

Haru, me and Biodiversity

2023-08-27 15:49:55 | 日記

Haru,when he was 14 years and 1month 2weeks old.

He is sleeping peacefuly.

Now, TV programs are broadcasting about biodiversity.

In our home on the mountainside, we see wild animals such as deers, monkeys, wild boars, wild birds, snakes, frogs, butterflies, grasshoppers, and bees every day.

They eat persimmons, mandarin oranges, and potted flowers on a daily basis.

Some of the work involves removing giant yellow jacket nests, repairing electric fences destroyed by deers, and clearing ground dug up by wild boars.

Isn't biodiversity and SDGs based on coexistence and co-prosperity with other living things, both positive and negative?

Certainly, we had more damages caused by wild creatures than there were when Haru was there, so it was such a hot summer.
