

シェルダン・ナイドル10/6:プロト・銀河社会への移行に向かう世界 2

2009-10-08 10:05:40 | ファーストコンタクト
With this behind you, you can begin to delve in earnest into your true history and your spiritual and physical origins. The universe you live in is quite different from what you have been told. The physical universe is a vast conglomeration of realms, dimensions, and Spirit, all held together by Love, Light, and Consciousness. Within the vast scope of these nearly infinite realms is to be found the truth of who you truly are, leading you ultimately to the Supreme Creative Force, a Triune Being of immense Love, Light, and Spirit. It is this universal source that we are endlessly absorbed in learning about and from. The key is that we are a great living unity, a sum of many parts. Each has a purpose and a reason to extend into many different lifetimes. In our reality we experience only the Now, which encompasses past, present, and future, and within these illusory states are the means to live many interrelated lifetimes. These lifetimes can provide a fast track to the acquisition of wisdom, which in turn leads us to Truth!
As you know by now, your society is at a crossroads, where your choice is either to adopt a wholly new paradigm and survive, or continue to muddle on in ignorance and perish! Our Science and Exploration Fleet watch your world closely and report back to the Regional Federation Council. In this instance, the Divine altered this standard procedure: We have been detailed to ensure your successful survival and your return to full consciousness, and this of course changes our normal first contact protocols. You are now at a point where the aforementioned transition needs to be properly put in motion, and we are ready to intervene even more massively than at present in order to effect this. Pursuant to this, we have put in place a number of working options. Two points are important here: You do not have much time left, and a great many of these requisite changes need your full and heartfelt participation.
Your successful survival mandates you changing your fundamental societal paradigms. Your society is predicated on constant economic growth and open-ended exploitation of Mother Earth's resources. This untenable modus operandi is to shift to a celebration of a "living Earth" which ends the usage of Mother Earth's natural resource. Instead, you are to expand your energy resource base and use your consequently revised technologies to replicate whatever your society may require. This means that you make a huge break away from your traditional theories of how your society sustains itself. You cease harvesting, mining, and cutting down Earth's natural resources and plumb the knowledge contained in your expanding consciousness. You can then apply these discoveries to provide abundantly for yourselves and your societies, thus moving to first base on your path to your true galactic society.
Sheldon Nidle Sirian Update Oct 6/09


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上空には・・・。 (twinkle star)
2009-10-08 18:45:02





