

Easy, easy pancakes

2022-04-11 14:00:25 | 日記
Bake a commercial french toast in an oven toaster, slice the strowberries with cherry tomatoes, sprinkle honey on top of the cinnamon powder, pick and decorate the iris and the spring plate is ready.

Let's eat now!
Recieve the taste of the season.


2022-04-11 13:09:46 | 日記
Dialogue with peaple is・・to put it in a nutshell, if you don't have the same peaple as me.

Dialogue not only with living things, but also things and things.

Life lives things and things, because it come from human thoughts.

Exchange each other's innocence.
Yes, it's beginning of the conversation.

Mankind has had an innocence dialogue with the universe for hundreds of million of years.

I'll also continue the innocence dialogue.

I'll continue to thank the lives that are protected, blessed and alive.
It's wonderful to live.
