


2010-04-24 08:05:43 | 英語音声教材の活用法



● 買うのは今である。



● 2千円は高くない。

1年間使えるものである。リーダーの試験の点数は少なくとも10点上がるだろう。それも毎回と言っていい。もちろん買っただけではだめである。使わなくては意味が無い。音声教材CDはいろいろな活用法があって、それについては別の記事で詳しく書いているので参照したまえ。 (右のカテゴリーの中の”英語音声教材の活用法”を開ける)


● 安く買う方法がある。



● リスニング対策、英検対策に役立つ。



● 英会話にも役立つ。



● 楽に教科書が頭に入る。



● 音声面を切り捨てていると英語は伸びない。



● CDだけでなく、”DS”もある。




2010-04-24 07:59:23 | 英語音声教材の活用法


作る側の都合:   英語の教科書、特にリーダー、リーディング、オーラルなどは教科書準拠のCDが付いてくるのが普通になってきた。最近では副読本の文法書にも付いてくるものが多い。出版社としては、CDを付けたほうが付加価値が上がるので、できれば付けたいのだろう。

 買わせる側の都合:   教師の立場からすれば、教材は多いに越したことはない。特にCDは、発音のお手本であるから、これによって教師は少し負担が減るように思ったりする。生徒に、自宅でCDを活用してちゃんと発音も聞き取りもできるようにしておくように、と言えばよい。

 持たされる側の都合:  CDが無料で付いてくるのなら、歓迎である。ただ、自分で聴いて練習しておくようにと言われても、なかなかその気にならず、封を切らずに1年過ぎてしまう生徒もけっこういる。






以下 "活用法" に続く (右のカテゴリーの中の”英語音声教材の活用法”を開ける)


2010-04-22 16:28:44 | Snapeニュース配信

Brain games 'fail to improve IQ'

Hugely popular brain training games that sell in their millions may be fun to play but do nothing to improve IQ, a study has found.

The hand-held computer games are said to "exercise" the mental muscles and over time improve general thinking and memory.
But a study involving more than 11,400 participants across the UK concluded there was "no evidence" that they can.

Although practice improved game performance, the skills learned did not transfer to unrehearsed mental tasks.
Players did no better at a series of independent mental tests than another group of volunteers given general knowledge quizzes instead of brain training. This was true even when the tests tapped into the same areas of the brain used to play the games.

Dr Adrian Owen, one of the researchers from the Medical Research Council Cognition and Brain Sciences Unit in Cambridge, said: "Brain training, or the quest to improve brain function through regular use of computer tests, is a multimillion-pound industry, yet up until now there's been a real lack of robust evidence to show it really works.

"Our findings will no doubt surprise millions of people worldwide who do some form of brain training every day in the belief that 'exercising' their brain makes them better at everyday thinking tasks.

"In one of our computer games that tests memory by assessing how many numbers could be remembered by players, we found it would take almost four years of playing brain training games regularly each week to remember just one extra digit."

The study was carried out in collaboration with the BBC science programme "Bang Goes The Theory".

ヒツジブタ? ブタヒツジ?

2010-04-18 19:18:58 | Snapeニュース配信

Sheep Or Pig? Curly Coat Causes Confusion

The woolly animals may look like sheep but believe it or not they are actually a rare breed of pig.

Buddy, a male, and two females, Porsche and Margot, were brought to Tropical Wings Zoo in Essex, Britain as part of an education and breeding programme*.

The pigs in blankets - officially known as Mangalitzas - originate from Austria and Hungary.

They have a small genetic link to the native Lincolnshire curly coat, which died out in Britain in 1972, an expert at the zoo said.
"Buddy has blond hair which is almost white, so people really do believe he is a sheep," said Denise Cox, education co-ordinator at the zoo.

"Everybody who walks past them stops because they want to know if they are pigs or sheep.
"We've got them here as part of a breeding programme to make sure this fascinating breed does not become extinct."
And the project could be working already, with hopes that the zoo could be experiencing the pitter-patter* of tiny trotters* before too long.

Ms Cox said Porsche is showing the early signs of being pregnant* although it is still too early to confirm whether she is expecting*.

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

programme : = program (米) このニュースはイギリス発なので、英国式つづりである。

pitter-patter : トコトコ走り回る音

tiny trotters : 小さな仔豚

pregnant : 妊娠

expecting : おめでた = pregnant


2010-04-15 09:24:19 | なるほど英文法 

感嘆文とは、驚きや感動を表す文で、What か How で始まり、感嘆符(!)で終わる文である。


1) How fast he swims!  = 何て彼は速く泳ぐんだろう!

2) What a pretty girl she is!  =  何てかわいいコなんだろう!




 1) 何て彼は速く泳がないんだろう!

2) 何てかわいいコじゃないんだろう!

 どうだろう。こんな文は日本語でも見たことも聞いたこともないだろう。文を作れないことはないが、日本語でも意味をなさないことは明らかである。1) は、けっきょく、彼は泳ぐのが遅いということなのか?期待したほど速くないということか?何に感嘆しているのか不明である。 2)でもそうである。そのコがブサイクであることに驚いているのか?容貌がフツーであることに感動しているのか?限りなくアイマイな、おかしな文である。否定形の感嘆文というものは日本語、英語以前に、論理的に成り立たないように見える。


平叙文、 疑問文、 命令文、 感嘆文


”平叙文” という言葉は知らないひとも多い。これは要するに、疑問文でも命令文でも感嘆文でもない、ピリオドで終わるフツーの文のことである。あまりにもありふれていて、呼び名があることもあまり知られていない文の種類である。


(肯定形) He often goes to the library to read several magazines.

