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ギリシャ危機 ギリシャからイタリアへ 危機の拡大を阻止できるか?

2011-11-07 | 欧州経済
For Markets in Europe, the Focus of Fear Moves to Italy


European efforts to solve a growing sovereign debt crisis have failed to quell market unease on the Continent, and the skepticism over Greece points to continued volatility this week.

Among fresh warning signs, Italy’s cost of borrowing has jumped to the highest rate since the country adopted the euro. Others signs include pressures building in the plumbing of Europe’s banking system. While those pressures are not yet at the levels experienced during the 2008 financial crisis, when some markets in the United States froze altogether, they are high enough to cause worry, analysts say.
新たな警戒の兆候のなかで、イタリアの借入コストが、ユーロを移行後、この国で最高のレートに跳ね上がったというのがある。 その他の兆候には、欧州の銀行システムというビルの配管への圧力もある。 この圧力はまだ、アメリカの幾つかの市場が全て凍結した2008年の経済危機に経験したものほどではないものの、十分に心配なレベルだとアナリストは言う。

Even as Greece reached an agreement on Sunday to form a coalition government meant to avert the collapse of the latest bailout plan for the euro zone, investors are still demanding greater certainty on how Europe would pay for a rescue package aimed at stopping the Greek financial contagion from spreading to Italy or Spain.
“This is a bit of a sideshow,” Mark D. Luschini, chief strategist at Janney Montgomery Scott, said of the shifting political leadership in Greece. “Markets will react favorably to this, but they won’t rally hard on the news. Italy is the bigger issue.”
ギリシャが日曜日に、ユーロ圏の為の直近の救済計画の崩壊を避けるために連立政府を樹立することで合意に達したが、投資家は依然として、ギリシャの破綻をイタリアやスペインに波及させないための救済策の資金をEUが如何にして支払うか、より確実な説明を必要としている。 ギリシャの政治的な指導部の移行に言及して、「これは、どちらかというと枝葉末節の問題だ」とジャニ―・モンゴメリー・スコットのチーフ・ストラティジストのマーク・ルシーニは話している。「市場は一応好感しているが、このニュースでは、そんなに反発してはいない。イタリアがより大きな問題だからだ。」

In the United States, credit markets tightened earlier this year during a political stand-off over the debt ceiling and the ratings downgrade of the country’s long-term debt by Standard & Poor’s, but conditions have eased since then.
European banks are likely to remain wary about lending to one another, analysts predict, and investors will continue to require high interest rates on the billions of euros in loans Italy needs each month to keep its economy afloat.

The yield on 10-year Italian notes has surpassed that on Spanish debt, reaching 6.35 percent on Friday after leaders at a meeting of the Group of 20 nations failed to come up with details on how to stop the European crisis from spreading. The rising yield is troubling because once the interest rates on the debt of the bailed out countries Greece and Portugal surpassed 7 percent they shot up far higher, requiring those countries to turn to outside sources of financing. Rates on their debt remain in double digits.
At the end of last month, Italy issued 3 billion euros worth of bonds at an interest rate of more than 6 percent, about 1.5 percentage points higher than it had had to pay as recently as the summer. The extra bond yields are adding as much as 3 billion euros (about $4.1 billion ) annually in additional interest payments, estimates Tobias Blattner, a former economist at the European Central Bank who is an economist at Daiwa Securities in London.
イタリアの10年もの国債の配当はスペイン国債のそれよりも高く、欧州危機拡大を如何にして阻止するかの具体策を策定できずに終わったG20の首脳会談の後、金曜日に6.35%に達している。 金利の上昇は問題である、なぜなら一旦救済対象国であるギリシャやポルトガルの債務の利率が7%を超えると、それは更に急上昇し、これらの国々は資金調達を外部に求めることになる。 つまり彼らの債務のレートは二桁に高止まりする。
先月の末に、イタリアは30億ユーロの国債を6%以上の利率で発行したが、これは、この夏に支払わなければならなかったものより1.5%も高い。 この増加分の配当は、毎年30億ユーロの金利支払いの増加になるとビアス・ブラットナー(前欧州中央銀行のエコノミストで現在大和証券ロンドンのエコノミスト)は見積もっている。

Analysts are concerned that if interest rates on Italian debt keep rising, the country may no longer be able to afford to borrow on the open markets and instead would have to turn to official lenders like the European Union or the International Monetary Fund.
The latest rate “is a warning,” said Mark McCormick, currency strategist at Brown Brothers Harriman. “Seven percent would be a point of no return.”

