

2024/7/4 Thoughts on Tanabata decorations

2024-07-04 17:59:01 | 日記
Hello,Ms. Good-san.

Laundry → ophthalmology → shopping
Today we have to complete it (^-^) v😊

I spent time waiting for the laundry in the library. I enjoyed the smell of ink and waste paper for the first time in a long time, and a quiet time.
I feel calm after all.

The ophthalmology department is located at Central Hospital, and he underwent a colonoscopy on May 8.

After paying the bill, I went to the internal medicine passage and greeted the internal medicine doctor and nurse who had been examined full of hospitality.

Everyone was busy working, so I didn't talk to them, but wrote a wish with gratitude on the strip of paper left in the discourse corner and tied it to the Tanabata decoration.

I am deeply grateful for the meeting on 8 May.
It's a pure and sincere wish. It will come true. 😊 (^-^) v

Even on 🌧️ days, there are encounters and events that are hard to win.

I want to be careful.

Have a nice afternoon 🎋🌌.

Tanabata decorations

2024-07-04 16:13:30 | 日記

Today, on 5/8, I had a regular eye check-up at the Central Hospital, where I received excellent hospitality during my colonoscopy.

I visited the internal medicine booth to express my gratitude and appreciation for the wonderful treatment I received, which I have remembered fondly, but the doctors and nurses were all busy working, so I hesitated to speak to them.

My eye fell on the Tanabata decorations at the end of the hallway.

To express my gratitude and respect for the wonderful medical care given on May 8th and to medical workers, I wrote "Thank you for health, happiness and prosperity" on a piece of paper and tied it to a bamboo branch.

I truly had the opportunity to experience wonderful medical treatment with medical professionals who possess respect for life and a spirit of compassion.

Once again, with my feelings of gratitude and thanks, I have written a strip of paper with my wishes for the health, happiness, and prosperity of all people, including medical workers. I offer my thanks for all the pure and sincere wishes.