情報流通促進計画 by ヤメ記者弁護士(ヤメ蚊)日隅一雄

知らなきゃ判断できないじゃないか! ということで、情報流通を促進するために何ができるか考えていきましょう

Taro Aso is an Aho~「aso taro」でグーグル検索したら最初の英文サイトは…

2007-09-13 00:23:30 | そのほか情報流通(ほかにこんな問題が)
「aso taro」でグーグル検索した最初の英文ページは、「Taro Aso is an Aho: Racist Ideology Promoted by Top Official in Japanese Governemnt」という刺激的だが、的を射たページだった。筆者は、Rebecca Dosch という方のようだ。記事は、2005年11月24日に掲載されたもの。


Here's a tired example of what the Ainu people face when trying to fight for recognition as an Indigenous nation in Japan. The right-wing conservative, racist bent of Koizumi's cabinet is exemplified as so arrogant and apparent in the words of Aso Taro, the recently-appointed Foreign Minister, at a Kyushu Museum opening that Japan is "one nation, one civilization, one language, one culture and one race. It is nowhere else in other nations."

This sort of rhetoric pleases the ultra-conservative hawks pushing to revise Japan's constitution to allow them to actively engage in warfare as an army-nation. The old WWII rhetoric that the emperor is a god and that Japan is a united 'superior race' is not dead in the minds of these men at all, but I am guessing that most Japanese think of them as extremists, even if they believe they are a homogenous nation.

Yet the fact that these extremists run the government does not alarm most people as it should. Most people seem uninterested in politics. If you look at the length the Japanese newspaper article on this disturbing topic, you can get a sense of how the media is complicit in silencing the marginalized and also demoting the strange and sick ideas of those in power.

Taro Aso's website emphasizes his familial connections to the Satsuma samurai and to the fact that both his father and grandfather served in top government positions in post-war Japan. His wealth and power allowed him to study for short times both at Stanford and London Universities as a 'post-grad' and he graduated from the notorious university for imperial elites, Gakushuin, prior to that.

At a recent cultural gathering I attended at a traditional Ainu chise (bamboo house), the leaders speaking there called him "Aho Taro." The meaning of 'Aho' is the same as the scatological word that his last name suggests to us in English. People like him are seen as enemies of the Ainu, and rightly so. They deny the right for anyone who is not Wajin a place in Japanese society, and they deny that these people did and do exist as a separate people.

Sadly, Wikipedia claims he is one of the two potential successors for the Prime Minister postion (when Koizumi steps down) in Japan. I am hoping that his stupid public statements, which have disparaged Burakumin, Koreans, and all of us who are not Wajin, will prevent that promotion from happening.





伝統的なアイヌのchise(竹の家)で行われた集会に出席したところ、そこで話しているリーダーは、彼を「Aho Taro」と呼びました。



★「News for the People in Japanを広めることこそ日本の民主化実現への有効な手段だ(笑)」(ヤメ蚊)
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5 コメント

コメント日が  古い順  |   新しい順
今日は何の日(9月13日)(Wikipedia) (ゴンベイ)
2007-09-13 22:22:46
* 砂川闘争(1955年)

* 大阪万博閉幕(1970年)

* イスラエル・PLOの両首脳がパレスチナ暫定自治協定に調印(1993年)
他にも… (田仁)
2007-09-13 11:52:46
またですか・・・ (ゼロノス)
2007-09-13 11:28:34
Unknown (imacoco)
2007-09-13 11:12:25

うまい! (これは)
2007-09-13 01:10:32

