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リビア情勢(速報10) ナイジェリアに亡命? 

2011-09-07 | 中東北アフリカ情勢
Libyan Rebels Press Gains as Some Loyalists Are Said to Flee


Libya's Transitional National Council negotiators and tribal elders from Bani Walid met in a mosque near the city to talk about a peaceful surrender on Tuesday.

Published: September 6, 2011

TRIPOLI, Libya — Rebel negotiators pressed fighters loyal to Col. Muammar el-Qaddafi in the town of Bani Walid to surrender on Tuesday amid reports of loyalists fleeing the country and confusion over the whereabouts of the former Libyan leader.

Alexandre Meneghini/Associated Press
Rebel reinforcements from Tripoli drove through a checkpoint on their way to the front in Bani Walid, Libya, on Monday. バニ・ワリドに向かう反乱軍戦士
In Washington, the State Department’s spokeswoman, Victoria Nuland, confirmed the departure of a convoy to Niger with “some dozen or more senior members of the regime,” including senior military commanders, but not Colonel Qaddafi himself.

The American ambassador, Bisa Williams, spoke to Nigerien officials and urged them to detain and return to Libya any officials wanted by international prosecutors, Ms. Nuland said.
“We have strongly urged the Nigerien officials to detain those members of the regime who may be subject to prosecution, to ensure that they confiscate any weapons that are found and to ensure that any state property of the government of Libya — money, jewels, et cetera — also be impounded so that it can be returned to the Libyan people,” she said.

Some accounts said that the convoy was large, including more than 200 Libyan military vehicles; some said it was predominantly made up of Tuareg fighters who had been fighting for Colonel Qaddafi as irregulars or mercenaries.
The Niger government sought to play down both the scale and composition of the convoy, and said Colonel Qaddafi was not traveling in it.
ある筋によると車列は200両以上の軍用車を含む大きな規模のもので、主にツアレグ族の戦士で構成されているとのこと。 彼らは、これまでカダフィ大佐の不正規軍或いは傭兵として戦ってきた経緯がある。

In a telephone interview, Marou Amadou, Niger’s minister of justice, described the convoy as small — “three vehicles maximum” — and unarmed. Niger had allowed the group to cross into its territory for purely humanitarian reasons, he said.
ナイジェリアの法務大臣であるマロウ・アマドウは電話取材に応じて、車列は僅か3両で武装していない。 ナイジェリア政府は純然たる人道主義の立場から、彼らが国境を越えることを許可したと答えた。

The director of Radio Sahara, an independent radio station in a town where the convoy was reported to have passed through, said that nothing larger than a three-vehicle convoy had been seen since Sunday. The director, Hamed-Assaneh Raliou, dismissed claims of anything larger in his town, Agadez.
車両縦隊が通過したとされる町にある独立ラジオ局である、ラジオサハラのディレクターは、先の日曜日以来、3両以上の車列は目撃されていないと報告している。 このディレクター、ハムド‐アサネ ラリオウは彼の町であるアガデズでの大規模車列の通過の情報を否定した。

“I’ve spoken with gendarmes, policemen, people on the side of the road,” he said. “At Agadez, nobody has seen the convoy. Outside, maybe, in the bush. Maybe. It would astonish me though, a convoy of 200 vehicles.”
“The only convoy was Sunday, 10 people,” he said. “Three vehicles. That’s the only convoy. I saw that one. They came Sunday afternoon. They were in contact with the Nigerien authorities.”
「唯一の車列は日曜日の10人で3両編成だった。 これが私が見た唯一の車列で、彼らは日曜日の午後に到着し、ナイジェリア当局とせっしょくしていた。」

