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ギリシャ危機 国民投票で大きく揺れる 2

2011-11-02 | ギリシャ
Government in Greece Teeters After Move on Referendum


Published: November 1, 2011
ATHENS — The government of Prime Minister George Papandreou of Greece teetered on the verge of collapse on Tuesday, threatening Greece’s adherence to the terms of a new deal with its foreign lenders and plunging Europe into a fresh bout of financial turmoil.

A kiosk on Tuesday in Athens displays newspapers with headlines about the Greek prime minister's unexpected call for a referendum.  火曜日に、アテネ市内では、ギリシャ首相の予期せぬ国民投票の呼びかけの見出しが躍る新聞が陳列されている。

President George A. Papandreou’s surprise promise of a vote on austerity measures threatens a deal reached to ease the European debt crisis. パパンドルー首相の緊縮財政政策を国民投票に諮るという驚くべき提案が一旦緩和した欧州債務危機問題を脅かしている。

Power company customers lined up in Athens on Monday to ask about a new tax. 電力会社の顧客が月曜日に、アテネで列をなして、新しい税金について相談に殺到している。

Several lawmakers in the governing Socialist party rejected Mr. Papandreou’s surprise plan for a popular referendum on the Greek bailout, raising the possibility that he will not survive a no-confidence vote scheduled for Friday that depends on holding together his razor-thin parliamentary majority. Mr. Papandreou was holding an emergency Cabinet meeting Tuesday evening to save his government, but the opposition and some members of his own party were calling for new elections immediately.
与党社会党の数人の議員は、かろうじて過半数を維持している状況で、金曜日の信任投票に勝てない可能性があるとして、パパンドルーの突然の国民投票の提案に反対している。 パパンドルー氏は政権維持のために緊急閣議を水曜日の夜開催したが、野党と与党の数名が即時の選挙を要求している。

The impasse in Athens seemed likely to delay — and perhaps scuttle — the debt deal that European leaders reached after marathon negotiations in Brussels last week. Financial markets cratered on Tuesday for the second straight day, wiping out the gains since the Brussels deal was announced last week. Some analysts said that Greece was now coming closer to a messy default on its debt, and perhaps a departure from the zone of 17 countries that use the euro as their common currency.
アテネでの行き詰まり感は、先週ブラッセルでの長時間に及ぶ交渉で合意に達した欧州の救済案を遅らせるか、おそらく断念させるかもしれない。 ブラッセルでの合意が先週発表されたあとの市場の戻り分を欧州市場は二日続けて反落させて終わった。あるアナリストはギリシャは債務問題でより酷い破綻に一歩近づいていると言い、欧州の共通通貨ユーロを使用する17ヶ国のユーロ圏から離脱するだろうと語った。

Chancellor Angela Merkel of Germany and President Nicolas Sarkozy of France, apparently caught off guard by Mr. Papandreou’s call for a referendum and then by the disarray in his party, said they would hold emergency talks on Greece with euro zone leaders on Wednesday. They said they also plan to meet with representatives of the Greek government before a critical meeting of the G-20 group of advanced and emerging economies on Thursday, and they defended the terms of the bailout package as “more necessary than ever today.”
パパンドルー氏のこの国民投票発言と、その後の与党内の足並みの乱れに明らかに不意を突かれた格好となったドイツのメルケル首相とフランスのサルコジ大統領は、水曜日にギリシャでユーロ圏の指導者達と緊急の会談を持つことを発表した。 また、木曜日に行われる重要なG20先進国・新興経済各国会議の前にギリシャ政府の代表と会談することを予定していると言った。そして両首脳はこの救済案こそが、かつてないほど今日は求められていると訴えた。

The chairman of the euro zone finance ministers, Jean-Claude Juncker, warned that the plan to hold a referendum endangered an $11 billion loan that Greece was to receive under the bailout deal, and that Greece urgently needed to avoid a default. Mr. Juncker, who is also the prime minister of Luxembourg, added that Greece could face bankruptcy if it votes “no” on the bailout deal.
ユーロ圏の財政担当大臣のジーン・クラウド・ジャンカーは国民投票実施の計画はギリシャが、破綻を避けるために必要な、救済策のもとで受け取ることになる110億ドルのローンを危うくすると警告した。 ジャンカー氏はルクセンブルグの首相でもあるが、ギリシャはこの救済策の受け入れが国民投票で拒否されれば国家破産に直面すると付け加えた。

The big fear is that a decisive turn against the bailout package in Greece could undermine European efforts to enforce deep budget cuts in other heavily indebted European countries, especially Italy, which is mired in its own political crisis and has a far larger economy and much more debt than Greece.

