

Excerpt from Part 17-Pleiadian Alaje-Lightwork-Atlantis Bimini

2016-09-26 06:55:36 | プレアデス評議会

Part 17-Pleiadian Alaje-Lightwork-Atlantis Bimini-English Sub

Greetings,this is ALAJE from the star-system of the Plejades.

There is a spiritual transformation on Earth, because higher energies of the Existence are channeled to the planet into a higher level of evolution.

Indivisuals, who are touched by these higher energies of love, want to assist the planet in this prosess.

Since twelve years, I travel with many of those loving people to power spots on earth to channel higher vibrations of LOVE and clean the Earth from negateive energies.

In November 2011, I traveled with ten loving people to the island of Bimini in the Bermuda Triangle.

Bimini was a part of Atlantis, and close to it was the most energy center of Atlantis.

It was the vortex of Atlantis.

Before I show you our journey there, let me tell you the history of Atlantis, because the Earth civilization of today has a similar behavior.

In the pst 10 million years on Earth, eight technically advanced advanced civilizations have destroyed themselves at the end, because they abused technology and power, and did not live spiritually.

They were civilizatios of hymanoid and non-humanoid astronauts, who came from other parts of the universe.

Their weapons were a thousand times more destructive than what the Earth people have today, because they abused cosmic energy.

This is not fiction, but is the sad true history of Earth.

Their ways produced a strong radio activity, which have mulate creatures.

That is how the dinosaurs came, who were later, killed by other astronauts, to build a new civiliation.

This civiliazation abused weapons too, and destroyed the planet who use to be between Mars and Jupiter.

Today's astroid belt there, is what is left from that destroyed planet.

Approximetely one million years ago, other space travelers came and colonized the Earth.

They built the civilizations of Lemuria and Atlantis.

The earth back then looked different than today.

Lemuria was a continent in the Pacific Ocean.

Atlants was a continent in the Atlantic Ocean.

Atlantis was more advanced than today's Earth-humans, and they were using giant crystals with strong cosmic energy.

Their life spans could reach up to 1,000 years, they were able to communicate with higher dimensions and had the ability of time travel.

The continet of Atlantis had many island around it and they had many Atlantian colonies in other parts of the Earth.

Many differnt extraterrestrial races lived there hundreds of thousands years, spiritually and in harmony with the existence.

Their knowledge of the cosmos was thus growing, and they learned to use cosmic energy in technology.

About 700,000 years ago, began the downfall of their society, because many developed ego and arroganced, believing that they are gods.

Most lost their sprituality and abused cosmic energy to manuplate the thousands of others, or to make genetic manuplations with humans and animals.

This resulted in the stories about the ancient marmaids, minotaurs, cyplops or sea-monsters.

They were obsessed by power and technology, and they started wars against the Lemurians because they saw the planet as their own property.

They abused their power weapons and crystals very strongly, and about 12,000 years ago, they destroyed the entire continent of Atlantis in Wars.

The energy pulverized almost everything, so today there is not much left of Atlantis.

Some spiritual Atlanteans were able to flee before the disaster with their space ships.

This disaster caused a pole shift and the "great flood" as you call it today.

Years later, Atlanteans and other extrerrials came back in other parts of the earth, where they pass thor knowledge to others.

This is the reaon, why after the disaster other cultures such as Egypt or Greece had suddenly knowledge of mathematics, astronomy, medicine or architecture.

They used technology of levitation, to build pyramids on many places of this planet.

This abuse of power, energy and weapons happened at the end of the Atlantean civilization, is happening today again, on a smaller scale.

Even today there are people in power who want to control everything, with weapons, wars, religions, drugs, genetic and mental manuplation and greedy exploitation of earth's resources.

The rulers on earth spend trilions of dollars on weapons and drugs, rather than helping the entire planet to become a place of harmony where nobody has to starve.

This all happens because most earth humans have still not learned to live in harmony with light and love.

Most earth-people, laugh at light and love and worship ego, arrogance, greed, and hatred.

Such a course, leads to self-destruction.

This has happened many times in other civilizations.

Only when earth-humans learn to live with spiritual light and universal love, you can live a happy light-filled life without suffering, as it is the case on other planets.

For this reason, I am practicing my entire life light work, so the main energy on Earth in the future is LOVE, and not hate, destruction and suffering.

I travel with other loving people to voltex energy sites , so that our love becomes more powerful and thus has a greater healing effect on earth.












