from today's Nikkei

2007年04月05日 11時17分13秒 | 新聞記事から
医療の質向上へファンド 経営効率改善狙う 三井物産 老人ホーム投資 ドイツ証券 病院に土地賃貸
A series of investment funds,which specialize in in investment in the fields of medical treatment and nursing care,has been set up.Mitsui & Co.,Ltd. has established a fund,which invests in nursing care homes for the elderly,and Deutche Securities Co.,Ltd.has decided to set up a hospital fund, which,for example,rents hospitals land lots.Through these movement,advancement of the quality of medical treatment is expected.Another expected effect is improvement of the so-called management efficiency in the fields.
参考: a series of 複数名詞は、単数で扱います。

from today's Nikkei

2007年04月04日 09時42分37秒 | 新聞記事から
海外貸付保険料 3割下げ 日本貿易保険 夏に140か国・地域 企業の新興国進出支援
Independent administrative institute Japan Trade Insurance has decided to reduce its premiums for insurances for financial institutions' loans to Japanese companies which operate their businesses overseas by about 30 percent around this summer.The insurance is paid to financial institutions when they can not get the refund due to the misfortunes caused by natural disasters or terrorism attacks.This decision is aimed at encouraging domestic companies to advance into the so-called developing countries.The number of the targeted countries and territories likely will come to be some 140.

from today's Nikkei

2007年04月03日 09時42分12秒 | 新聞記事から
年金開始、欧米引き上げ 独67歳 仏2年遅く 財政破綻を回避
European countries have set out to raise their pension-benefit-delivery starting ages all at once, for example, with Geramny delaying it from the current 65 years old to 67 years old,and France also delaying it by nearly two years. In Belgium, the age when women can receive the pension will be raised.In the U.S. also, there has been emerging a discussion of delaing the benefit-pay starting age again. These moves all are aimed at evading the financial collapses of their pension schemes.

from today's Nikkei

2007年04月02日 11時00分14秒 | 新聞記事から
割安 20年住宅ローン 住宅金融支援機構 提携商品を拡充 夏メド 借り換えも導入 三菱東京UFJ月内に取扱開始
Independent administrative institution Housing Loans Supporting Institute, which was newly established April 1,former Housing Finances Public Corporation, likely will revise its staple long-term,fixed-rate housing loan products. Currently interest rates for loans up to 35 years are fixed. But, if the term is shorter than 20 years, it wants to make its tie-up financial institutions to start selling its new products with lower interest rates than usual around this summer.

from today's Nikkei

2007年04月01日 18時57分08秒 | 新聞記事から
女性を長期戦力に 大手企業 人材確保へ制度整備 朝日生命、キリンビール管理職数に目標 三菱商事など 復職制度を拡充
Domestic major companies have embarked on establishing the framework in which they make the most use of female employees' power as human resources in the long run. For example, Asahi Mutual life Insurance Co. and Kirin Brewery Co.,Ltd. have already set up the targeted number of managerial posts their female employees should take in their organaizations. And other companies like Mitsubishi Corp.have made the system where female employees who quitted the company can returun to their former companies within several years under a certain decided condition.