


2011年03月30日 | 教養英語
2011年3月28日付のNatureNews、Chernobyl's legacyはちょっと面白い記事でした。相変わらず、原発事故問題から離れることが出来ませんが、この記事について触れてみたいと思います。




Long-term effects

But what was the impact on the wider population? Various studies have tried to estimate how many deaths Chernobyl will eventually cause across the whole of Europe, but their answers range from a few thousand to hundreds of thousands3. Cancer causes about a quarter of all deaths in Europe, so teasing out Chernobyl's far-reaching influence would probably be impossible, say epidemiologists. Moreover, focusing on such intangible numbers can distract from the much broader social impact of the accident. In Ukraine and Belarus, hit hard by the break-up of the Soviet Union in 1991, lingering fears about radiation are thought to have contributed to a sense of hopelessness that is linked to high rates of alcoholism and smoking ? factors that have a much bigger health impact.

"There's tremendous uncertainty for these people," says Elisabeth Cardis, a radiation epidemiologist at the Centre for Research in Environmental Epidemiology in Barcelona, Spain. "Some think they are doomed because of their radiation exposure." Further research could provide convincing evidence that Chernobyl's radiation did not significantly harm the wider population, but "we won't know unless we look", says Dillwyn Williams, a cancer researcher at the Strangeways Research Laboratory in Cambridge, UK.

A handful of Chernobyl studies have found small increases in rates of breast cancer and cardiovascular disease, but they did not properly account for confounding factors, such as nutrition, alcohol consumption and smoking habits. And although some researchers have claimed to see an increase in genetic mutations in the children of parents irradiated after Chernobyl4, there has been no similar evidence of hereditary effects even in the children of Japanese atomic bomb survivors, who on average received much larger radiation doses.

This means that there is still a substantial gap in the overall understanding of Chernobyl's health effects, says Williams. The problem is exacerbated by the piecemeal nature of previous studies. "There has been a failure of European-level coordination on this," he says.




And the uncertainty surrounding the health risks may exact a psychological toll that could surpass the physical harm from the radiation, adds Smith.

チェルノブイリのような大惨劇であっても、Nature編集者の Mark Peplow氏は上記のごとく発言しています。つまり、放射能の被曝それ自体の被害よりも、精神的心理的ダメージの方がより大きいかもしれないとのことです。露骨に言えば、心の問題にすぎないというのです。彼の見解、あるいはNature誌の見解は、放射能漏れ被害を低く見積もる政府ならびに原発推進派にとってて有利だといえます。
