from today's Nikkei

2008年12月05日 08時43分44秒 | 新聞記事から
欧州、同時に大幅利下げ ユーロ圏0.75%、英1.0% 景気下支え 異例の3カ月連続 歴史的低水準

Central banks in Europe greatly lowered their policy rates at the same time on December 4th.The ranges of the reduction are 0.75% in the euro zone and 1.0 % in U.K. This is a very unusual case that central banks in Europe have cut their interest rates for the consecutive third month. These actions are obviously aimed at bolstering their ailing economies.In these circumstances,their interest rates have come to be in their historic low levels.

注:in these circumstances というのは私の最近の口癖であります。とにかく適当なところに来ると、これを使いたくなる。
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