

ピート(ピーター)・ハッチンソンとピート・クルーがマンチェスター郊外にThe Mountaineerというショップをかまえていた頃に作った寝袋。



写真: One for our product archive: We've just had this 'lofty' 50 year old beauty sent to us by Colin Mackenzie. This Sleeping bag purchased by Colin back in 1963 is one of our early models made by Pete Hutchinson and Pete Crew when they had The Mountaineer shop, Ancoats, Manchester.   " I bought the bag for winter meets organised by the Junior Mountaineering Club of Scotland that included venues from The Cobbler to Creag Meaghaidh, Kintail to Torridon. Many a cold night spent in climbing huts like the CIC, or in mountain tents and dingy dosshouses. Though once ensconced in my bag I never felt cold, not even when a white-out in the Cairngorms forced an impromptu overnight stay in a draughty howff. You can't get much better than that!' Colin

(画像はMOUNTAIN EQUIPMENT Facebookから引用)

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