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World News


2011-09-14 | 中東北アフリカ情勢
U.S. Embassy Attack Highlights Afghan Security Issues         米国大使館攻撃アフガニスタン治安問題浮彫


by NPR Staff and Wires

Afghan security officials carry the body of a fallen comrade after several armed Taliban militants launched attacks in Kabul, Afghanistan, on Tuesday. 

September 13, 2011
Insurgents rained a barrage of rockets and gunfire on the U.S. Embassy and NATO headquarters Tuesday in a brazen attack in Afghanistan's capital that underscores their ability to stage operations even as coalition forces hand over security to Afghan troops. 

Brazen Assault In Kabul カブールでのあからさまな攻撃
September 13, 2011
The militants launched the high-profile assault just two days after the U.S. marked the 10th anniversary of the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks. It was the third major strike in Kabul since late June, casting fresh doubts on the ability of Afghans to secure their own country as the U.S. and other foreign troops prepare to withdraw by the end of 2014.
The Taliban claimed responsibility for the assault.
武装勢力は、米国が9.11のテロ攻撃10周年の追悼日を迎えた丁度2日後、目立つ目標への攻撃を仕掛けている。 これは7月末以来、今回で3度目の大きな攻撃であり、米国及び連合軍が2014年末までの撤退の準備をしているなかアフガニスタン自らの治安能力に新たな疑問を投げかけている。 タリバンは攻撃声明を発表した。
Loud Blasts And Gunfire
It began with a series of explosions that witnesses said enabled fighters to get into a nine-story building under construction in Abdul Haq square, about 300 yards from the U.S. Embassy. The gunmen then began firing down on the embassy, NATO headquarters and an American military base.
"It's a very tall building with a line of sight across all of the NATO headquarters, as well as the U.S. Embassy," NPR's Quil Lawrence reported from a nearby rooftop in central Kabul. He said the insurgents seemed "to have a great command of the surrounding area."
「そのビルは非常に高く、全てのNATO本部同様米国大使館にわたり、射撃のための視界が効く」とカブール中心地の近くの屋上から取材しているNPRのキル・ローレンスは伝えている。 彼によると武装勢力は周辺地域にかなりの部隊を配置している模様。

Journalists stand near a bullet-ridden van during Tuesday's attack in Kabul.   カブールにおける水曜日の攻撃の最中、被弾したバンの傍に立つ記者
The diplomatic compounds are located in Wazir Akhabar Khan, one of Kabul's most heavily secured neighborhoods. That part of the city has been under Afghan security control since this summer.
U.S. Embassy spokeswoman Kerri Hannan issued a statement confirming an attack by gunmen firing rocket-propelled grenades and small arms fire.
"We can confirm there are no casualties at this time among embassy personnel," she said.
One rocket-propelled grenade hit behind a minivan carrying schoolchildren, while another landed on a building housing privately owned Tolo TV. After an hour of sustained gunfire, U.S. special forces in helicopters arrived and exchanged fire with the insurgents in the building site, Lawrence said.
He said he could hear the sound of "steady but sporadic fire" amid alert sirens from the U.S. Embassy, where people were warned over the PA system to stay under cover. The compound also is home to a number of other foreign missions.
彼によると、米国大使館の警報サイレンの中で一定の散発的射撃音が響き、大使館の人々は拡声器で退避施設内に留まるよう警告を受けていた。 同施設は多くの外国のミッションが入っている。
Police Seal Off Parts Of Kabul  警察がカブールを封鎖
"There are Afghan soldiers and Afghan anti-terrorism personnel all over the streets," Lawrence said. He added that police had cordoned off a large section of the city.
Miles away in western Kabul, suicide bombers tried to attack police buildings in what appeared to be a synchronized strike, The Associated Press reported.
また、カブール西部から数マイル離れたところで、この攻撃に合わせて、警察の建物に自爆テロ攻撃があったとAPは伝えている。Kabul police said at least seven insurgents were involved in attacks around the city. Four were involved in the attack from the building, and three attempted to carry out suicide attacks. They said at least one Afghan police officer, a civilian, and two insurgents had been killed as gunfire and explosions resounded across the city well into the afternoon.
The Interior Ministry said nine people were wounded around the capital.
カブール警察によると少なくとも7人の武装勢力が都市周辺で攻撃に関与しており、内4人はビルからの攻撃に参加、3人は自爆テロを敢行した模様。 同警察は1名のアフガニスタン警察官、1名の民間人、2人の武装勢力分子が死亡したと発表。 銃声と爆発音は午後遅くまで市内に響き渡った。
NATO: Attack Meant To Disrupt Security Transfer  
In Brussels, NATO Secretary-General Anders Fogh Rasmussen said the "enemies of Afghanistan" were trying to disrupt the handing over of security responsibility to the Afghan army and police.
He said Afghan forces were already taking the lead for security in several provinces and districts that were home to a quarter of the population.
"Afghan security forces are growing both in numbers and quality, and I am confident they will take the lead for security throughout the country by the end of 2014 as we all agreed," Rasmussen said.

