

Throw Yourself Into the Lord

2024-05-29 17:20:38 | 日記

Here, the Lord is interpreted as the universe, the providence, mechanism, and work of life.

On Earth, nothing is the same.

There is no one who lives by the same values ​​as you.

As long as we continue to judge others based on our own values ​​and sense of justice, we will never find peace of mind in our lives.

Peace of mind is a source of strength.

We are all different.

When we stop judging others based on our own values ​​and sense of justice, we throw ourselves into the Lord and become a channel of love in our lives.

I feel that this is what it means to follow God's will and live in accordance with providence.

Flowing water is pure. I think the secret to happiness is to have an open mind that doesn't judge others based on your own values ​​or sense of justice, and to have a carefree attitude in a good sense.

We are born from the source of life, live in harmony with the workings of life, and are on a journey returning to the source of life.

I hope to live my life to the fullest, not depending on others, until the very last moment of this journey. I am grateful for the journey of life.
