe in God are different. We would not add anything to the cross of Jesus. We also separate cultural issues. We should hold fast to the essentials of faith and walk with a solid sense of common sense and social awareness.
3. The conflict between Barnabas and Paul (15:30-41)
Strangely enough, the conflict between Barnabas and Paul that occurred after the Jerusalem conference is recorded. They got into a heated argument over whether or not to take Mark, who had left in the middle of the first missionary journey, with them a second time. They could agree on the question of the nature of their faith, but they disagreed violently over the reputation and commitment of one man. Barnabas wanted to take Mark with him (v. 37). He wanted to give him a second chance. Paul, however, refuses (v.38). He says that missionary journeys are not fun. Barnabas, who focuses on people, and Paul, who focuses on works, clash in their thinking. In the end, they agree to go their separate ways. Barnabas would later disappear from Paul's presence and from the scene of the church's work. However, Mark, whom he had noticed, was eventually recognized by Paul. He replaced Barnabas as Paul's support. For Mark's growth, it can be said that he needed both Paul, who confronted him with his reality, and Barnabas, who continued to nurture him out of that reality. We should remember God who can use different people to nurture one person. I pray that today will be another good day.

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【シーズン6】使徒の働き14章 第一次宣教旅行の終了【聖書】人生💯倍の祝福😊

2024年06月26日 11時17分43秒 | 使徒の働き
使徒の働き14章 第一次宣教旅行の終了

Acts 14: The End of the First Mission Trip
 1. Paul Infected with Malaria
After touring the towns on the island of Cyprus, Paul traveled by boat to Perga, a town on the northern coast of present-day Turkey. At the time, the area was called the Roman province of Pamphylia, a flat land backed by the rugged Taurus Mountains and heading toward the Mediterranean Sea, but it was rainy, swampy, and prone to fever, including malaria. Paul, in the book of Galatians, which we will study later, says that he evangelized the Galatian region because "my flesh was weak" (Galatians 4:13), probably referring to the fact that he contracted malaria here in Perga and became ill after arriving in Antioch of Pisidia. It is likely. Paul and Barnabas continued north, over the pass of the Taurus Mountains, through Sagalassus and Izvarta, to Iconion. Iconium is a plateau at an altitude of 1,000 meters, and the climate was just right for Paul to recuperate from his malaria.
2. Paul praised as a god (14:1-18) 
But even there, Paul encountered adversaries. He then moved on to Listeria. There, Paul is involved in an incident in which he is worshipped by the townspeople as a god in human form for performing a miracle to heal a man who was crippled from birth. Legend has it that the town was visited by two Greek gods, Zeus and Hermes, who were angered by the cold treatment of the people and destroyed the town. The people of the town were superstitious and believed that Zeus and Hermes had come again, and they worshipped Barnabas as Zeus and Paul as Hermes. Barnabas was worshipped as Zeus and Paul as Hermes, perhaps because Zeus was a tall, imposing, and majestic god and Hermes was a small, light-footed servant of Zeus.
At any rate, Paul did not allow the people of Lycaonia to worship themselves as gods. Worshiping men as gods, verse 16, was a thing of a "bygone era. Certainly there was such a time in Japan, or perhaps there are people who still live in such a culture. The Bible teaches that human beings are human beings and do not become gods, but rather should live humbly, remembering the true God who created them.
3. leadership of Paul (14:19-28)
Paul's godly treatment was short-lived, and in the same town, he was stoned, half to death this time. His life is like a roller coaster ride, but Paul is unfazed by it all.
The next day, Paul went to Derbe. Delbe is a town about 50 km southeast of Lycaonia. Today, there are only ancient ruins in the town, but Paul stayed there for a period of time to evangelize and gained many followers. Gaius was one of them (Acts 20:4). From here, Paul and Barnabas went back the way they came, revisiting Listeria, Iconium, Antioch, and other towns, encouraging the believers, and descending to the seaport of Athalia. One reason why Paul turned back, v. 22, is that he wanted to strengthen the faith of the newly believers. It is also said that the kingdom of Commagene, with its thriving Mithraism, was beyond and would not have accepted Paul and his friends. Saul's hometown of Tarsus was just a stone's throw away, but the harsh mountain paths of the Taurus Mountains that lay before them would have been difficult for Paul, who was seriously injured.
At any rate, Paul says in verse 22, "We must go through much suffering to enter the kingdom of God. I am sure that Paul's words must have made people straighten up their backs to hear him say this, even though he was covered with wounds. Thus ended the first missionary journey, which took nearly four years. During this trip, Paul's leadership position was established, and his name came to the forefront as Barnabas and Paul became Paul's group (Acts 13:13). But of course, it is the resurrected Jesus, not Paul, who is at the forefront of the mission. It is Jesus with us who heals, reconciles, and gives life. Paul is only his servant. So are we. May the name of the Lord Jesus be exalted. I pray that you have a good day today. 

