from today's Nikkei

2009年05月17日 10時31分58秒 | 新聞記事から
民主代表に鳩山氏 29票差、岡田氏破る 政権交代へ挙党態勢 小沢・岡田氏に執行部入り要請

The Democratic Party of Japan on Saturday held at a hotel in Tokyo a plenary meeting of its all Diet members and decided to name its former Secretary-General Yukio Hatoyama,62, as a successor of Ichiro Ozaw,to be the president.As a result of its Diet members' ballots,Hatoyama,getting 124 votes, defeated Katsunari Okada, former Deputy President,55,getting 95 votes,with the margin of 29 votes. After the election, Hatoyama held a press conference and expressed his wish that both Ozawa and Okada would join the executive. He also said he will soon establish the framework within the party that the whole party gets joined for leading the party to victory in the coming the House of Representatives elections and realizing the change of power.
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