

A joint guarantor

2021-03-10 16:37:59 | 日記
To conclude a battery lease contract, the guarantor must be an adult with a fixed income not exceeding 70 years of age during the contract period.
I asked only one nephew, but suddenly I recieved a protest e-mail from my younger brother, the father of my nephew who had little interaction.
I found it difficult to pay 420,000 yen, so I thought about a lease contract for strage batteries, but considering who will be the guarantor when renewing the contract every 15 years, it is better to give up strage batteries in my life.
I feel like it's right for me.
The 65-year-old, single person, pensioner, these icons give me financial handicaps and social penalties.
In the age of 100 years of life, I will continue to live in my own way in the ever-changing present.😊👌😄🥰

With solar power battery

2021-03-08 20:37:09 | 日記
Since the life of the power conditioner has exprited and the unit purchase price for selling electricity has dropped, storage batteries are recommended.
A 15-year lease is more economical than a purchase, but the contract requires a guarantor if the age after 10 years over 70.
There is also an age limit for guarantors.
Replacing the power conditioner costs about 400, 000 yen,
and the strage battery costs about 2.7 million yen.
It's about seven times.
It turned out that there are harsh realities for a single person living on a person,
both in concluding a lease contract and corfirming a guarantor.
But we can live in a good mood without by social handicap of aging. I won't lose.

Cut down the tree

2021-03-02 13:12:43 | 日記
The owner of the house in front cut the autumnal trees in a year or two.
The tree was about 100 years old.
As the result, my house became to be seen through by everyone from the derection of the river and from the prefectural road,
and the laundry came to be blown in the wind.
The wind blowing down from the mountain is also strong around here.
I'm worried about measures against window glasses during typhoons.

The wind is blowing

2021-03-01 13:58:47 | 日記
Yellow daffodils and crocus flowers bloomed.
Blue sky, temperature is 22℃, and the wind is strong but it feels good.
Making myself a power spot,
not just my house, is the second step in this tidying up.
The altimate goal is pour the bone powder into the sea without the need for graves, funerals, and memorial services.
I'll be moving oasis for myself, not just the space I'm in.
I don't have to ask outside myself.
My decluttering life continues.
Don't rush up , don't compare with, don't give up, and enjoy myself confortably. that's fun!!!😄💞😄🎶