
詩と散文のプロムナード :Promenade


2024年08月02日 12時29分42秒 | H.S.-夏里氏の生成AIによる詩への試み より

* 同時期にニーチェとリルケに関りを持ったロシア女性: ルー・サロメ


彼女は知の女神、哲学と詩の海を渡る  船のように
ニーチェとリルケの心に触れた 唯一のロシア女性・・                                     彼女は自由に なんの束縛も感じず 愛を求めず、されど                   愛に生き 彼女の魂はいつも若く 芸術のミューズのように
創造の力を呼び覚まし 目は耀き 話す言葉は刺激的に・・

彼女はロシアの矜持を抱き 文化の懸け橋となり
ニーチェとリルケに愛され、歴史に名を残す・・                    ルー・サロメは思想の旅人にして 活き活きと 魅力的に                  ふたりの詩人に関り 生きたひと・・>>>  ⑴--

***   --- >>>

19世紀末から20世紀初頭にかけ、ルー・ザロメというロシア女性が、二人の文豪、ニーチェとリルケに愛された。--彼女はその魅力的な人格と自由奔放な生き方で、多くの知識人たちを魅了し、特にニーチェとリルケは彼女に深い感情を抱いたことで知られる。。。  *** /*376---*391-/*++

The Intriguing Encounters of Lou -Salomé with Nietzsche and Rilke:---

Lou -Salomé, a woman of remarkable intellect and allure, had significant encounters with two of the most profound thinkers of her time: Friedrich Nietzsche and Rainer Maria Rilke.  ---Her relationships with these men were not only personal but deeply intellectual, influencing their works and thoughts.--

Salomé met Nietzsche through their mutual friend, Paul Rée, in Rome in 1882. Nietzsche was immediately taken with Salomé's intelligence and presence. Despite his romantic interest, Salomé maintained a platonic relationship with him, valuing the intellectual connection over a romantic one. ---This encounter was pivotal for Nietzsche, who found in Salomé a kindred spirit, albeit one that he could not possess in the way he desired.--

Rilke's meeting with Salomé was equally impactful. ---They met in Munich in 1897 when Rilke was a young art student.   ---Salomé was already an established writer and thinker.   ---Their relationship blossomed into a romance that deeply influenced Rilke's poetry.    ---Salomé was both a muse and a mentor to Rilke, guiding his poetic expression and thought. --->>>---

These encounters highlight the magnetic personality of Lou Andreas-Salomé and her significant role as a muse and intellectual companion to Nietzsche and Rilke. Her influence on their lives and works is a testament to her own intellectual prowess and the unique relationships she forged with these iconic figures of philosophy and literature.

*Lou -Salomé: The Life of a Brilliant and Controversial Thinker:---                Lou -Salomé, born on February 12, 1861, in Saint Petersburg, Russia, was a woman of profound intellect and literary prowess.    ---Her life was a tapestry of relationships with some of the most influential thinkers of her time, including Friedrich Nietzsche, Rainer Maria Rilke, and Sigmund Freud.^^^

Salomé's early years were marked by a passion for knowledge, which led her to pursue studies in theology, philosophy, and art history at the University of Zurich.     ---It was during this period that she met Paul Rée, who introduced her to Nietzsche.     ---Despite Nietzsche's marriage proposal, Salomé maintained her independence, a decision that would characterize much of her life's journey.----^^^

Her marriage in 1887 to Friedrich Carl Andreas, an Iranian scholar, did not conform to the traditional marital expectations of the time.     ---Salomé and Andreas had an unconventional relationship, allowing her the freedom to continue her intellectual pursuits and relationships.---

Salomé's intellectual circle expanded in Berlin, where she became part of the Friedrichshagen Group, mingling with notable figures such as Gerhart Hauptmann and August Strindberg.   --- Her special friendship with Rilke led to two extensive travels to Russia, which profoundly influenced Rilke's work.---^^^

In 1911, after attending the International Psychoanalytical Congress, Salomé began studying psychoanalysis under Freud.    --She later practiced as a psychoanalyst in Göttingen, contributing significantly to the field.

Lou -Salomé's literary and scholarly works were vast and varied, addressing the challenges faced by modern women seeking their path in a traditional world. Her writings on Nietzsche, Rilke, and Freud provided deep insights into their lives and thoughts.---^^^

Salomé's life was not without controversy.     -Her relationships with prominent men often led to scandalous rumors, yet she remained undeterred, finding joy in her associations with intelligent men and attracting many admirers with her intellect and personality.

Lou -Salomé passed away on February 5, 1937, in Göttingen, Germany.     ---Her legacy as a thinker, writer, and psychoanalyst endures, and her works continue to be studied and celebrated for their contribution to literature and psychoanalysis.      ***   **


ニーチェは彼女に求婚したが、彼女はこれを拒絶、代わりに彼との知的な関係を深め、リルケに至っては、彼女との出会いが彼の詩作に大きな影響を与えた。。。----       ルー・ザロメはまた、精神分析の父であるジークムント・フロイトとも深い関係を築き、フロイトの下で精神分析を学び、その後、自らも精神分析家として活動した。彼女の生涯は、自由な精神と独立した女性としての生き、今日でも人々に影響を残したと言える。。。




  *The Enigmatic Muse: Lou -Salomé:---

Nietzsche, the philosopher known for his radical ideas on individualism and morality, met Salomé in 1882.   ---Despite a significant age difference, Nietzsche was enamored by Salomé's intellect and proposed marriage. Salomé, valuing her independence above all, declined.     ---This rejection did not deter Nietzsche, who continued to cherish a deep connection with her, one that would influence his philosophical writings.>>>

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