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ギリシャ危機 パパンドルー首相ってどんな人 (その2)

2011-11-08 | ギリシャ
A Greek Political Scion Undone by Economics

タイトルのUNDONEは本文中の国民投票の「撤回」に引っ掛けて同じ表現を使っているのかな? 名門の生まれでアメリカで多感な時代を過ごした彼は、最後まで国民との直接対話が苦手だった。よく言われる国民の目線が無かったということだろう。それと政治決断をする勇気だが、これはタイミングが全て。

Prime Minister George A. Papandreou entered office in 2009 only to discover that the Greek deficit he had inherited was twice the size the previous government had claimed.

November 7, 2011
ATHENS — George Andreas Papandreou, elected prime minister of Greece in 2009, is a son and grandson of popular former prime ministers. But two years later, with Greece on the verge of default and a possible exit from the euro, not even the Papandreou name could save him.
2009年に首相に選出されたジョージ・アンドレアス・パパンドルーは、かつて国民に人気のあった首相の子供であり、祖父も首相を務めている名門である。 しかし、就任から2年後ギリシャが財政破綻とユーロ圏からの離脱の恐れという危機に瀕して、流石のパパンドルー家の名声も彼を救うことはできなかった

His commitment to step down as prime minister is not only a devastating blow to one of the more enduring political dynasties in Europe. It may also force a major overhaul of the old-style Socialist Pasok party that was created by Mr. Papandreou’s father and which served as a major roadblock to many of the younger Papandreou’s proposed economic and political changes.

“I think that Mr. Papandreou wanted to reform, but his party failed him,” said Yiannis Boutaris, the mayor of Salonika and one of the few politicians to achieve success outside the nepotism so prevalent in the Greek party monoliths. “He could be forgiven many mistakes because of his name, but the last one — calling the referendum — that could not be forgiven.”

That may be a generous assessment. There are many Papandreou critics who claim he shirked an opportunity to grab history by the lapel and shake out all the elements of an entrenched Greek state that, through decades of wasteful borrowing and spending, had brought the nation to the verge of bankruptcy.
これは多分寛大な評価であろう。 多くのパパンドルー批評家がいるが、彼らはパパンドルーが歴史を引き寄せる機会と、何十年にも亘る無駄な借金と無駄遣いで、国家を破産の危機に追い込み、ギリシャを身動きできなくした全ての原因を一掃する機会を回避したと批判している。

By most accounts, Mr. Papandreou, 59, lacked the relentless political drive that marked his father and grandfather.
His youth was peripatetic, the product of his father’s own time in political exile. He was born in Minnesota and spent formative years in Berkeley, Calif.; Canada; and Sweden.
彼の若い時代はあちこちを転々としている。 それは彼の父が政治的に亡命していた時代の所産でもある。彼は米国のミネソタ州で生まれ、その人格形成期間をカリフォルニアのバークレイ、カナダ、そしてスウェーデンで過ごしている。

He supported 1960s- and 1970s-era movements like environmentalism and the legalization of drugs, causes that harked back to his guitar-playing days enmeshed in the counterculture at Amherst College in rural Massachusetts. His roommate there, Antonis Samaras, is now the leader of the New Democracy opposition party and agreed to join a coalition government only after Mr. Papandreou stepped down.

It was not until the early 1980s, when Mr. Papandreou joined his father’s Pasok party as a member of Parliament, that he began to develop his own political identity.
Elected in October 2009 after five years of New Democracy rule marked by corruption scandals, violent riots and a growing sense of economic uncertainty, Mr. Papandreou was little prepared for the profound shock that the Greek deficit he had inherited was twice the size the previous government had claimed.
パパンドルー氏が議員としてパソク党に入党したのは1980年代の初頭だった。ここから彼の政治経歴が始まることになる。 政治汚職スキャンダルと暴動そして経済の不透明感に見舞われて5年亘る新民主党の支配が終わり、2009年に首相に選出されたパパンドルーは、その後の深刻なショックに殆ど準備が出来ていなかった。そのショックとは彼が引き継ぐことになる、前政権が言っていたギリシャの財政赤字の実態がその2倍もあったことだ。

By December 2009, the failure to keep Greek borrowing in check had exploded into an international issue that would tear at the fabric that held the euro zone together.
Trained as a sociologist, Mr. Papandreou had to quickly get up to speed on such arcane matters as credit default swaps and the difference between voluntary and mandatory defaults. And while he understood, at least theoretically, how urgent it was for Greece to cut its bloated public work force, actually doing so proved almost impossible for a man who owed his political position to his party’s deep connections with the powerful unions for civil servants.
2009年の12月までに、ギリシャの借金を抑えられなかったことが国際問題に発展し、ユーロ圏のまとまりを台無しにしようとしている。 社会学者として鳴らした、パパンドルー氏は迅速に立ち上がり、クレジットデフォルトスワップ(CDS:デリバティブ)や自主的なデフォルトと強制的デフォルトの違いなどのような難解な案件についてスピード感をもって取り組むべきだった。 彼は少なくとも論理的には、膨れ上がった公務員の削減が喫緊の課題であることは理解していたが、実際にそうすることは、公務員の強力な組合に深いコネを持つ自らの与党に責任を負う首相として、殆ど不可能であった。

