from today's Nikkei

2008年06月17日 10時52分50秒 | 新聞記事から
値上げ食品 売上高減 パン・牛乳・みそ・・・15品目中10品 節約志向 自主企画品を選考 本社調査

According to a survey carried out by The Nihon Keizai Shimbun, amidst of series of food price hikes in recent months,it has been learned that sales of foods such as bread,milk,cup noodles and soy sauce,have declined after their price hikes.The survey was conducted on fifteen staple foods,and ten out of the fifteen items have shown their sales decrease.However, there is another aspect in the survey that some private brand (PB) products have shown their sales increase. It means that more and more economy-minded consumers are preferring more inexpensive PB products.


