THE がつくかつかないか

2009年02月15日 13時16分44秒 | 自分の意見の陳述
The Group of Seven は名詞の場合は、the がつくのですが、これが形容詞として使われる場合は、原則的にはthe がつかない。Group of Seven meeting でいいわけです。ところがよくthe Group of Seven meeting という表現も多い。この場合の考え方は、the はmeeting にたいしてのthe なのだ。これが私の解釈です。
U.S. President George W.Bush のときtheはつかない。
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from today's Nikkei

2009年02月15日 07時39分13秒 | 新聞記事から
G7共同声明 成長・雇用に政策総動員 財政出動 一斉行動へ決意 経済・金融の安定最優先

The Group of Seven meeting of finance ministers and central bank governors which has beeing held in Rome, Italy,closed on February 14th afternoon (midnight on the day in Japan Standard Time),adopting a joint communique stipulating " We are mobilizing all the measures to maintain growth and employment and strengthen bank system." In its statement, they clearly say there is stong concern about the possibility that the current worldwide recession would continue until the end of 2009 as Japan,the U.S. and European countries all fall into a minus growth.In these circumstances, they insist that the world economy and the stability of financial markets should be prioritized most, and so,each country should take an action in a coordinated way.With regard to sticking to free trade, they all agreed to avoiding protectionism.
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from the February 14 Nikkei

2009年02月15日 00時05分43秒 | 新聞記事から
追加経済対策を検討 成長率 マイナス10%前後に 10-12月GDP年率
経済先行きに危機感 大型補正視野に 政府・与党 民間予測は11.7%減

The government is to announce the country's gross domestic product data between October through December in 2008 on next Monday.In its announcement,GDP in the period is likely to be around minus 10%.
According to private research institutes,it is a minus 11.7% from the previous term on average of 29 institute data.This is a big decline after a 34-year interval since the first oil crisis in 1973.As the government and the ruling parties of the Liberal Democratic Party and New Komeito have judged that there is a further economy-bolstering measures,they have started to deliberate on additional economic pump-priming measures under the condition that the fiscal 2009 budget bill now under the discussion in the Diet is enacted.Like this, there have spread concerns among people about the economic future. Then the additional measures would lead to a large-scale supplementary(extra) budget.
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