Political analysts and several advisors to Mr. Papandreou said the prime minister had decided to announce a popular referendum on Monday night as his last best hope to shore up his eroded political standing. They said he wanted to put Greece’s fate back in the hands of the Greek people and to force his many opponents — both inside his government and in the opposition — to coalesce around the idea that what is at stake is Greece’s membership in the euro.

He wanted Greek voters “to take a position, to see the choice before us in its starkness, hoping they will back the lesser of two evils, instead of letting irate reactions in the streets dominate the debate,” said one advisor to the prime minister.

But on Tuesday, it appeared that his move may have backfired. Two lawmakers in his governing coalition said they would become independents, and another six leading Socialists wrote a letter calling on Mr. Papandreou to resign and schedule early elections for a new government with greater political legitimacy. Together, the developments made it doubtful whether his government would survive a confidence vote, because the loss of even two supporters threatened his narrow parliamentary majority.
しかし、火曜日になって彼のこの動きが裏目に出てしまった。 彼の連立与党の2名の議員が離党し、更に6人の社会党議員がパパンドルー首相に退陣要求の書簡を出すとともに、より政治的正統性のある新しい政府にするために早期選挙を求めたのである。それだけでなく、この展開が先にある信任投票で彼の内閣が存続できるかも危うくなってきたのだ、なぜなら辛うじて過半数を制しており、2名の離党でさえ過半数割れを起超す可能性があるからだ。

Meanwhile, the center-right opposition New Democracy party on Tuesday stepped up its calls for early elections. Its leader, Antonis Samaras, has opposed most of the austerity measures the government accepted in exchange for foreign financial aid. Mr. Samaras has said that if he were in power, he would try to renegotiate the terms of Greece’s arrangement with its main foreign lenders, known as the troika: the European Union, the European Central Bank and the International Monetary Fund.
“Mr. Papandreou, in his effort to save himself, has presented a divisive and extortionate dilemma,” Mr. Samaras said on Tuesday. “New Democracy is determined to avert, at all costs, such reckless adventurism.”

Mr. Samaras declined to say whether he would ask his 85 members of Parliament to resign, a move that would lead to the dissolution of Parliament and a snap election. The next general election was not due until 2013, when the Socialists’ four-year-term expires. Mr. Samaras is expected to clarify his stance at a meeting of his party’s parliamentary group on Wednesday.
While the political instability took Europe and markets by surprise, it was less of a shock in Greece. Mr. Papandreou’s political capital had run out and tension has been building for months — not only with the center-right opposition, which objected to many of the terms of the austerity plan, but also within his own party.
サマラス氏は国会の解散と総選挙に繋がる、85名の自党議員の辞職へと動くかどうか言明は避けた。 次の総選挙は社会党の4年の任期が切れる2013年に予定されており、サラマス氏は水曜日の新民主党議員の会合でその立場を明らかにするものとみられている。 政治的な不安定が欧州と欧州市場を驚かせてはいるが、ギリシャではそれほどの驚きで受け止められてはいない。パパンドルーの政治的な資金は既に枯渇しており、その上、緊縮財政政策の多くに反対してきた中道右派の野党のみならず、与党内でも何か月もの緊張状態が続いていたからだ。