The European Central Bank is providing another gauge of European stress — the amount of sovereign bonds it is now buying on an almost daily basis. The central bank is trying to provide a market for the debt of countries like Italy and keep interest rates from rising to punishing levels.
This year, the amount of sovereign debt held by the central bank has more than doubled, to over 150 billion euros. Many analysts say they think the bank would have to buy bonds on a much larger scale to stop interest rates from creeping higher, let alone drive yields substantially lower.
欧州中央銀行は欧州のストレスの他の物差しを示している。 ・・・今、ほとんど毎日買われているソブリンボンド(国債)の額。 中央銀行はイタリアのような債務各国の為に市場にその基準を示し、金利の増加を抑え厳しいレベルに保っている。
今年、中央銀行によって抱えられているソブリンデット(国債)の総額は2倍を超え、1500億ユーロを超えている。 多くのアナリストは銀行が、利率がじりじり上がるのを止めるためにも、もっと大規模に国債を買うべきだと考えている。金利を実質的に低く抑えることは言うまでもない。

European banks, worried about each others’ exposure to bad debts, have demanded an increasingly higher interest rate to lend euros to one another. The rate, measured by a gauge called Euribor-OIS, was 20 basis points as recently as June, but has since jumped to 90 to 100 basis points. (A basis point is one-hundredth of a percentage point.) The current rate, however, is still far below levels in 2008 and 2009 during the financial crisis, when it reached more than 2 percent.
Since May, sources of dollars have also been drying up, as United States money market funds have pulled back from buying the short-term debt of European banks.
According to Alex Roever, who tracks short-term credit markets for JPMorgan Chase, the agreement in Brussels on the latest euro zone rescue plan has not persuaded money market funds to jump back into the European market.

欧州の銀行は相互に劣悪な国債を掴むのを嫌っており、お互いにユーロの貸し出しには非常に高い利率を適用している。 ユーリボーOIS(欧州銀行間貸出金利)と呼ばれる物差しで測った金利は6月には20基準ポイントだったのが、90~100基準ポイントに急上昇している。(1基準ポイントは1%の100分の1) しかしながら、現在のレートはまだ経済危機の2008年及び2009年の2%以上に比べると、そのレベルを遥かに下回っている。

One of the greatest uncertainties for investors remains the exact nature of the latest bailout vehicle being assembled. The proposed $1.4 trillion European Financial Stability Facility is intended to keep Italy from getting swept up in the debt contagion and so prevent Europe’s crisis from metastasizing to a new level and damaging the global economy.
“It has taken so long for the pieces to come together — and there is still a lot of uncertainty about how the agreement will work — that it is undermining the confidence of investors,” Mr. Roever said. “It didn’t encourage anyone to pile back in.”
投資家の最も大きな不確実さの一つは今回救済のための受け皿として集められる資金の正確な性質である。 提案された14000億ドルもの欧州安定化基金はイタリアに、その債務の伝染が及ばないようにすることを企図して、欧州危機を新しいレベル及び政界経済に転移することを防ぐものである。
「これだけ集めるには、相当かかるし、まだそこには、如何にして合意が形成されるのか多くの不確かさがある。 それが投資家の信頼を損なっている。」とローヴァ―氏は言う。「投資家を呼び戻す後押しが出来ていない。」

Instead, with dollars hard to come by, many banks must turn to the open foreign-exchange market, where the cost of swapping euros for dollars has spiked, another warning sign about the operation of money markets, although the cost is still well below levels at the end of 2008.
As European banks have lent less to each other, they have instead socked away cash at the European Central Bank. Banks’ deposits at the central bank have shot up at the same time that borrowing from the central bank has risen.
“Banks are so nervous to lend to one another, they are using the E.C.B. as a clearinghouse,” said Guy Lebas, chief fixed-income strategist at Janney Montgomery Scott.
欧州銀行は相互に貸し付けを絞っているので、彼らは欧州中央銀行にキャッシュを積上げている。 中央銀行の借り入れが増加すると同時に、中央銀行の各銀行の預金は同時に急上昇している。

Michael Gapen of Barclays Capital in New York says he prefers credit-default swaps as an indicator of sovereign risk. The swaps provide a measure of the cost of insuring against a default on debt.
“It should directly map into probability of default,” he said. “It tends to lead bond markets.”
But other analysts say credit-default swaps may be compromised as an indicator after an agreement was reached to allow Greece to write off 50 percent of the debt owed to some banks without triggering the insurance.
ニューヨークのパークレイズ・キャピタルのミシェレ・ガーペンは、ソブリンリスクのインジケーターとしてクレジット・デフォルト・スワップが好ましいと言う。 そのスワップは債務不履行に対する保険のコストを計る手段を提供する。

The cost of insuring a basket of Western European sovereign debt eased a little around the time of a summit meeting in Brussels at the end of October, but it has once again approached record highs. And insurance rates on the debt of Spain — and especially Italy — have risen sharply since the summer.
The annual cost to insure $10 million of the debt of a basket of big European banks rose to more than $300,000 in mid-September, the data provider Markit said. It has since dropped back to about $245,000 annually, but remains at stressed levels — and some analysts see it staying there.
欧州の大規模銀行の1000万ドルの国債のバスケットに保険をかける毎年のコストは30万ドル以上の9月中旬に上昇したとデータ提供者のマルキット氏は言った。 その後24万5千ドルまで戻したが、しかしストレスとなるレベルに留まっている。 そして幾人かのアナリストは、それがそこに張り付くと見ている。

“The markets are looking and hoping for a stable Greek government that is able to sustain domestic and external support,” said Mohamed A. El-Erian, chief executive of the bond investment giant Pimco. “A coalition government that is simply seen as a transition to new elections would have difficulty.”

