

fake residence card

2024年02月18日 20時44分53秒 | 在留資格
The continuous reports of arrests for criminal activities related to the production of forged residence cards are prevalent. Recently, not limited to residence cards, Chinese individuals in Japan have been arrested for forging My Number cards.

The residence card, held by foreigners with mid to long-term stays in Japan, is mandatory for verification by Japanese companies when employing foreign nationals. However, distinguishing between a forged residence card and a genuine one can often be challenging.

The reliable methods for distinguishing between a forged residence card and a genuine one are as follows:

1. Check the residence card using an IC reader.
2. The residence card contains an IC chip inside. Almost certainly, forged residence cards do not have this IC chip. Even if skillfully forged, it is mostly limited to the external appearance. Therefore, by using an IC card reader, the authenticity can be determined on the spot. However, it is worth noting that forged residence cards may mimic the residence card number transcribed from a legitimately issued card by immigration authorities. Hence, verifying the authenticity of the residence card number disclosed on the immigration website alone may not be sufficient to determine forgery.

3. Have it confirmed by the immigration authorities.

Naturally, the Immigration Services Agency possesses a database managing all residence cards, making confirmation of authenticity at immigration offices the most reliable method. In cases of marriage, there are instances of malicious foreign individuals using fake residence cards to reside in Japan under another person's name. Therefore, for a more cautious verification, it is recommended to have the residence card checked for authenticity at immigration offices. Additionally, when companies are hiring foreign nationals, if the foreign individual possesses a residence status granted for permanent residency, settled residency, or a status related to Japanese spouses, there is usually no issue. However, for cases such as studying or engaging in international business based on technical and humanities knowledge, it is necessary to confirm whether employment is possible. Checking the residence card at immigration offices is advisable for this verification.

Recently, there are instances of foreign individuals applying for employment in companies through job changes, such as specific activities or specific skills.

Reviewing past criminal cases related to forged residence cards indicates that companies that visually inspect residence cards and orally confirm the appropriate residence status do not face prosecution. Of course, if a company knowingly employs a foreign individual possessing a forged residence card (i.e., an illegal resident), it constitutes a crime.

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