That party, known as Pasok, is deeply divided. A more reform-minded wing is upset that Mr. Papandreou has not acted decisively enough to carry out the structural changes needed to revive the economy, while a more traditional wing is opposed to some of the changes that inevitably cut into the heart of the social welfare state the party was elected to promote.
On Tuesday, the two sides appeared to gravitate toward one idea: That the referendum proposed by Mr. Papandreou was a mistake.
パソクとして知られている与党も大きく分裂している。 より改革を進めるとする勢力はパパンドルー氏が経済再生の為に必要な構造改革を大胆に推進しないことに驚き、一方でより保守的な勢力は当初党が掲げていた社会福祉の核心部分の切り込まざるを得ない歳出削減に反対している。
火曜日に、この2大勢力が一つの考えで団結したように見えた。 それはパパンドルー氏が提案した国民投票は誤りだという点だった。

“His party just couldn’t hold any more,” said Ilias Nicolacopoulos, a professor of Political Science at the University of Athens and a pollster with close ties to the Socialist party.
“He did exactly the opposite of what a large number of his M.P.’s were asking for,” he said. “They were asking for a coalition government or cabinet reshuffle or some sort of cooperation that would bring broader consensus, not a referendum that would put the country in danger of blowing everything up.”

Eva Kaili, a Socialist member of Parliament, said she won’t support government in a confidence vote and called for a government of national unity. She said it was too late for a referendum, because it might destroy the arrangement already reached with Greece’s foreign lenders.
“It took us a long time to manage to reach an agreement,” Ms. Kaili said in a telephone interview. “The time is over. This should have happened one year ago, to ask people if they want the I.M.F. to help us or not.”
エバ・カイリ(社会党議員)は信任投票で政府を支持しないと言っており、国家団結を担う政府を求めている。 彼女は国民投票は時期を失していると言う、なぜなら、それはせっかく合意に達した外国債権者との約束を反故にしてしまうかもしれないからだ。

If Mr. Papandreou’s government falls, it would not be the first one in Europe to be toppled by the austerity demanded by European debt relief. In Ireland and Portugal, governments fell after accepting bailouts from the European Union and the I.M.F., and last month the Slovakian government fell over a vote on whether to participate in the European Union’s rescue package.
But Greece’s problems are more acute, and its economic slump is much deeper, making the prospect of a government collapse even more worrying. While a new government might attempt reopen negotiations with lenders and seek new terms, European leaders have repeatedly dismissed that idea, saying that trying to do so would be damaging and would throw away months of work on a plan to keep Greece from defaulting.
しかし、ギリシャの問題はもっと重大であり、その経済不振は深刻で、その政府の崩壊の見通しはもっと悩ましい。新しい政府が債権者と交渉を再開し、新しい条件を模索したとしtも、欧州各国の指導者たちは、その考え自体を繰り返し否定してきている。 つまり、そのようなことを繰り返すことは傷口を広げ、これまでの何か月にも及ぶ救済案の計画の努力を無駄にするだけだという。

Many Greek voters say they are tired of hearing about decisions taken in foreign capitals and political initiatives that do not represent ordinary Greeks. “The government is no longer in control, others are calling the shots,” said Akis Tsirogiannis, a 42-year-old father-of-two who recently lost his job at a furniture workshop in Athens.
He said he would vote against the debt deal in a referendum, should the government survive to hold such a vote. “This deal, like all the others, is a life sentence of austerity for Greeks. The country is being run from the outside — by bankers and the European Union government. We need to reclaim our country, whatever that entails.”
多くのギリシャ国民は、普通のギリシャ国民を代弁していない、外国資本や政治的駆け引きのもとでの決定を聴くのに飽き飽きしている。 「政府はもはや統制力を失い、他の奴らは牛耳ることばかり考えている。」とアテネの家具工場での仕事を最近失った、二人の子供の父親である42歳のアキス・チロギアニスは話した。
彼は、政府がそれで生き残るとしたら、救済案の国民投票では反対するつもりだ。「この案は、他の案と同じでギリシャ人に対する厳しい終身刑のようなものだ。 この国は外国によって動かされている・・・銀行やEUだ。 我々は自分たちの国を、どういうことが待ち受けていようと取り戻す必要がある。」

Niki Kitsantonis reported from Athens and Rachel Donadio from Rome. Stephen Castle contributed reporting from Brussels and Nicholas Kulish from Berlin.

