from an editorial of Yomiuri

2006年10月01日 19時19分10秒 | 新聞記事から
(  )内はThe Daily Yomiuri による英訳。《   》内は私の元のものを直したもの。
Child abuse: The plice should wield its power to enter the house ,if necessary, in order to prevent domestic child abuses
(A child abuser's home must be his castle)

Children who suffer domestic violence in their homes can neither ask for help nor escape from there.
(Children abused by their parents at home cannot turn to anyone for help.They have nowhere to escape to.)

Therefore, the relevant institutions should firmly handle this matter.
(With this in mind,all organizations involved in preventing child abuse must fulfill their duties to the full.)

The Police Agency issued to the prefectural police headquarters notification that they should intervene in the affair,when they suspect of child abuse at any home.Acording to the notification, the police headquarters are asked to rigorously investigate the affair《cases》 ,with various kinds of crimes,such as violence and attempted murder,in mind.《with the possibility of various kinds of crimes,such as violence and attempted murder, in mind.》
(The National Police Agency recently issued a notice to prefectural police authorities informing them that they should not hesitate to go into the homes of parents suspected of abusing their children.The directiveis part of a strategy of enuring-first and foremost-the safety of potential victims.The NPA has alsourged police authorities to rigorously investigate suspected abusers by invoking all and any Criminal Code provisions as required,including those related violence and attempted murder.)


