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【シーズン6】人生💯倍の祝福😊【聖書】使徒の働き6章 教会の実際的課題

2024年06月19日 09時46分17秒 | 出エジプト記
使徒の働き6章 教会の実際的課題
Acts 6: Practical Issues for the Church
1. Solving the Problem of Rationing (6:1-6)
The first problem that arose in the activities of the early church was "hypocrisy. The next problem that arose was the problem of "discrimination" in verse 1. Some may be disappointed and think that the church is no different from the world. However, what makes the church different from the world is that the church follows God's will and builds better relationships in such situations. It is common for people to distance themselves or criticize and leave when they see aspects of the church that they don't like. I have had such disappointments in the churches I have pastored. But what the Bible teaches us is that it is in these times that we should all pray together and follow Jesus' teaching of love and desire to deepen relationships and perfect the church.
So let us see how they overcame this problem. The first problem was the clash between the naturalized Greek-speaking Jews (Hellenists) and the Aramaic-speaking Jews (Hebrews) who had grown up in Palestine. They said there was an unfair response to the daily rations. But, verse 2, the issue was more complicated. There was also the problem of the Twelve Apostles who were too busy and attentive to act unfairly.
As the work of the Church becomes more diverse and larger, spiritual involvement and care must be valued even more. The more the church grows, the more important it becomes to give time to pastors who are dedicated to this, and to select and entrust the practical matters to workers who can do them well, so that the church can optimize its performance.
In this way, the early church did not let the conflict end in disappointment, but used it as an opportunity to strengthen the essential functions of the church and further improve the efficiency of its work and move forward. There is nothing better than a church with wisdom and unity that seeks to perfect the church.
 2. The Appearance of Stephen
2. The Appearance of Stephen (6:7-15)
Beginning in verse 8, the focus shifts to Stephen, one of the previously chosen stewards. Stephen was initially chosen as a respected steward, but he was also often used as a missionary. Luke introduces Stephen as a man "full of grace and power. He was truly a disciple of Jesus, and the Holy Spirit worked well with him.
However, the presence of the Holy Spirit does not mean that everything goes well. There were also hostile actions against Stephen. The word "bondman" in verse 9 means "set free. It refers to the Jews who were captured by the Roman emperor Pompeius in 63 B.C. and forced to emigrate to Rome, but who were later freed. After their liberation, they built their own synagogue in Jerusalem and called it Liberated. The Apostle Paul, who appears later in the book, seems to have had something to do with them. In fact, Paul was from Tarsus, or Cilicia, and is thought to have been one of the Crenæ, Alexandrians, and people from Cilicia and Asia who argued with Stephen here. In any case, they opposed Stephano and challenged him to an argument. When they realized that they could not win the argument, they tried to eliminate Stephen by force.
While it is wonderful to taste and live the Word of God, we are sometimes faced with the difficulty of speaking the Word of God. This is because the gospel changes our actual lives, as verse 15 says, "It changes the customs that Moses handed down to us. For some, this may be a threat. But the magnitude of the grace the Gospel brings makes it worth the sacrifice of a life well lived. For though invisible to the eye, the true and living God is a God of blessings, and He is good to those who accept Him.

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【シーズン6】人生💯倍の祝福😊【聖書】使徒の働き7章 ステパノの殉教

