


2007-02-08 13:59:52 | 真地球史
Every culture has its tradition to tell the wisdom to children.Songs are one of the way of these. Children enjoyed singing and sometimes dancing to the traditional song, and unconsciously impressed by the words. There seems to be the very deep meaning that ancesters wanted to deliver the decendants through the song. Kagome Kagome is the very typical of the such kind of messages. The poem is as followings.

Caged birds, Caged birds
When will caged birds
be freed ?
At night before dawn
Crane and Tultle
Who is standing right back of you ?

かごめ、かごめ、籠の中の鳥は、何時 何時でやる。

It seems nobody have solved the hidden truth of this song. My interepretation is as followings.

Human beings were originally created perfect. But we made some mistakes in the beginning, so lost our potential power. It was possible we live for far more years , almost forever. And our body is just the shadow of spirit that lives in the spiritual world. The day will surely come when we finally notice the truce at the end of history.


2007-02-08 10:09:30 | 新医療
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