Moussa Ibrahim, the colonel’s spokesman, told Syrian television that Colonel Qaddafi was still in Libya, and in “excellent health, planning and organizing for the defense of Libya.”
“We are fighting and resisting for the sake of Libya and all Arabs,” The Associated Press quoted Mr. Ibrahim as saying. “We are still strong and capable of turning the tables on NATO.”
「我々はリビアと全てのアラブの為に戦い、抵抗している。 我々は、まだ強力で、NATOの上のテーブルを覆す能力を保持している。」とイブラヒムの言葉をAPは紹介している。
Ali Tarhouni, a senior official among the rebels who have driven loyalist forces out of Tripoli, said the rebel authorities were investigating the reports about the convoy.
Later, in a statement, Mr. Tarhouni said, "We’re in direct contact with officers on the ground and our friends at NATO, and we are trying to verify the facts about the convoy."
Ahmed Bani, the rebels’ military spokesman based in Benghazi, said in an interview, "We can’t confirm how many vehicles were in the convoy or who was in the convoy. They are saying that there was gold and money in the convoy, but we can’t confirm that."
アーメド・バニ(ベンガジにおける反乱軍スポークスマン)はインタビューに答えて「我々は車列が何両で、誰が車列に含まれていたか確認できない。 彼らは車列には金や資金が車載されていたと言っているが、確認できていない。」と言っている。
There is 1,000 miles of desert between population centers in Libya and Niger, and while rebels say they have troops in the south of the country, it is unclear whether any rebel soldiers or officials were near the roads or border crossings that the convoy might have taken.
リビアの各人口集落からナイジェリアまでの間には1000マイルの砂漠が広がっており、反乱軍は国の南部地域にも部隊を展開している。 反乱軍の兵士や関係者が途上の道路や、車列が越えたであろう国境にいたかどうかは明らかでない。
Officials of the NATO alliance at its headquarters in Brussels and its Libya operations base in Naples, Italy, declined to comment formally, saying they did not discuss intelligence matters. NATO warplanes have been conducting air strikes on Libya under a United Nations Security Council mandate since March, operations that require keen surveillance of ground activities.
ブラッセルのNATO同盟軍本部の及びナポリのリビア作戦基地の当局者は、情報関連については協議しないとして、公式のコメントを避けた。 NATOの戦闘機は3月の国連安全保障委員会決議に基づいてリビアに対して航空攻撃作戦を実施しているが、その作戦には地上の行動に関する詳細な監視情報を必要としている。
But a NATO official, who spoke in return for anonymity because of the delicacy of the situation, said: “NATO continuously receives reports and inputs from various sources regarding weapons, vehicles and even convoys of vehicles moving throughout Libya. We do not discuss the intelligence and surveillance information we collect, but we do publicly announce the actions we take when we act on what we consider are threats to the civilian population.”
“Just in the past two weeks two large convoys which were tracked moving towards a population center were destroyed because they constituted a threat,” the official said. “To be clear, our mission is to protect the civilian population in Libya, not to track and target thousands of fleeing former regime leaders, mercenaries, military commanders and internally displaced people.”
「丁度2週間前、2つの大規模な車列が人口密集地へ向かっているのを追跡し、これを破壊したが、これは彼らが、市民に対する脅威の条件を満たしていたからである。 もっと明確に言えば、我々の任務はあくまでリビア市民の防護であり、前政権の幹部や傭兵や軍の指揮官が何千人逃げようが、国内の人々が移動しようが、それらを追跡し、目標とすることは有り得ない。」
Mr. Tarhouni, the rebel official, made his initial comments about the convoy at a ceremony handing over control of the Mellitah oil and gas complex on the Mediterranean coast to the rebel administration.
It was handed back without any equipment damaged or missing, said workers at the complex. Mr. Tarhouni said the handover showed that rebels were not only capable of protecting the country’s wealth but that “we are capable of managing it.”
He said he hoped the refinery would go back to full production including 25 million to 30 million cubic meters of natural gas exported daily to Italy through the pipeline, within a few weeks and said the handover was a signal to international oil and gas companies that “your investment here is safe.”
その工場は如何なる装置の損傷や損失も無い状態で引き渡されたと同工場の従業員は語った。 「この工場の引き渡しは反乱軍が、この国の富みの源泉を守る能力があるというだけでなく、それを運営する能力があるということを示している」とタロウニ氏は語った。 “I’m so grateful to the Zintan rebels who liberated the Western mountains and secured this important complex,” Mr. Tarhouni said, standing alongside rebel commanders at the end of a jetty that extends a mile into a calm, bright blue sea, where he said oil tankers would once again be taking delivery within weeks. The facility exports crude oil as well as natural gas.
「私はジンタンの反乱軍にとても感謝している。 彼らは西部山岳地帯を解放し、この重要な工場施設を確保してくれた。」とタロウニ氏は、静かで輝く青い海に1マイルも伸びている桟橋の端で反乱軍司令官と並んで肩をならべながら話していた。 この桟橋は彼によると、数週間内に石油タンカーが再び積出を始めるとのこと。 この施設は原油と同様に天然ガスも輸出する。
On Tuesday, Al Jazeera television said Libyan forces had struck a deal with loyalists in Bani Walid and planned to enter the town later in the day. But by early afternoon, there was no indication that they had done so.
Throughout Monday, rebel forces continued to observe the one-week extension given to Bani Walid to surrender, and the rebels’ acting minister of defense, Jalal al-Dghaili, said talks with supporters of Colonel Qaddafi there were continuing, according to the chairman of the transitional council’s media committee, Jalil el-Gallal. Rebel attention was focused on Bani Walid because figures from the Qaddafi government were last seen fleeing there, about 100 miles southeast of Tripoli.
リビア暫定国民評議会メディア委員長のジャリル・エル‐ガラルによると、月曜日中、反乱軍はバニ・ワリドの降伏を条件に、一週間の攻撃停止の遵守を継続しており、反乱軍の国防大臣代理のジャラル・アル‐ドガイリはカダフィ支持者との話し合いは続いていると語ったとのこと。 反乱軍の関心の焦点はバニ・ワリドにある。 なぜなら、トリポリの南東100マイルのこの都市にカダフィ政府の一群が逃げ込むのが最後に目撃されているからである。
Negotiations were continuing in the beleaguered holdout coastal city of Surt as well, said Mr. Busin, the military’s press liaison.
As the talks continued with loyalists from Bani Walid, rebel forces remained 60 miles from the town on both eastern and western approaches to the small city, but had left a road open to the north to allow families to flee if they wanted to do so, rebels at checkpoints near the city said.

Anne Barnard reported from Tripoli, Libya, Adam Nossiter from Dakar, Senegal, and Alan Cowell from Paris. Reporting was contributed by Steven Lee Myers from Washington, Steven Erlanger from Paris, Rod Nordland from Tripoli, and Bryan Denton from Misurata, Libya.