2024年06月19日 09時44分54秒 | 出エジプト記
使徒の働き7章 ステパノの殉教
Acts 7: Stephen's Martyrdom 
1. Stephen's Defense and Death (7:1-50)
The trial of Stephen begins. The context continues from 6:8, and chapter 7 focuses on Stephen's defense in court. He begins by reviewing the historical walk of the Israelites with God and discusses the question of how they have walked with God. He begins with Abraham, the father of Israel (vv. 2-8), then Joseph (vv. 9-16), Moses (vv. 17-43), and Israel's 40 years in the wilderness (vv. 39-43). He then points out two things. First, throughout their history, the Israelites have not accepted the prophets and messengers sent by God. Second, throughout their history they have been more concerned with worshipping idols in the form of snakes and oxen than with the invisible and true God, and they have never kept the Law. That is why the Jews ended up killing Jesus, the righteous one who was foretold and sent by God. No different from the steps of their forefathers, they ended up killing Jesus, the beloved Son of God. 
This must have been a very painful statement for the Jewish religious leaders to hear. The words "uncircumcised in heart and ears" (v.51) are a scathing criticism of the congregation. The Jews, enraged by Stephen's words, drove him out of the city and stoned him to death. It is rare that a person can accept the truth, even after being hit where it hurts and realizing that it is true. But what faith requires is humility and courage. Without the humility to understand the reality presented to us and the courage to accept it, we cannot take the first step of faith.
2. The Significance of Stephen's Death (7:51-60)
Stephen was easily buried, but was his death in vain? Before he died, he prayed, "Lord, do not lay this sin on them. It seems that his noble prayer was in vain. But it was not so.
First, Stephen's death was an honor to himself: in verse 56 we read that Stephen saw the glory of God and the risen Christ. Jesus himself, who had ascended and taken his place at the right hand of God, stood up and greeted the first martyr with a standing ovation.
Second, while the death of Stephen clearly condemns the Israelites, it also proclaims that their sins have been forgiven. The Israelites killed John the Baptist, then Jesus, and finally buried Stephen. It is clearly an act of high treason against God. But like the cross of Jesus, Stephen is there to pray for the forgiveness of the sins of the Israelites. The question is whether they have the courage to accept it.
Third, Stephen's death marked a new turning point for the church. It intensified the persecution, and the church was scattered from Jerusalem to Judea and Samaria. But it would continue to spread the gospel far and wide among the Gentiles (8:2).
Finally, the death of Stephen turned the persecutor Paul to Christ (8:1). This makes Paul a fierce persecutor of Christ and brings him into captivity to Christ. It is important to note that neither Paul nor those in the church were unbelievers. It was those who believed in God that God called to repentance. Stephen's message was a question to the believers about the state of their faith. It is also a question to us. If we say that we have faith, but in reality we are only a two-tiered, self-serving, secularistic, and profit-motivated believer, then we are just like the religious people of that time. We must have the courage to question our own beliefs. I wish you a good day today.

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【シーズン6】人生💯倍の祝福😊【聖書】ヨハネの福音書11章 いのちの主

2024年06月03日 12時53分38秒 | 出エジプト記
ヨハネの福音書11章 いのちの主
John 11: The Lord of Life
1. the glory of God appears (11:1-16)
About 3 km east of Jerusalem, there was a town called Bethany. There was a house of Lazarus where Jesus always visited and healed his tiredness. One day, Lazarus became ill and his sister sent a messenger to Jesus asking for help. However, Jesus, hearing of his serious illness, did not immediately sit up. Moreover, he deliberately delayed his departure by two days. Of course, Jesus had a plan.
Earlier, Jesus had performed a divine miracle on a man born blind "that the glory of God might be revealed," and in verse 4, Jesus was about to show Lazarus a sign that "the glory of God would be revealed. He was not asking him to look at words, but at works. God alone can do the work of bringing back to life what was already dead and finished, or bringing blind eyes to see what was born blind. Simply put, no human being can do these things. But Jesus had that power.
Jesus' words are not a bluff or a comfort. Jesus' words are the words of God that make the impossible possible. If that is so, then there is no doubt that there is great potential for those who trust in his words.
2. the death of Lazarus (11:17-46)
Lazarus' sisters, Martha and Mary, who greet Jesus, are contrasted in their responses. Martha and Mary speak the same words to Jesus, but their hearts are completely different. Martha acts stout-heartedly, while Mary reveals her broken heart and prostrates herself at Jesus' feet. Jesus' response to them is also different. To the calm Martha, Jesus urges her to have faith in the Word of God (vv. 22-26); to the emotional Mary, Jesus simply asks her to share her grief and indignation (vv. 33-36). Jesus was flexible.
And Jesus raised Lazarus. It is impossible to open the eyes of a man who has met a man born blind, or to raise a man from the dead. But it was a sign, verse 42, that Jesus was God, a sign that the Savior promised in the Old Testament had come.  
Furthermore, Jesus once told his mother Mary that the hour had not yet come, but now he tells her that the hour has come. And that time was to clearly show who the promised Savior was. The many miracles that Jesus has performed so far testify to his divinity. But it is God who reveals what He came all the way to earth to do.
3. the testimony of Caiaphas (11:47-57)
Let us turn our attention to the testimony of the high priest Caiaphas in the second half. His testimony conveys two extremely important truths about Jesus. It tells us the spiritual meaning of why Jesus had to hang on the cross. One, in verse 50, was so that Jesus could "die on behalf of the people, so that the whole nation would not perish." Jesus' crucifixion was intended to be a substitutionary death, taking God's punishment as a substitute so that the sins of all mankind could be forgiven. But that is not all. Secondly, in verse 52, Jesus also died "not only for the nation, but also to gather together in one the children of God who are scattered." Jesus' cross was also so that those whose sins had been forgiven, accepted by God, and sanctified might be gathered together.
This is a very practical statement. What lies at the root of the international conflicts that have been repeated throughout human history is the sin of each individual human being, the sin of being prone to conflict. Peace treaties, peace movements, no matter how much we do such things, world peace is a pipe dream unless we are saved from the fact that human beings are fundamentally sinners. The starting point for this is the individual's acknowledgment of sin and desire for its forgiveness, reverence, and sanctification. Only then can it be possible to be united. I pray that you have a good day today.

