from today's Nikkei

2007年04月10日 09時20分40秒 | 新聞記事から
中国の開発拠点拡充 日立、北京の研究員2.5倍 マイクロソフト、米国並み 日米欧大手 豊富な理系活用
Major companies in Japan, Europe,and the U.S. have begun considering China to be important hubs for their global R&D activities, and enhancing their potentials. For Example, Hitachi,Ltd. will increase the number of researchers in Beijin 2.5 times,and Microsoft Corporation also will increase its researchers in Beijin to the level almost on a par with those at its headquarters in Redmond,Seattle,Washington.Behind these movement is the fact that China is rich in human resources in the scientific fields and their wages are in the relatively low level.

from today's Nikkei

2007年04月09日 09時41分05秒 | 新聞記事から
東京 石原氏が3選 13知事選 現職の9氏全勝 神奈川松沢氏 福岡麻生氏4選
Votes for the 16th unified local elections, such as 13 gubernatorial elections and 4 ordinace-designated city's mayoral elections, were counted on the sunday evening.In tokyo, incumbent governor Shintaro Ishihara was elected to a third term of four years.In the 13 gubernatorial elections, incumbent 9 governors all won the election.In Kanagawa prefecture, Narifumi Matsuzawa was reelected, and In Fukuoka Prefecture, Wataru aso was elected to a fourth four-year term.At the showdowns between LDP and DPJ in the 5 constituencies,LDP got three wins.

from yesterday's Nikkei

2007年04月09日 09時10分39秒 | 新聞記事から
時下総額 アジア企業が躍進 1兆円超109社 日本に肉薄 高い成長性、投資呼ぶ
In the world stock markets, corporates' values have been increasing. The number of the companies whose market capitalizations in terms of yen exceeded 1 trillion yen as of the end of March topped one thousand for the first time. Especially, Asian companies were conspicuous among them, with one in ten companies, concretely 109, being Asians.Like this, Asian companies have been closing in Japanese companies.Behind this there was a fact that Asian market was evaluated as a high growth one and then investment funds across the world flowed in there.

from today's Nikkei

2007年04月07日 21時14分15秒 | 新聞記事から
厚生年金との一元化 共済積立金 統合は半分 残り24兆円 公務員側に配分 来週に法案閣議決定 「官民格差」温存も
While the government is to decide at the cabinet meeting next week a bill for integrating the so-called employees' pension scheme and mutual-aid pension scheme, only about half of the accumulated fund of mutual-aid pension for public employees likely will be offered to the integration.It will be 28 trillion yen. And the remaining 24 trillion yen will be used for the added-on benifit only fot public employees.With this regard ,some people are concern about its plan,saying that there will remain a so-called gap between the public sector and the private sector.

from today's Nikkei

2007年04月06日 09時45分22秒 | 新聞記事から
就業率に数値目標 諮問会議10年計画 既婚女性7割に上げ 労働市場改革案 年労働時間を1割短縮
The outline of the reform draft for Japan' labor market the government's Council of Economy and Fiscal Policy, chaired by Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, will compile, in order to sustain Japan's economy's growth potential in the long term, was made clear Thursday. According to it, the government will make figure targets which should be accomplished in ten years so that get-jobs-ratio, the ration of the people actually working of the total population, should be raised.Specifically, one target is that get-jobs-ratio of married women aged from 25 years old to 44 years old should be increased to 70 percent. Another target is shortening people's working hours per year by 10 percent.