CIA Director David Petraeus said the attacks were carried out by "a handful of attackers, five or so, apparently armed with suicide vests."
Speaking at the State Department, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton called it a "cowardly attack" and said steps would be taken "to ensure that those who perpetrated this attack are dealt with." The White House said that President Obama had been briefed on the situation.
CIA長官のデイビッド・ペトレイアスは、攻撃は、明らかに自爆ベストを装着した5人かそこらの極めて少数のテロ部隊が実施していると述べた。 国務省では、ヒラリー・クリントン国務長官が、その攻撃を「卑怯な攻撃」と呼び、この攻撃の実行犯の対処を確実にするよう手段が講じられると述べた。 ホワイトハウスによるとオバマ大統領は、この攻撃の状況にについて報告を受けたとのこと。
Taliban spokesman Zabiullah Mujahid said a number of suicide bombers were attacking Afghan and foreign soldiers at the square. He claimed in a text message that suicide bombers using assault rifles were attacking the offices of the Afghan intelligence service.
Recent Surge In Attacks 最近の攻撃増加
Violence in the once-quiet capital has escalated in recent months.
On Aug. 18, Taliban suicide bombers stormed a British compound in an upscale Kabul neighborhood, killing eight people during an eight-hour firefight as two English-language teachers and their bodyguard hid in a locked panic room. Those killed included five policemen, a municipal worker, a security guard and a New Zealand special forces soldier who was shot in the chest as he tried to free the hostages — who survived.
8月18日に、タリバンの自爆テロがカブール近郊高級街にある英国施設を急襲し、2人の英語教師と彼らのボディーガードが施錠された防護室に閉じこもった際に、8時間に及ぶ銃撃戦で8人を殺害している。 8人の内訳は5人の警察官、1名の地方役場職員、1名の警備員、それと1名のニュージーランドの特殊部隊兵士で、彼は人質を解放しようとして、胸を撃たれたた。 人質は助かっている。

On June 29, nine insurgents wearing suicide vests stormed the Intercontinental Hotel armed with rifles and rocket launchers on the eve of a major conference on Afghan governance. They killed at least 12 people and held off NATO and Afghan forces for five hours, until U.S.-launched helicopter strikes killed the last insurgents hiding on the roof.
6月29日、9人の武装勢力分子が自爆ベストを着用して、ライフルとロケットランチャーで武装し、アフガニスタンの大きな統治会議の前夜にインターナショナルホテルを襲撃した。 彼らは少なくとも12名を殺害し、米軍がヘリ攻撃で最後のテロ分子を屋上で殺害するまで、NATOとアフガニスタン軍を5時間にわたり阻止拘束した。
NPR's Quil Lawrence and Renee Montagne reported from Kabul, Afghanistan, for this story, which contains material from The Associated Press.