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【シーズン6】人生💯倍の祝福😊【聖書】ルカの福音書24章 平安があるように

2024年05月24日 11時09分42秒 | 出エジプト記
ルカの福音書24章 平安があるように
Luke 24.
1. the resurrection of Jesus and the women (24:1-12)
Early Sunday morning, "the women came to the tomb where Jesus was buried" with the perfume they had prepared. The perfume here is for the mourning of the dead. In other words, these women had no idea that Jesus would be resurrected. They felt sorry for Jesus, who had been buried in the tomb in a hurry before the Sabbath, and wanted to give him a proper and careful burial.
However, when they arrived at the tomb, Jesus' body was gone. Then an angel appears and tells the women, v.6 "Why do you look for the living among the dead? He is not here. He is risen. Some argue that these latter words were added at a later date. But even if that were the case, it is in line with Luke's intention. They are the words of Jesus speaking to those who think he is dead. And that Jesus did indeed rise is made clear by the eyewitness testimony of various disciples. After that, we say that Jesus returned to heaven and sat at the right hand of God in heaven. We cannot physically witness the resurrected Jesus like the people of that time. We can only look up to Jesus with eyes of faith. But this does not mean that we believe in an imaginary world. Faith is believing that the resurrected Jesus still lives and works at the right hand of God.
2. the events on the way to Emmaus (24:13-35)
Now another dialogue of the disciples is recorded. They were discussing the resurrection of Jesus, who was supposed to have died. This is an episode that only Luke records. They were on their way from Jerusalem to Emmaus. Then the resurrected Jesus catches up with them and calls out to them. Strangely enough, they continue their journey, conversing with each other without realizing that the person who called out to them was Jesus. For them, as for the woman, the death of Jesus must have been an undeniable fact. So they may have thought that the person they were walking with was someone who looked a lot like Jesus, but were unaware of it.
It is just symbolic. We too often talk to Jesus through the Bible but do not clearly hear His flesh and blood voice. We often just casually skim through the Bible and don't face Jesus and receive His voice. What is important is that there will be a work of God that will "open the hearts of men to enlighten the Scriptures. We need to pray for God to open our hearts as we read the Bible. And we should read the Bible while exercising faith that there is power in what Jesus says.
3. peace be with you (24:36-53)
Luke quotes Jesus in verse 44, "The Law of Moses, the Books of the Prophets and the Psalms," that is, the Old Testament, and says that all that was written in the Old Testament was fulfilled in Jesus, and that Jesus is the promised Messiah and Savior. Beginning with his recognition and baptism as the Son of God by John the Baptist, his series of miracles and teachings, his days of conflict with Jewish religious leaders as he spoke of the true state of faith, and even his death, Jesus gave hope of salvation to repentant robbers and others, if one thinks about the record in Luke's gospel, Jesus is the righteous and believing Son of God, after all.
What must Theophilo have thought about the 24 chapters of Jesus' record? I wonder how he must have felt about the efforts of Luke, the intellectual of the time, who turned over all the documents and compiled them in order to make Jesus known to him. Jesus' words before his return to heaven were, "Peace be to you. Luke wanted Theophilo to know that God was calling him to a life of peace of soul.

