from yesterday's Nikkei

2009年05月03日 11時47分27秒 | 新聞記事から
上場企業 1-3月は経常赤字 四半期で初 車・電機の不振波及 本社集計

Among the listed companies,more and more are seeing their business performances declining.

According to the data of preliminary compilation of account settlement of the firms whose business term ends at March 31,carried out by The Nihon Keizai Shimbun,the firms' result in the fourth quarter period ( January through March this year) is the red in ordinary profit and loss division on a consolidated basis,with the financial sector excluded.

It is the first time that the quarter period red result on the whole has been recorded since the April-June in 2006 period from which comparable data are available.

This is mainly because automobile and electric machinery business performances declined sharply ,caused by the global recession spreading at the beginning of this year, and further that movement influenced the material industry.

While non-manufacturing companies showed a little increase of their profits on average in the period, many export-dependent companies were hit heavily by the global recession.

Although many comapnies are continuing their inventory adjustment efforts and others,their business performances in this business term also are likely to be not so good.
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from today's Nikkei

2009年05月03日 10時56分32秒 | 新聞記事から
金融安定化 アジア向け10兆円枠 政府提案へ 6兆円は円建て 外貨準備から拠出

According to sources familiar with the matter,the government is planning to establish a new scheme to supply a yen emergency fund (of) up to 6 trillion yen from the foreing currency reserves to Asian countries if they are forced to fall into a financial crisis.As he government has also decided to inject 40 billion dollars ( about 4 trillion yen) into Chiang Mai Initiative,this means Japan will be ready for the emergency support of a total of about 10 trillion yen for helping Asian countries stabilize their financial markets when hit by such a financial crunch as the ongoing global financial crises.

参考:今豊浜のサービスエリアで休憩中です。事故があり交通渋滞中。名詞化ということを最近よく申し上げているわけですが、今日の記事では、例えば、「総額10兆円の危機対応枠」という言葉。言い方はいろいろあるわけです。私の今日の例では、対応枠という言葉自体を、緊急援助という言葉に変えて、英語でのhead noun をsupport としています。また次のような考え方もあります。漢字はそれ自体で大きな意味を持っているので、危機対応枠という言葉の字義通りに、crisis management framework という言葉を作る。それでおかしいとは言えないと思います。ただわかりにくかろうと思う。その理由は、framework がわかりにくいのではないか。なので、その代わりに、scheme とかprogram とかをつかえばわかりやすくなるのではないか。
私の趣味では、crisis-coping-with framework という風にいいたがる傾向があります。
総額10兆円は、a total of 10 trillion yen とか ten trillion yen in total とかの言葉をどこかにひっつけるわけです。of でつなげば何とかなっているみたいです。
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