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【シーズン6】使徒の働き13章 アンティオキア教会の宣教の始まり【聖書】人生💯倍の祝福😊せない

2024年06月25日 10時52分53秒 | 使徒の働き
使徒の働き13章 アンティオキア教会の宣教の始まり

Acts 13: The Beginning of the Mission of the Church of Antioch 
1. Worship in the Church of Antioch (13:1-3)
Antioch is important in many ways in the history of the early church. One of the first administrators of the Jerusalem church was a convert from that city (Ac 6:5). It was also the first city where a church was established outside of Jerusalem. It was also the city where Jesus' followers were called Christians (Ac 11:19-26), and the first missionary team recorded in the Bible was sent from here. It was also the church that inspired the first public conference on theological issues to be held in Jerusalem (Ac 15).
The church that was the starting point of all beginnings from which we can learn more about its work is the record of the missionary journeys that furthered the vision of Jesus. It began with the worship of that church. For this church, worship was about focusing on the will of God, letting the Holy Spirit speak to them, and in response, consecrating and sending out the missionaries Barnabas and Paul. I want to reflect on whether or not we come to worship each week with that kind of attitude. For the church in Antioch, worship was a place where God's vision was shared, decisions were made, and action was taken.
2. The Dispensation of the Church of Antioch (13:4-12)
In verse 4, they first went to the island of Cyprus, the home of Barnabas. Cyprus means copper. There was a lot of copper mined there, and it was also called the island of happiness. It was an island where you could find any resource that would create a happy life. Therefore, Cyprus was conquered by various countries such as Egypt, Phoenicia, Assyria, Persia, Greece, and Rome, and various idols, which could be called the heritage of each country, took root in the land.
In verse 6, Papos landed at the western end of the island, that is, they landed from the eastern side and went around the island, and as they were leaving the island, they met a man named Elima, a sorcerer. He opposed Paul and tried to prevent Sergio Paulus, the governor, from listening to Paul's words and coming to faith. Paul confronted the man directly and demonstrated the power of God to blind the man for a while. This is another demonstration of the power of the Holy Spirit in evangelism. However, it was an evangelism that revealed what true faith was like, which was different from the idolatrous faith that abounded in Papos.
3. Mark's departure (13:13-15)
Now the missionary team leaves the island and travels to Perga in Pamphylia, on the northern coast of modern Turkey. There John Mark left the team (v.13). There are several theories as to why. One theory is that after the confrontation with Elima the sorcerer, leadership shifted from Barnabas to Paul, and John, who was related to Barnabas, could not keep up with the situation. Another theory is that malaria was prevalent in the coastal region of Perga at the time, and Paul actually contracted the disease and went to Antioch in Pisidia (highlands) to recover from his illness, but was unable to endure the hardships of such a mission. There is a later story about Mark that we will discuss later, but the missionary work continues.
4. Paul's Sermon (13:16-52)
Beginning with verse 16 we have Paul's first sermon. It was a three-point discourse: the history of Israel (vv. 16-23), the ministry of Jesus (vv. 24-30), and salvation by faith (vv. 31-41). In other words, Jesus came as the promised Messiah, the descendant of David, and His life was the fulfillment of that prophecy, which we are encouraged to accept by faith. It carefully speaks of the forgiveness of sins through the cross of Jesus to Gentiles who know nothing of the Bible or of Jesus (v. 39). This is a very different approach from the earlier epistles. Paul spoke plainly, appealed to people's reason, and forced them to make a decision. Faith has power, but it also has content that is worth believing. I wish you a good day today.

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