from today's Yomiuri

2008年12月02日 11時57分05秒 | 新聞記事から
新車販売27%下落 11月の国内 39年ぶりの低水準

According to the data released on December 1 by the Japan Automobile Sales Association,the number of new passenger cars sold at home in November by automobile car dealers was 27.3 percent down from the same month of the previous year to 215,783 units,which recorded the highest ever declining rate in Novembers. And this number of new car sales has been very low after a 39-year interval since 1969.

①: after a 39-year interval ②: for the first time in 39 years です。


2008年12月02日 11時50分47秒 | その他

I want to make sure I understand. Could you repeat your question, please.


2008年12月02日 11時39分50秒 | 自分の意見の陳述
11月29日のblogで「2009年度の社会保障費の増加」という言葉を「the fiscal 2009 social security spending increase」としました。こういう言葉を単順に並べて名詞を作る方法もあるのだということは、知っていたらいいことだと思います。困ったら、とにかく並べておく。日本語の漢字熟語もそういう構成なわけです。こうした名詞の作り方は、少々勇気がいることではあります。「ほんとにこれでいいのかな・・・・」という感じの違和感が付きまとうのです。

the increase of the social security spending in fiscal 2009 などと普通は言うわけです。この方が普通使う英語なので、冒頭のような英語は少々陳腐感があるわけです。

from today's Nikkei

2008年12月02日 11時08分13秒 | 新聞記事から
資金調達 逼迫間強まる 銀行間金利、14日連続上昇 社債発行難、借り入れ急増 利下げ効果帳消し

A sense of imminence has been increasing in collecting funds in the domesytic financial market because of the current worldwide financial turnmoil. Specifically, the interst rates for commercial papers issued by corporations have been increasing, and the range added to the national bond interest rate has come to the level of that of ten years ago when financial crisis occured. In these circumstances,the number of companies that borrow money from other companies has increased and then the rates for the inter-company money-borrowing have been increasing for the consecutive 14th day.These kinds of phenomina mean to set off the policy interest rate cut off implemented by the Bank of Japan at the end of Ocotber.