The son of an American mother, he is described as a meticulous and exact man who favors regular jogs, technical gadgets and never-ending lists of options and things to do. He is more fluent in English than Greek — a fact that has drawn scorn in the hypercritical Athens news media.
And from the beginning of his term he has reached out to vast number of advisers in the United States and Europe — including Labour politicians in Britain, former economy ministers in Turkey, the Nobel Prize-winning economist Joseph Stiglitz, who is American, and any number of academics who captured, at least temporarily, his intellectual fancy.
アメリカ人を母に持つ彼は、日頃のジョギングや気の利いた機器を好み、いつも沢山の予定を書き込んでいた。 そして彼はギリシャ語より英語を流暢に話す・・・このことは特に難癖をつけたがるアテネのニュースメディアの嘲りの対象となった。

But his critics say that while he was on the receiving end of numerous proposals, he was never really able to develop his own true voice. He could never, they say, make the case to his austerity-ravaged people that he truly spoke for them.
He could not rise to the level of a Churchill in 1939, said Yanis Varoufakis, an Athens-based political economist who years ago was an adviser to Mr. Papandreou. “At a moment like this you need leadership.”
しかし、評論家たちは言う、彼は数知れない提案を最終的に受ける地位にありながら、決して彼自身の意見として、それらを咀嚼し発言しなかった。 彼は決して、彼が彼らの為と思って話している、緊縮政策に疲弊しきった国民に向って、その問題を明らかにしてこなかったとも言う。
彼は1939年のチャーチルのレベルには到達しなかったということです、と数年前までパパンドルー氏のアドバイザーを務めたアテネの政治経済学者ヤニス・ヴァロウファキス氏は語る。 「このような時には、私達が求めているのは強いリーダーシップです。」

To be sure, Mr. Papandreou devoted his full energies to trying to find a solution to Greece’s debt crisis, all while under the crushing weight, his friends and family members say, of being the third Papandreou to lead Greece.
But he could not reach his people the way his father, Andreas — who spent his years in the United States as a vocal dissident of the Greek military regime — was able to.
しかし、彼は父アンドレアスだったら出来た国民に対するアプローチが取れなかった。 父アンドレアスは、母国ギリシャの軍事政権に対する物言う反体制派として米国で何年も過ごしていた。

“Andreas came from the outside — he spoke directly to the people,” said Nick Papandreou, the prime minister’s brother. “George has been in Greek politics for 30 years. The way he expresses himself is cushioned by this.”
But, his brother adds, the elder Mr. Papandreou, driven more by ideology rather than pragmatism, might not have been so determined to carry out the painful changes that George was convinced were necessary to bring Greece out of the past.
「父アンドレアスは国外から戻ってきて・・・直接国民に話しかけていた。 しかし、兄ジョージは30年間もギリシャの政界にいて首相になった。 彼の自己表現は、そのことがかえって緩衝材となり、国民に届かなかった。」と首相の弟は語った。

Indeed, during the tense negotiations with his European partners, Mr. Papandreou showed himself to be a relentless bureaucratic tactician, seeking every last advantage to get the money he so desperately needed from Europe.
Early in the talks, for example, he opened up a back channel to Dominique Strauss-Kahn, then the president of the International Monetary Fund. “Why don’t we turn to the I.M.F.?” Mr. Papandreou told intimates. “They, too, will impose austerity — but at least we will get the money.”
例えば、一連の会談の初期のころ、彼はドミニク・シュトラウス・カーン(当時のIMF専務理事)と裏でチャンネルを作り上げていた。 「なぜIMFに目を向けないんだ? 彼らも緊縮政策を押し付けている・・だけど少なくとも我々は資金をもらうことができる。」とパパンドルー氏はごく親しい仲間に漏らしていたという。

Mr. Papandreou’s final ploy — the threat that Greece might leave the euro — proved to be his undoing.
George Papaconstantinou, Mr. Papandreou’s finance minister until he was forced out last June, says the prime minister should be judged against the situation he inherited, which left him little room for maneuvering.
As for any overriding lesson Mr. Papandreou may have learned over the past two years, Mr. Papaconstantinou offered a one-word answer: “Economics.”
ジョージ・パパコンスタンチノス(6月に辞職に追い込まれるまでパパンドルーの財務大臣だった人物)はパパンドルー首相は、彼が引き継いだ負の遺産も考慮して評価されるべきだという。 その巨額の財政赤字のもとで彼には動ける余地が殆どなかったから・・・・。

