

A new Year's flower in 2019

2018-12-30 21:06:40 | 日記
We based the next year's flower in Ikenobo.
l 've used to this pattern "Omoto flower".
The new year's 支干 is Wild boar, The fun year is Wild boar.
l saw a huge fat male wild boar in the night in my yard last month like "ししがみ", it's called so in movie of もののけ姫.
l was so surprised when met him.
He had the big fangs then he watched me.
We watched and sized up each together.
After then he went away in back forest.
l was safe because l was in my car to back my home, 〜phew.
Also, it must be that we will have another golden year.
Though it was huge big happening for me.
l pray to happy and lively days in an another new year for us.
God bless you, too.