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【シーズン6】人生💯倍の祝福😊【聖書】マルコの福音書9章 神の支配に生きる

2024年04月26日 11時47分07秒 | 出エジプト記
マルコの福音書9章 神の支配に生きる
Mark 9: Living in God's Reign
1. the Transfiguration Mount (9:1-6)
Verse 1: "There are those who will never taste death until they see the kingdom of God coming with power. First of all, "the kingdom of God is coming in power" can be said to refer to the various great events of Jesus' life, which are completed with the cross and resurrection, and to the events of Pentecost, the day of Pentecost, when the certainty of Jesus' words was recognized. They were able to taste the splendor of their life while they were still alive.
So we can say that the events on the Mount of Transfiguration, described from verse 2 onward, were also a concrete example of "the coming of the Kingdom of God in power. Jesus took only Peter, James, and John up to the high mountain. There, a change in Jesus' appearance took place. The Greek word translated "change of appearance" is metamorphosthai. It is a special word used to describe the transformation of the gods into human beings or, conversely, the transformation of human beings into the image of the gods. It also says that Jesus' garments shone pure white. In Judaism, white is the color of the divine world, so this means that Jesus represented Himself as a divine being who transcended worldly sensibilities. In other words, here the disciples had an experience that convinced them that Jesus was nothing but God! They had an experience that convinced them that Jesus is nothing other than God! Then, in verse 6, Peter was "struck with fear. Peter later said that he was "an eyewitness of the majesty of Christ" (2 Peter 1:16). Peter was a man who experienced witnessing the presence of God in the midst of the many things that people experience, which means that it was a terrifying experience.
2. casting out the spirit (9:14-29)
Now, when they got off the mountain, the other disciples were in trouble. They were unable to cast out the evil spirits and were troubled by the religious people who were getting more involved (v. 14). Oh, these are unbelieving times" (v. 19), something that seems to irritate Jesus a bit. Here, we are tempted to excuse ourselves from the position of the irritated disciples. If only there had been something special like what Peter experienced, he would have been able to cast out the evil spirits, too. In other words, our reality is that we cannot say straight out, "Please help me," like the father here, but can only show half-hearted faith, saying, "If you can, please help me. We may say with our mouths that we believe in God, but the substance of that belief is flimsy.
3. keep your saltiness (9:30-50)
Oh, if only we had an experience like Peter's! Yet even Peter, who had such an experience, later betrayed Jesus. I guess the important thing is to become more aware of such unbelieving spiritual reality of ours. In other words, to become more aware of the way we are like a seed sown on thorny ground (chapter 4). We believe in God, but the world and the lusts of the world also fill our hearts, and of course, the fruit of faith does not come to fruition.
From verse 30 onward, the disciples are absorbed in a debate about who is the greatest. That interest, that discussion, is the very heart of the thorny ground. In this way, we may understand that we are like a seed sown on thorny ground in every respect.
At any rate, to such people Jesus taught in verse 35, "Be ye servants to all," and in verse 37, "Be like children. Let us understand well the truth of what Jesus said. In other words, those who serve are entertained, and they operate on different principles and senses than the customers. Children, too, live with very different ideas and senses than adults. In other words, Jesus is saying that we are to live by completely different principles and senses than those who do not believe in God.
Otherwise, how could he possibly say in verse 50, "Be the light of the world and the salt of the earth"? The important thing is, Lord, give me principles and senses that are completely different from those of the people of this world. Give me a heart like a child's, only through your mercy, deliver me and change me, I pray. Let us pray! Now I pray that you have a good day today.

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