

Decluttering - it's finding myself.

2021-03-18 12:25:24 | 日記
The most terrible poverty is loneliness, and the feeling of being unloved.
There is more hunger for love and appreciation in this world than for bread.

(by Mother Teresa)

What I find as a result of decluttering, even in the wildness, will have to be accepted.
So, it started with when I was ready.
There is no coincidence in the evens of this world.
It has begun.
I have no choice but to through.
With trust, love and courage in my life.

From Mother Teresa's words

2021-03-18 11:48:04 | 日記
Be careful of your thoughts, for your thoughts become your words;
Be careful of your words, for your words become your deeds;
Be careful your deeds, for your deeds become your habits;
Be careful your habits, for your habits become your character;
Be careful your character, for your character become your destiny. (by Mother Teresa)

Keeping the space we are in clean will change our life .
Take a bird's-eye view first,
then recognize the current situation correctly, take action, and revisit.
By repeating this routine, our life will begin to move in desired derection.


2021-03-18 11:13:21 | 日記
Create a breathing space.
That is the visual goal of decluttering.
Thoughts, sensations, and sencibilities are one-of-a-kind, one in one container of us. So, one can not be considered separately.
When the space is cleared up, visual stimuli work in a positive direction for both thinking and sensibility, and positive changes occur in behavior.
Our mind and body continuous, and since we decided to change our lives have changed for the better.
Dig deep into yourself and believe.