<Flashcards Deluxe>(暗記カードアプリ)を使い倒せ!
●<Flashcards Deluxe>とは?
<Flashcards Deluxe>は、いわゆる単語帳などの電子版である暗記カード(フラッシュカード)アプリなのですが、もともとは、作者である米国人 Ernest Thomason氏が、自分で中国語を独習するために作成したものです。
<Flashcards Deluxe>(暗記カードアプリ)を使い倒せ!
●<Flashcards Deluxe>とは何?
<Flashcards Deluxe>は、スマホ、タブレットで「日本的事象英文説明300選」「日本歴史にでる写真」「英単語」「日本地理」「日本歴史」「一般常識」の重要事項などをスイスイ学習することができる<暗記カードアプリ>です。
<Flashcards Deluxe>の購入から始まり、デッキのダウンロードなど、最初は取っつきにくいかも知れませんが、一旦、使い始めたら、多分、あなたは、一日のすきま時間の最も効率的な勉強ツールを手にしたことに驚くことでしょう!
<Flashcards Deluxe>とは何かを知っていただく早道として、まずは、私が作成した動画をご覧ください。百聞は一見に如かず!
●<Flashcards Deluxe>の詳しい利用法は下記をご覧ください。
<Flashcards Deluxe>で何の勉強ができるのか?
(ハロー)単語英訳問題 厳選英単語(435)
(ハロー)単語英訳問題 英単語(315)
<Flashcards Deluxe>とは、スマホ、タブレット用<暗記カードアプリ>です。
(1)スマホ、タブレットで、<Flashcards Deluxe>のアプリを購入し、インストールする。(当初、購入時のみ350円~480円必要です)
「本」(表) ⇔ 「book」(裏)
●<Flashcards Deluxe>
これを、スマートフォンまたはタブレットで実現してしまうのが、<Flashcards Deluxe>で、単語帳としての使い方はもちろん、普段の勉強、受験、資格試験のための学習にも大活躍できる、多機能な暗記ソフトです。
●<Flashcards Deluxe>の主な特徴
(4)カードの内容を各国語で読み上げるTTS(Text to speech)機能がある。
(8)カードは、スワイプする方向により、(上方)<大正解>(Correct-Strong)、(左方向)<正解>(Correct)、(下方)<不正解>(Wrong)別に分類され、間違えたカードだけを学習後に繰り返して表示する(Repeat Missed)機能がある。
(10)デッキ(<Flashcards Deluxe>で作成された一群の単語帳カードのこと)は、自分で自由に作成できるほか、他人が許可したものをダウンロードすることができます。
<Flashcards Deluxe>(アプリ)の購入方法、学習法
Google「Play ストア」で<Flashcards Deluxe>を検索して、有料版(350円)を購入してください。
・Google「Play ストア」でのアプリの買い方、使い方
<iPadなどのiOSまたはKindle Fireの場合>
(1)スマートフォンまたはタブレットで、<Flashcards Deluxe>の公式サイトにアクセスする。
(2)Introduction の右に、App Store、ロボット、amazonのアイコンがありますが、お
使いの機器に応じて、App Store(iOS)、ロボット(Android)、amazon(Kindle Fire)のいずれかのアイコンをタップする。
(3)各ストアで購入手続きを行う。(iOS版は480円、Android版およびKindle Fire版は350円です。)
(1) <Flashcards Deluxe>を起動する。
(2) 学習画面の右上にある「+」をタップして、Add Deckへ。
(3) Shared Libraryをタップして、Libraryへ。
(4) Searchをタップして、「ハロー」(カッコは不要)と指定して検索する。
(5) 検索結果をタップする。
(6) Download をタップする。
(7) Download Finished というダイアログが出たら、Yesをタップして主画面に戻る。
音声を追加する方法(TTS:Text to speech)は、以下の通り。
Tokyo Skytree is the world's tallest broadcasting tower in Tokyo. It opened on May 22 in 2012. It is 634 meters tall. With the two observation decks at 350 meters and 450 meters, it lets you enjoy the landscape of Tokyo. At the foot of the Skytree there is "Tokyo Skytree Town," a shopping and entertainment complex that has an aquarium and a planetarium as well as many stores and restaurants.
Meiji Shrine is the largest Shinto shrine in Tokyo. This shrine is dedicated to Emperor Meiji and Empress Shoken, who oversaw Japan's entry into the modern world following the Meiji Restoration of 1868. The shrine buildings are made of Japanese cypress and built in a classic Shinto architectural style that is simple but grand. It is a special oasis in the midst of all the big-city hustle and bustle.
I would recommend Horyuji Temple located in the northern part of Nara Prefecture. It is the oldest wooden structure in the world. Founded in 607 as a center for Buddhism in Japan, Horyuji Temple is one of Japan's most significant gems for the historic architecture, art, and religion. It was from here that Buddhism blossomed and spread throughout the land.
Kabuki is a traditional stage drama performed exclusively by men to the accompaniment of songs and music. It is characterized by a combination of rhythmical words, dancing, elaborate costumes, and stage sets.
Noh is a classical stage art performed mostly by men to the accompaniment of recitative chants called yokyoku and an orchestra consisting of a flute and three types of drums. It is characterized by symbolic, highly stylized acting, and elaborate masks.
Ikebana is the traditional Japanese art of arranging flowers. In its earlier stages of development it was closely related to the tea ceremony, being used as a special technique for decorating the tearoom.
