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ギリシャ危機 若者の6割が失業中(ブログ再開しました。)

2013-04-07 | 欧州経済
Young Greeks Find Few Opportunities In Tough Economy


In Europe, we're trying to save banks by sacrificing an entire generation — my generation," says Marios Kyriakos, 24.
ヨーロッパでは私達世代全ての犠牲のもと銀行を救おうとしている。 とマリオス キリアコス(24歳)は話す。・Published: April 07, 2013
by Joanna Kakissis
The latest statistics show Greece and Spain with the highest unemployment rates in the eurozone, both at over 26 percent. For young Greeks, the numbers are much worse: nearly 60 percent of people under 25 are out of work, and that number is expected to rise.
最近の統計によるとギリシャとスペインは共に26%とユーロ圏では突出した失業率を示している。 ギリシャの若者に至っては数字はもっと深刻で、25歳以下の60%近くが失業しており、更にこの数字は上がると思われる。
These aren't just numbers for 24-year-old Marios Kyriakos, who recently Sipping a sweet espresso freddo at an arty cafe in his neighborhood, he says he's even had to cut back on that small pleasure.
これらは24歳のマリオス キリアコスにとっては単に数字の問題ではない、彼は最近甘いエスプレッソであるフレッドを近所の洒落たカフェですすっていたが、彼によると、このささやかな楽しみも節約の対象となってしまったとのこと。
"If you give every day three euros [for an espresso freddo], then at the end of the month, you will see that the cafe is something very expensive," Kyriakos says. He worries about money.
“もしエスプレッソのフレッドに毎日3€も使っていたら、月末には結構高くついてしまうことになるよ”とキリアコスは話す。 彼はお金に困っている。For six years, he worked as a private tutor for schoolchildren, but last year many parents lost their jobs and couldn't pay him anymore.
6年間、彼は学生たちの家庭教師をして働いていたが、彼らの親達の多くが仕事を失い、家庭教師代を支払うことが出来なくなってしまった。"My family, until now, gives me money to have my food, to [get out] with my friends, with my girlfriend," he says.
”私の家族が今までは食費や友達やガールフレンドとの交友費をくれていた“と彼は言う。Kyriakos lives with his grandmother and younger sister in Zografou, the leafy Athens suburb where grew up. His parents live in their ancestral home in the wine-growing region of Nemea.
キリアコスは祖母と妹とゾグラフォウという緑の濃いアテネ郊外の故郷に一緒に住んでいる。 彼の両親はネメア地方のブドウ栽培農家である本家に身を寄せている。His parents give him about 160 euros a month — that's about $200.
彼の両親は彼に月に約160€を送っている。 約200ドル程度だ。
Kyriakos spends some of it going out for a coffee or a weekly outing at the local tsipouradiko, where he shares a meze platter and a small bottle of tsipouro (pomace brandy) with his friends.
He banks the rest of the money to visit Munich, where his Greek-German girlfriend, Elena, lives. 
彼は残りを貯えて、ギリシャ系ドイツ人のガールフレンド、エレナが住むミュンヘンを訪れるための旅費に使うつもりだ。"I went to see her during Christmas," he says. "It was an expensive journey, I have to say, but that's love."
“クリスマスとのきにも行ったんだ。 結構高くついた旅行だけど彼女を愛しているからね”と彼は言う。
Kyriakos wants to stay in Greece, but he can't find a job.
キリアコスはギリシャに留まりたいと思っているが、そうなると仕事が無い。"If you are lucky and find a job, the money you will earn [will be] very low," he says. "We speak about wages 300 euros per month. A young man nowadays with 300 euros cannot live alone, cannot pay the bills. He cannot create a family."
Across town, Eleni Garanzioti is showing her handmade necklaces at an exhibit in central Athens.
She's 24, a classic Greek beauty with a crown of tiny braids. Garanzioti moved back home after she lost her job as a beautician last year.
彼女は頭の上に小さく髪を編んでいる24歳の典型的なギリシャ美人だ。 彼女は昨年美容師の職を失い実家に戻ってきていたのだ。
"I was this young person with so much energy and appetite for work," she said. "And I had no outlet for it. I felt like a financial burden to my parents. I just wanted to find a way to be independent."
“ご覧のように私は働く意欲とエネルギーに溢れている若者だけど、その意欲とエネルギーを発揮する場所がないのよ。 両親におんぶされているの嫌だから自立の道を探っているのよ。”と彼女は話す。
So six months ago, Eleni and her older sister, Gogo, started Sismade, an online jewelry shop based in their hometown in southwestern Greece. Their parents gave them seed money.
そこで半年前、エレニとお姉さんのゴゴはシスメイドというオンラインのジュエリーショップを始めた。 ギリシャの南西部のホームタウンで。"Seventy percent of our friends are unemployed," Gogo says. "Those who work don't talk about it so the others don't feel bad."
“私の友達の7割は失業しているわ。だから職に就いている人は彼らの感情を害さないようにそのことを口にしないわ。”とゴゴは言う。The sisters haven't made a profit yet, but they say it feels great to be working again.
Back in Zografou, Mario Kyriakos shops for groceries.
He frowns at the receipt. He just paid twenty bucks for eight basic items. Even groceries are too expensive.
彼はレシートをみて眉をひそめた。 彼は8つの必需品で20ユーロを支払ったのだ。生活必需品も高くなっている。
"How can someone who makes 300 euros a month ever be independent?" he asks. "The math just doesn't work." [Copyright 2013 NPR]
“月に300€ぽっちで誰が自立して生活していけるんだ? 計算する以前の問題さ”と彼は言う。

