


2007-08-20 03:35:34 | 新医療

BREAKING NEWS August 20, 2007 Media and FBI Division #5 Stooges consistently asking for sources to confirm Richard Cheney's arrest if we give out our sources we would not have any because they would be Killed. Question for media? Don't you have sources or are you just talking heads for the Bush-Clinton Crime Family Corporate Media? Save the emails and phone calls we do not have time to entertain you. We have more duck tape and handcuffs to apply.

Richard Cheney Arrest Update Area 51 Assassins

Final Mode Emergency Mode

Bush is out to use Area 51 Toys against the American People i.e. Secret Weapons.

August 18, 2007


By Tom Heneghan and Stew Webb

Federal Whistleblowers-National Security Experts

We Continue to Identify the Enemy of the Republic and The American Revolution of 2007 and accordingly and immediately order their Eradication.

It can now be reported that the Arrest of Richard Cheney dove tails to a secret meeting in which George W. Bush, Richard Cheney, Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton and Former Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu discuss implementation of 50 year old U.S. Secret Technology against the Government of Iran and the American People.


The Space Time Technology will be used to create Special Forces Units i.e. Invisible Assassins who will be given assignments to Decapitate the Government of Iran and target American Domestic Political Enemies of both the Bush and Clinton Crime Families.

This is all tied into the National Security Agency Satellite Espionage directed against the American People by the Department of Homeland Security, the NSA, the high levels of the Israeli Mossad.

It is called the Computer Simulation Technology was touched on by Keith Olbermann of MSNBC Countdown two days ago on his program.

Those in and out of the U.S. Congress who are Operational Liaison for this Treason includes current Congressman Joe Sestak (D) of Pennsylvania and Homosexual Fred Thompson former (R) Senator of Tennessee.

This Space Time Technology and their Invisible Assassination Units were used in the Assassinations of John F. Kennedy Jr., and former CIA Director William Colby.

These high level Space Time Technology Units were part of the over all Bush-Clinton True Colors Assassination Groups.

Note: It was Homosexual Fred Thompson that covered this up during the alleged Clinton Impeachment.

Note: Congressman Joe Sestak (D) PA., is a former Admiral in the U.S. Navy who is linked to unelectable Hillary Clinton i.e. unelectable Hillary Lesbian Rodenhurst-Rodham-Clinton a known Satanic Witch and the Bosnia Connection to the True Colors Teams.

Sestak who has endorsed the unelectable Witch Hillary Lesbian Clinton was one of the Admirals and Generals seduced and compromised by Bill and Hillary Clinton's whore Israeli Mossad agent Monica Lewinsky.

PS: Both Joe Kline of Time Magazine and Dave Brooks of the New York Times have received Millions of Dollars in Bribes to cover-up the Zionist-Tribalist-Nazi Treason against the American People.

PPS: Kline a Israeli Mossad Agent himself has been paid by unelectable Witch Hillary Lesbian Rodenhurst-Rodham-Clinton to leak stories to FOX News i.e. FOX Noise and Homosexual Rich Lawry for the purpose of smearing 2000 Duly Elected President Albert Gore Jr.

PPPS: The final lynchpin for this Treason is the Mellon Bank of Pennsylvania and its Bagman Israeli Mossad Governor Ed Randall of Pennsylvania.

How Dare You? You Blood Thirsty Evil Tyrants, Knight Templar Bankers, Dictators, Kings and notable Queens.

One last note: Ramsey Clark former U.S. Attorney General is planning a massive Anti-War demonstration September 15, 2007 effecting millions of Americans.

Citizens will effectively camp out in Washington, D.C. until Bush Fraud and Cheney are removed.

Now comes the outrage Bush Fraud, the Department of Transportation and FOX News is alleging signs saying Occupy the Occupiers is an illegal sign of course the signs are completely legal under the First Amendment.

Is it time to Duck Tape and Eradicate FOX News Israeli Mossad Retro bate Rupert Murdoch Noise News Stooges?

Answer: I guess Murdoch better watch his back he might meet the Invisible Bank.

The American Revolution Continues

The Guillotine will make a come back in the 21st Century



Remember once the Head is cut it will talk for another 10-40 seconds. So make sure that when you order or build your Guillotine order a roll of Duck Tape. Just think how many extortion friendly-oil soaked members of the American Media who would qualify for the Duck Tape? We will leave that to your imagination folks.

The Time is now, the Match is Red Hot.

It is time to have the U.S. Military stand up, arrest this filth.

All Americans Federal Guaranteed Legal Authority To Remove Government Criminal Filth

In CONGRESS, July 4, 1776. The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America: But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.

The Constitution of The United States of America: house.gov/Constitution/Constitution.html

Law is often the tyrant's will, and always so when it violates the right of an individual.--Thomas Jefferson to I. Tiffany, 1819
All laws which are repugnant to the Constitution are null and void. - Marbury v. Madison, 5 U.S. (2 Cranch) 137 (1803

How Dare You? You Blood Thirsty Evil Tyrants, Knight Templar Bankers, Dictators, Kings and notable Queens.

Remember the reason why we play the Famous French National Anthem is because of those Famous Words:

To arms, citizens! Form your battalions! Let us march, let us march! Let impure blood of our enemies soak the furrows of our fields.

We Continue to Identify the Enemy of the Republic and The American Revolution and accordingly and immediately order their Eradication and that Enemy remains Americas oldest Enemy the British hofjuden Monarchy.

And when all is said and done, when you turn off the Boob-Tube, the Rule Of Law says that Albert Gore Jr., remains the Duly-Elected President Of The United States Of America in the 2000 election.

www.stewwebb.com For more U.S. Intel Back Breaking News

Additional Area 51 Information by Stew Webb:

Note: The Secret Area 51 Papoose Lake, Nevada and Flying Saucers40 miles south of known groom not on maps. Groom Lake is used for other Secret Technology testing. The 1948 Roswell Flying Saucer Alien crash this was the first contact to Humans in the 1900s. Aliens ie. Fallen Angels and the Secret Government CZX Productions, Inc. i.e. Skunk Works. CZX stands for former CIA Director William Casey, Admiral Zumwalt and the X-Files. CBS 60 minutes touched on this in the 1980s mentioning CZX but did not know what it stood for.

This is evil and involves children Kidnapped and transported to area 51 for Alien i.e. Fallen Angel experiments. Pedophile George H. W. Bush, Richard Cheney and Saudi Arabia Monarch Family members are well known for visiting a warehouse in Beatty, Nevada were kidnapped Children are housed before taken to Area 51. Bush and other Pedophiles take liberty with children 1-9 years old at this Beatty, Nevada Warehouse. Your tax dollars pay for these perverts to screw Children this is very Evil.

What Bushes and the Evil Fallen Angels do not want you to know Space Time Anti Universe: Elsewhere Beyond The Black Hole 897654328723590743554113690975446853122434119568965453709654298505628...6428 .4876175789642761878945789510958343.1414592654 Multiple other dimensions a sun seen by us now. Divisions of the hour three dimensional universe ? Hour Three. To the average person this means nothing to a Scientist this will amaze them.

Get information from The Tesla Society, Colorado Springs, Colorado on Free Energy, Anti Gravity i.e. Flying Saucers, Space Time i.e. Montauk and Weather Manipulation i.e. HARRP.
Also see a former FBI Agents sons website www.blackvault.com for additional information

Mr. President, why don't you do something about the ET cover-up?--White House Journalist Sarah McClendon
There's a government inside the government and I don't control it.-- President Bill Clinton

