

September 9th Double Ninth Festival

2024-09-09 07:15:41 | 日記

2024/9/9 5:00am.
When I opened the front door facing south, the constellation Orion caught my eye.

The Winter Triangle and Diamond were right in front of me.

In the northern sky, to the west of Cassiopeia is Andromeda, an autumn constellation. Below that is Pegasus, but unfortunately I couldn't take a picture of it because my smartphone doesn't have a wide-angle camera function.

Lately, whenever I look up at the starry sky, I feel nostalgic.

It's the place where I was before I came to Earth. I'm not Ultraman, but it feels like my soul's home and it makes me feel at peace.

I certainly have the power within us to create and keep going this star-studded, cloak-like universe.

The home of the soul. We came from there to refine our souls, and we are here.

Whether you call that work God, life, or light, it is work.

Today is Double Ninth Festival, and lately I've been feeling strangely nostalgic for the starry sky.
