

A joint guarantor

2021-03-10 16:37:59 | 日記
To conclude a battery lease contract, the guarantor must be an adult with a fixed income not exceeding 70 years of age during the contract period.
I asked only one nephew, but suddenly I recieved a protest e-mail from my younger brother, the father of my nephew who had little interaction.
I found it difficult to pay 420,000 yen, so I thought about a lease contract for strage batteries, but considering who will be the guarantor when renewing the contract every 15 years, it is better to give up strage batteries in my life.
I feel like it's right for me.
The 65-year-old, single person, pensioner, these icons give me financial handicaps and social penalties.
In the age of 100 years of life, I will continue to live in my own way in the ever-changing present.😊👌😄🥰
