

The New York Times 21 OCT News

2021年10月21日 | 英語練習
🌸N.Y.C. Mayor Debate Live Updates: 
Adams Keeps Composure As Sliwa 

Goes on the Attack Eric Adams, the Democratic nominee
and Curtis Sliwa, his Republican opponent, 
clashed over vaccine mandates, public safety, 
the pandemic recovery and more during 
the first of two debates in the general election.

 *She would use it to mke a fire.
 *She could cook food and keep warme.
 *He could use his imagination with the book.
*What would you bring to  a desert island ?
 *With a book ,he wouldn't get bored at all.

⛳What happened yesterday.
Nothing special.

⛳Cram school homework
*Get a medical examination.
*pointed out. 
*Suspected lung cancer.
*Vital capacity is low. 
*I smoked too much 20 years ago.
*It is a phenomenon that appears due to aging. 
*It's scary.

★I am inspired by the Chinese.
★I will write a blog for my own study every day
 in English.
★There are many uncorrected sentences and mistakes.
 Please forgive me.
★I think there is an unknown point in description
 because I have no knowledge.
★If you wont to know details, please check
 the source of articles, programs and images.
★Source: The New York Times.

Image citation from the New York Times article etc.

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