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人生💯倍の知恵😊【聖書】箴言1章 知恵の初め

2023年06月16日 10時02分52秒 | 箴言
1章 知恵の始め
Proverbs 1: The Beginning of Wisdom
1. characteristics of proverbs and their purpose
Today we will begin with Proverbs. We will begin with the title, "Proverbs of Solomon, son of David, king of Israel. In chapter 25, we read, "These were written by the men of Hezekiah, king of Judah," and in chapter 30, "The words of Agur, son of Jakeh, king of Massah" (verse 1), and in chapter 31, "The commandments which Lemuel, king of Massah, received from his mother" (verse 1). In other words, Proverbs is traditionally said to have been written by King Solomon of Israel, who was said to be the wisest man in the East, but it is actually a collection of sayings compiled mainly from those written by Solomon.
 The first half of chapter 1 describes the three purposes of Proverbs. We have often read them as confirming God's promises and trusting in them, but the way we read Proverbs is different again. First, it says, "Know wisdom and instruction. We read to know what is right and wrong in life, to learn the proper way to conduct ourselves, and to shape our habits. Second, we read in order to "understand the language of enlightenment," that is, to see the true nature of things and to cultivate the ability to think. They distinguish between good and evil, truth and falsehood, dreams and reality. And finally, to obtain "righteousness, judgment, and justice. In other words, we read in order to know God's righteousness, a righteousness that is acceptable to all, not what each person thinks is righteous.
In fact, Solomon, who wrote this, was the king of a nation. He had to think, search, and act on what was best for the nation and for people, not for himself (Deuteronomy 17:14-20). Such an attitude is important even for us, who are basically self-centered sinners. Solomon tells us that Proverbs is helpful for those who are shallow, those who think they are young and immature (vv. 4, 5), those who are easily influenced by things and easily swayed by others.
2. wisdom to fear the Lord
 Solomon then goes on to say, starting in the latter half of chapter 1, that there are three ways to obtain such wisdom. First, he says, is to fear God (v. 7). He says that in order to correctly grasp the essence of things and to make right judgments and walk in righteousness in all aspects of life, we must first know and fear God, the source of all things, the Creator of heaven and earth. Those of you who have been listening to this blog, in which I continue to explain the Bible in a humble way, are at the starting point of this process, and you are surely gaining wisdom. Please continue to listen.
 So the second way to gain wisdom is to avoid bad friends (8-19). Bandits were rampant in Palestine at that time. They were a violent group that systematically looted. We stay away from those who seek such ill-gotten gains. But this is just an extreme example. In its essence, it would mean that we should stay away from those who just think of profit and loss, who take advantage of others, and who are greedy.
Finally, he says to beware of the beckoning of wisdom (20-33). It is too late to seek wisdom after being involved in a calamity. Before that happens, he tells us to diligently seek wisdom first. We are not to grow old with wounds and scars from all the bumps and bruises in our lives, nor are we to come to God with nothing else to hope for, but to learn from what God is saying to us at this time when He is inviting us to come to Him. The Psalms was a mountain that took 150 days to climb, but this Proverbs will take about a month, so let's study it together (verse 33). I pray that you will have a good day today.
<Quiz Corner
First, yesterday's quiz. What is the word for a figurative parallelism in the Psalms? The answer is symbolic parallelism. As a father has mercy on his children, so the Lord has mercy on those who fear him" (Psalm 103:13). Now for today's Bible quiz. Which of the following does the "Proverbs" in Proverbs mean? (1) admonition, (2) lots, (3) reckoning, and the answer will be given tomorrow. I pray that today will be another good day for you.

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