


This is the first time since I retired for me to meet him.

2021-07-21 11:30:58 | 英語・今日のレッスン

【先週の復習:first, first of all, at first】
・First -----> 最初に(最初にA、次にB、そのあとC など順番に説明するとき)
・First of all -------> まず第一に、(前もって大事なことを話すときなど)
(発音は ファスタボー)←クリックしてYoutubeビデオで発音を確認してください 〈ファースト オブ オールと言わないように。そうしないとファスタボーが聞き取れません〉
・At first -----> 最初、当初  (最初は~だったが、今はそうでない、ということが言いたいとき)
・the first time ------> 最初の時、初めて

まず最初に私は遅れたことを謝ります。では始めましょう-----> First of all I will apologize to be late, I’m sorry, okay, let’s start!
最初に玉ねぎを切って、次にそれをゆでて、そのあと....-------->  First, cut onions, next boil them, after that….
最初に登った山は谷川岳です-------> The first mountain I climbed was Mt. Tanigawa.
彼の事務所は右手の最初のドアです-------> His office is the first door on your right.
初めは辛いカレーが好きではありませんでしたが、今は好きです----->  At first, I didn’t like spicy curry, but now I like it.
-------> At first, I was nervous about studying English in this class, but soon thanks to your kindness I became relaxed.
初めて私がここへきたのは11年前です--------> The first time I came here was 11years ago.

【the first time】
天気予報によると、今日は36度になります---------> According to the weather forecast, it will be 36 degrees today.
こんなに暑くなるのは今年初めてだと思います----------> I think this is the first time this year for it to get this hot. / This is probably the first year for it to get so hot.
私の最近の事故について考えなかったのは昨日が初めてです--------> Yesterday was the first time I haven’t thought about my recent accident
私の祖母について考えなかったのは昨日が初めてです-------> Yesterday was the first time I haven’t thought about my grandma.
私はこの映画を何回も見ていますが、今年それを見るのは初めてです---------> I have seen this movie many times but this is the first time this year for me to see it.
----------> Before her operation last year we used to talk two or three times a month but this is the first time this year for us to talk.
孫娘が砂糖抜きのカレーを作るために私の夫の健康問題について聞くのは今回が初めてだと思います-------> I think this is the first time since my granddaughter heard about my husband’s health problem for her to make curry rice without sugar.
先週、私は2度目のワクチンへ行きましたが、そんなに遠くの病院へ行くのは初めてでした--------> Last week I went and got the 2nd COVID injection that was the first time for me to go such a long way to the hospital.

私が高崎へ来て以来、こんなに暑くなるのは初めてだと思います--------> I think this is the first time since I came to Takasaki for me to get so hot.
彼女の手術以来、彼女にとって杖なしで歩くのは初めてだと思います--------> I think this is the first time since her operation for her to walk without a cane.
---------> This is probably the first time since you taught us English for us to try to make such a challenging sentence using this expression.
退職して以来、彼に会うのは初めてです--------> This is the first time since I retired for me to meet him.
コロナ以来、海外旅行をするのは初めてです-------> This is the first time since COVID-19 for me to travel abroad.
こんなに遠い病院へ行くのは娘を産んで以来、初めてでした--------> That was the first time since I had my daughter for me to go such a long way to the hospital.


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1 コメント

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覚書 (may)
2021-07-24 16:05:07

This is the first time for me to meet him since I retired.
2, I think this is the first time this year for it to get this hot.
for it VS for its
for me/ for us