Cha-no-yu is the art and ritual of serving special powdered tea. It originated in the monasteries of Zen Buddhism, but today it is regarded as a form of artistic discipline for the cultivation of mental composure and elegant manners.
Japan is a very mountainous island nation. Although its total land area is a little smaller than California, 67% is covered by mountains. Plains account for only 13%. Japan also has 110 of the world's 800 active volcanoes. The number of hot springs has a lot to do with the number of volcanoes. Because Japan has lots of volcanoes, it abounds in natural hot springs.
There are four distinct seasons in Japan; spring, summer, fall and winter. There is also a rainy season between spring and summer. Japan's climate is influenced by summer and winter monsoons, ocean currents and topographical features.
With a height of 3,776 meters, Mt. Fuji is Japan's highest mountain. Though classified as an active volcano, Mt. Fuji last erupted about 300 years ago. Its almost perfect cone shape is world-famous for its beauty and the mountain is a symbol of Japan.
Cherry trees bloom brilliantly and lose their flowers in the short span of about two weeks. This evokes a sentimental feeling among Japanese, drawn from an ancient cultural belief, and reminding us of the short, transitory nature of human life. Also, cherry blossoms are regarded as the official signal that spring has come after a long, cold winter, so people are naturally in a cheery mood. Besides, Japanese people like
to enjoy “hanami,” or cherry- blossom-viewing parties, with family or friends. These are some of the reasons why Japanese love cherry blossoms in particular.
Todaiji is one of Japan's most famous and historically significant temples, and is a major landmark of Nara. Todaiji was completed in the middle of the 8th century as the head temple of all provincial Buddhist temples of Japan. It houses Japan's largest statue of Buddha (Daibutsu). Also, the Great Buddha's hall of Todaiji is the world's largest wooden structure, even though the present reconstruction of the early 18th century is only two thirds the size of the original.
京都は1,000年以上日本の古都だった。よって、京都では金閣寺や清水寺といった日本で最も有名な史跡の数々を訪れることが出来る。金閣寺は西洋では “The Temple of the Golden Pavilion”の名で広く知られる寺だ。清水寺は崖からはみ出す形で建てられており、その広い舞台と木造の支柱で有名だ。
Kyoto was an ancient capital of Japan for over 1,000 years. So, there you can visit some of Japan's most famous historic sites such as Kinkaku Temple and Kiyomizu Temple. Kinkaku Temple is known in the West as “The Temple of the Golden Pavilion.” Kiyomizu Temple is built out over a cliff and is famous for its wide veranda and tall wooden pillars.
Nara was an ancient capital of Japan in the 8th century. So, it has many places of historical interest including Nara Park and Todaiji Temple, in which a large statue of Buddha is located. The city retains a serene traditional atmosphere.
Nikko is a popular tourist site characterized by the elaborately constructed Toshogu Shrine dedicated to Tokugawa Ieyasu, the first shogun of the Tokugawa Shogunate. In Nikko the harmony between nature and man-made beauty is such that there is a famous expression, "Never say kekko (wonderful) until you see Nikko."
Kamakura is about 50 km southwest of Tokyo. From the end of the 12th century through the early 14th century, Kamakura was the seat of the bakufu or feudal military government. The city has many historical and cultural sites and, along with Kyoto and Nara, draws visitors from all over the world.
Jidai-matsuri, or "Festival of the Ages," is held in honor of Heian Shrine and is one of the three great festivals of Kyoto. The festival is held on October 22, and its highlight is a procession of people dressed in costumes representing various periods of Kyoto's 1,200-year history."
Aoi-matsuri, held in honor of the two Kamo Shrines, is one of the three great festivals of Kyoto. The festival is held on May 15. The name of the festival comes from the leaves of the aoi (hollyhock) plant that are used to decorate the heads of the participants in the procession.
In early May, trees are covered in fresh green. Above all, spring is the season when cherry blossoms bloom so beautifully, and people enjoy “hanami,” or Cherry-Blossom- Viewing picnics, under the trees. Also, since it is neither too hot nor too cold, spring is one of the best seasons to travel.
If you are interested in outdoor activities, you can enjoy swimming in the sea or climbing mountains. You can also enjoy viewing fireworks displays and Bon dances, throughout Japan in summer.
Because it is neither too hot nor too cold, it is one of the best seasons to travel. Besides, a lot of delicious food including seafood and vegetables in season is available in autumn. Also, you can enjoy viewing the beautifully changing colors of autumnal leaves in the mountain.
You can enjoy skiing and snowboarding in ski resorts such as Niseko in Hokkaido. Its powdery snow is regarded as the best in Japan. Also, I can recommend that you go to Zaozan, on the border of Miyagi and Yamagata Prefectures. This place is famous for its winter landscape of ice-covered trees.
Suibokuga is a style of India ink painting. Scenes from nature, animals, birds, and flowers are typical subjects. Suibokuga began among Zen Buddhist monks and was gradually adopted by professional artists.
Nihon-teien refers to a landscape garden composed of rocks, trees, ponds, and other natural objects. This type of garden is designed in accordance with the appearance of nature.
Karesansui is a dry landscape garden mainly composed of rocks and sand. The rocks represent mountains or islands, while the sand represents water.
The Meiji Restoration is narrowly defined to refer to the 1867 coup d'etat that overthrew the Tokugawa shogunate, but it more broadly marked the beginning of Japan's modernization. Following the opening of the country to the West in the mid-19th century, Japan had an influx of various foreign things from Western technology to the military draft system to democracy. Japan abolished its feudalistic shogunate system and developed into a constitutional monarchy.