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ニュース・オブ・ザ・ワールド スキャンダル(キャメロンも巻き込む)

2011-07-10 | ニュース翻訳
Murdoch Closes Scandal-Ridden 'News Of The World'


by David Folkenflik
July 8, 2011

Matt Dunham/AP
A News of the World sign is posted by an entrance of its parent company in London. News Corp. executive James Murdoch announced Thursday that News of the World will publish its last issue Sunday. A phone-hacking scandal has cost the weekly paper prestige and prompted dozens of companies to pull their ads. ロンドンの親会社の入り口にあるニュースオブザワールドの看板。ニュース・コープの経営陣であるジェームズ・マードックは木曜日に同紙を、日曜日をもって廃刊することを発表した。電話盗聴スキャンダルは同紙の評判を損ない、多くの会社が広告を引き上げた。July 8, 2011
Rupert Murdoch's media company News Corp. seemed to catch everyone off guard Thursday, taking an unexpected step: Murdoch's son James announced that Sunday would mark the last edition of the scandal-tarred but top-selling U.K. tabloid News of the World.
The move revealed the typically masterful and influential Murdoch clan scrambling desperately for once to contain damage — and its willingness to kill one of its own titles in the effort to do so.

James Murdoch, chairman and chief executive of News Corp. Europe and Asia, is driven away from the offices of News International in London on Thursday. Murdoch announced that the company is folding Britain's best-selling tabloid News of the World amid a phone-hacking scandal. The 168-year-old weekly newspaper will publish its last edition Sunday.
James Murdoch is the heir apparent at News Corp. and the head of the company's British operations. In a television interview, Murdoch said the allegations of illegal phone hacking reflected deplorable behavior and required the paper's closure.
"This company has been a great investor in journalism, a greater investor in media in general, and it's something we believe very strongly in. And clearly certain activities did not live up to those standards, and that's a matter of great regret for me personally and for the company," Murdoch said.
ジェームズ・マードックはニュース・コープの二代目で、同社の英国運営のトップである。テレビのインタビューで、彼は、違法盗聴疑惑は嘆かわしい行為であり、同紙の廃刊も致し方ないと言っている。「この会社はジャーナリズム業界で偉大な投資家であったし、メディア全般においてはもっと偉大な投資家であった、そこに我々は強い意義を感じている。 それ故に、今回の種々の行為は明らかに我々の規範に耐えないものであり、個人的にも会社にとっても非常に遺憾である。」とマードックは述べた。
The scandal erupted at the most delicate of moments — News Corp. is seeking government approval to expand its stake in the broadcaster BSkyB from about 40 percent to the whole shebang.
Think of BSkyB as a hybrid of Comcast and DirecTV, with a near monopoly on televised sports. It was considered a done deal — especially given Prime Minister David Cameron's close ties to News Corp. executives.
BSkyBをコムキャストとダイレクトTVの融合と考えると、スポーツ放映を殆ど独占する。 それは出来レースだとみんな思っていた――特に
But outrage mounted quickly and intensely when it was alleged that the tabloid targeted victims of violent crimes and the July 2005 terrorist bombings. Once-pliant politicians denounced the company, and once-lonely critics have found a crowd.
"This is clearly a commercial decision in part to jettison a tainted and toxic brand because advertisers are fleeing in droves, and also we as MPs are being inundated with emails and calls from constituents asking us to stand up to News International," said Labor MP Paul Farrelly, who led a parliamentary inquiry into the first wave of allegations involving the hacking of celebrities, royals and politicians.

Rebekah Brooks, chief executive of News International, is driven away from her office in London on Thursday. That's the day the company announced it is shutting down News of the World.

Criminal investigations are gaining momentum. Former News of the World editor Andrew Coulson, also a former top aide to Prime Minister Cameron, was arrested in the affair Friday.
"We have some very serious and very good quality newspapers, but at the other end of the spectrum we have the News of the Worlds, and they are feral," Farrelly said. "They clearly, over a long period of time, decided they were above the law, and that anything goes in getting a story."
But killing the paper generated a reaction that has ranged from skepticism to cynicism. Actor Hugh Grant believes he too was hacked, and has publicly called on advertisers to boycott News of the World.
犯罪捜査は大いに進捗している。 ニューズ・オブ・ザ・ワールドの元編集長であるアンドリュー・カールソンはキャメロン首相の前の側近でもあったが、金曜日に本件で逮捕された。
"We should see this for what it is," Grant told the BBC after James Murdoch's announcement. "It is a very cynical managerial maneuver, which has put several hundred not-evil people — there were certainly a lot of evil people there — but certainly a lot of noneditorial staff out of work. And has kept, in particular, one woman who was the editor, while Millie Dowler was being hacked, in a highly paid job.
Dowler was the schoolgirl whose abduction nine years ago apparently inspired the tabloid to hack into her voice mail messages. Rebekah Brooks was then the paper's editor, and is now the chief executive over the Murdochs' British newspapers.
「我々はこの事件を解明しなければならない。」とジェームズ・マードックの発表のあとで、グラントはBBCに語った。「それは非常に皮肉な経営上の動きだ、それにより数百人の善良な人々―― 確かに悪い奴らも沢山いただろうが――すなわち、編集に携わらない無実のスタッフの職を奪うことになったし。一方ではミリー・ダウラーが盗聴されている間中、一人の女性が高給で編集長の職を保持していた。」
"I am satisfied that Rebekah, her leadership of this business and her standard of ethics and her standard of conduct throughout her career are very good," James Murdoch said. "I think what she has shown and what we have shown with our actions around transparently and proactively working with police that she has led and this company has led."
Nonetheless, the British government has delayed ruling on the company's proposed takeover of BSkyB.
News Corp. has signaled it might launch a Sunday edition of its brash and gossipy weekday tabloid The Sun. Conveniently, it could replace the gap left by the departure of that oh-so-nettlesome News of the World.
ニュース・コープは下品でゴシップ記事の多い日刊のサンの日曜版を発刊する意向をちらつかせている。 都合の良いことに、それは廃刊になるニュース・オブ・ザ・ワールドの廃刊の穴埋めになるかもしれないのだ。

