katsura's note

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I am in Antalya !

2007年07月19日 | Weblog
Hi Everyone. How are you?
I am in Antalya, Turkey now. It is quite a good stay in here. Today is the fourth day in Turkey. Before coming in Antalya, we stayed in Kappadokia for two days and it was wonderful experience for me. We joined the baloon tour and we could see the beautiful view from 600 meters high. In Kappadokia there so many places to see. I'm glad that I could come and see & experience, and also I could talk with people living in here (I mean I could talk with Turkish).

I will spend one more day in here(Antalya), and after that I will go to Istanbul for three days.

There are so many things to write, but it is difficult for me to find a place to access internet, actually (I did not bring my PC with me, so).

Well, I am in middle of journey, there are many things to think & feel about(not the serious one, though). In a way, that is why I like to travel. Traveling is one of the most precious hobbies I would say.

Right now, I can not read or write in Japanese with this PC, so it is tough for me to keep writing, so I would rather go now.

I'm sorry for writing in English and thank you for reading.

Take care and good bye!

Keiko July 18 2007


1 コメント

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How are you too ?! (MEG)
2007-07-19 08:47:52
How's the weather ? I really envy you , I haven't been to Turkey .I'm looking forward to back you and talk about your experience.Anyway enjoy your trip !!
