


2011年03月12日 | 教養英語
残念ながら、英語のほうがより新しい情報が入手できるような気がします。M8.8というのも、私の知る限り、New York Timesのほうがずいぶん早かったはずです。日本政府はある種の情報規制をしているのかもしれません。



今(3月12日 20:00)聞いた限りでは、日本語情報と、BBCによるイギリスの核の専門家の解釈とではそれほど違いありません。は例の爆発それ自体は水蒸気がでたものだということで、それほど危険ではないとのことです。ひとまず安心でした。



2011年03月12日 | 教養英語

たとえば、Mr Kan said the amount of radiation released was "tiny".


ABC NEWS(豪州)だと
Possible meltdown at Japan nuclear plant
By Rachel Mealey and wires

Japan Nuclear Meltdown Fears at Fukushima Reactor After Quake
Share: by NowPublic Staff | March 11, 2011

Japan Nuclear Meltdown Fears at Fukushima Reactor After Quake

There Are Serious Concerns About a Nuclear Reactor in Fukushima, Japan Following That Country's March 11, 2011 Earthquake

A nuclear emergency has been declared in Japan as officials deal with concerns about a nuclear reactor in Fukushima, Japan after a huge earthquake hit the Asian country. There are concerns that the nuclear reactor in Japan may start leaking radiation.

The International Atomic Energy Agency said Friday that the Japan earthquake and tsunami knocked out the Fukushima reactor's power source, which helps cool radioactive material inside. The tsunami then knocked out backup diesel generators. The plant used a battery-operated cooling system hours after the deadly earthquake.

Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant Emergency
The Tokyo Electric Power Company has said they might release radioactive vapor to help reduce pressure at the Dai-Ichi nuclear power plant in Fukushima.

Japan’s trade minister Banri Kaieda said that “a small radiation leak” could occur at the Japanese nuclear power plant.

The New York Times reported that "A Japanese nuclear safety panel said radiation levels were 1,000 times above normal."

US Secretary of State Hilary Clinton stated that the US delivered coolant to the Fukushima nuclear reactor. It was later learned that no delivery was made since it was determined that Japan did not feel they needed the assistance.

Residents within a six-mile radius of the Fukushima nuclear reactor have been asked to vacate the area.

Continue reading at NowPublic.com: Japan Nuclear Meltdown Fears at Fukushima Reactor After Quake | NowPublic News Coverage http://www.nowpublic.com/environment/japan-nuclear-meltdown-fears-fukushima-reactor-after-quake-2766216.html#ixzz1GN7QmcQz

え、びっくしりませんか。メルトダウンの危険性のある福島原発について冷却剤(coolant)をアメリカが援助・支援してくれるというのに、日本政府は断ってしまったのですよ。見栄を張っているのですか? 国民を騙し続けようとするためでしょうか? かなり心配です。

Modern survival blog.comが良い。


strangename wrote:

These reactors are water cooled. How could the U.S. be asked to deliver coolant? There is obviously a miscommunication which has been propagated repeatedly around the world. Possibly generators and/or batteries may have been requested but it difficult to see how those assets would not have been more readily available in-country.
