

Fish Eggs in Japanese Cuisine

2007-02-01 15:47:28 | 真地球史
Few foreigners may try Tarako ( egg of codfish ) during their stay in Japan. This egg is quite popular among Japanese because it goes with Japanese rice quite well and various ways are possible to enjoy the taste. When baked, the smell is so nice that our appetite increases to the maximum level ! Also Tarako maches Otyaduke( rice with hot tea), so many Japanese restaurants add it to menus. Karashi Mentaiko ( musturd tasted tarako ) is also quite popular because musturd improves the reservation of food as well as it stimulates our appetite. Japanese popular foods seem to have the similar conditions for their attractions.


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Fish and seafood vs. meat (Niall)
2007-02-02 14:16:48
Spaghetti with fish eggs was a surprise for me! Maybe it`s only eaten in Japan. Japan is an island nation so fish and seafood are very important. Although England is an island too seafood is not so necessary in people`s diet because the country is a little wider than Japan and so in the past seafood and fish could not be transported far inland before spoiling. Also the country is flatter than Japan and there are many farms with cows so beef was always more important than fish.
True ! (flatheat)
2007-02-02 15:21:33
Japanese have quite a lot of words to call different parts on tuna, instead you have many
words for beef.