from today's Nikkei

2007年04月14日 11時20分35秒 | 新聞記事から
損失リスク表示義務 政省令案公表 ファンド規制導入 金融商品取引法 9月完全施行
The Financila Services Agency released Friday its draft for the ministerial ordinance related to the Financial Products Transaction Law,which would be a basic law for financial services deals.According to the plan, the agency intends to introduce a new regulation imposed on the financial institutions including the so-called investment funds.Specifically, the new regulation oblige the finacial services providers to exhibit in advertisements or pamphlets such things as how much chrages clients should pay come or how much losses clients might suffer in the most serious cases. Through these measures, they want to accelerate the protection for participants and generate a transparent market available for the people from all over the world.The Financila Products Transaction Law is slated to go into effect on a fullfledged basis in September.