(否定形) We haven't had any rain this summer.



(肯定形) What made you try to do such a thing?

(否定形) Why didn't she come to school yesterday?



(肯定形) Please ask me any questions about our school.

(否定形) Don't leave the windows open when you go to bed.



(肯定形) How strange that dog is!   What a strange dog that is!

(否定形)  存在せず。



そもそも”否定”には対象の像を結ばない性格がある。これは英語、日本語いぜんの論理学の話になる。たとえば、「彼は医者ではない。」 He is not a doctor.  という文を考えてみよう。この文は「医者ではない」とは言っていても、それでは彼が何なのかについては何も言っていない。医者でないとしても、じゃ、教師なのか、会社員なのか、画家なのか、エンジニアなのかについてもまったくわからない。”像を結ばない”というのはこのことを言っている。像を結んでいない対象に感動したり、驚いたりすることじたいが不可能なのだ。

また、感嘆文の否定形は、How strange that dog is!  ではなく、How not strange that dog is!  や What not a strange dog that is! であるという指摘があるかもしれない。しかし、これらの文はさらに無理がある。まず、How not strange はどうか。感嘆文での How は次にくる形容詞か副詞の度合いが大きいことを意味するはずであるが、” not strange ” の度合いの大きいこととは何か。”奇妙でないことの度合いの大きいこと”とは何か。How の直後に not がくることは論理的に成立しないだろう。それでは、What not a strange dog ! はどうか。これこそ、”像を結ばない”対象に感嘆することの困難さの極みである。そもそも、What not  a strange dog! にしても、 What a  not  strange dog! にしても、文法的に不可能である。かろうじて可能なのが、What a strange dog that is not であるが、これは像を結ばない、意味不明の文に終わっている。

公園で奇妙な形の犬を見たとする。それを見たあなたがいっしょに歩いていた友人にこう言う、「何て奇妙な犬なんだろう!」と。その犬が変わっていることを構文的に否定形で言おうとすると、「普通じゃない」となるかもしれない。しかし、「何て普通じゃない犬なんだろう!」とは言えない。英語でいえば、 XHow not ordinary! とは言えない。しかし、否定的な意味の形容詞を使って、How extraordinary!  とは言えるのだ。 XHow not usual! とは言えないが、How unusual! とは言えるのだ。How not normal とは言えないが、How abnormal! とは言えるだろう。


また、こう考えることもできる。感嘆文には、文中に形容詞か副詞が必要である。What 型でも How 型でも、必ず形容詞か副詞が入っている。 How slowly he speaks!  What a stupid girl you are! そして、感嘆の対象はその形容詞や副詞で表わされる意味の度合いが大きいことである。その度合いが大きいことに驚いたり、感動したりしているはずである。How small the dog is! の場合は、小ささの度合いが大きいと考えてほしい。そして、度合いが大きいということは、度合いいぜんにその対象が存在していなければならない。

How slowly he speaks! では、 he は少なくとも speaks していなければならない。であるから、否定形にして How slowly he doesn't speak! という文は成立しないことになる。同様に、What a stupid girl you are! では、stupid の度合いが大きいことに驚いているわけである。であるから、もし、 ... you aren't! としてしまうと、驚きの対象であるはずの "stupidity"の存在、stupid の度合いいぜんの”馬鹿さ加減”じたいすらもが消されてしまうのだ。


数独 "SUDOKU" の歴史

2010-04-09 13:52:40 | Snapeニュース配信

The History of Sudoku


The Creation of Sudoku

While the name Sudoku is Japanese, the modern version of the logic-driven number game actually originated in the United States.  Howard Garnes, a seventy-four-year-old retired architect and freelance puzzle constructor, added the nine 3x3 subgroups to a standard 9x9 Latin Square.  He submitted the first known Sudoku puzzle to Dell Magazines, a specialist puzzle publisher, in New York for publication.  Not yet labeled as Sudoku, however, the game debuted in Dell Pencil Puzzles and Word Games as “Number Place.”

Going Global

Five years after its creation, the puzzle drifted across the Pacific Ocean to Japan, where Nikoli, Japan’s leading puzzle company, picked it up and published it as Suuji Wa Dokushin Ni Kagiru, which means “the numbers must be single,” or “the numbers must occur only once.”  

The name "Sudoku" stuck

The Japanese puzzle fans loved the game.  The president of Nikoli realized that the game’s success was hindered only by its long, unwieldy name, and shortened the title to Sudoku, or “single digit.”  Nikoli also reduced the amount of given clues, and made those given appear symmetrically in the grid.  Sudoku’s popularity grew, and today, Japan alone publishes over 600,000 copies of Sudoku magazines every month.

Sudoku Arrives in Europe

At the end of 2004, the London Times, the leading British newspaper, published its first Sudoku puzzle at the behest of Wayne Gould, a retired Hong Kong judge, computer programmer, and puzzle fan.  Gould had created a computer program to generate Sudoku puzzles, and provided it to the Times at no charge.  A Sudoku craze ensued.  Another paper, The Daily Mail, began featuring Sudoku just three days later.  Within just six months, newspapers across the United Kingdom, New Zealand, and Australia all started to carry Sudoku. 

Sudoku Comes Home

Sudoku made its homecoming in April of 2005 when the New York Post published the puzzle as a regular feature.  In mid-July, the Sudoku mania spread from sea to shining sea when USA Today and The Daily News both launched their Sudoku columns on the same day.  Since then, Sudoku has steadily replaced traditional bridge columns and weary crossword puzzles in papers across the nation and around the globe.


2010-04-09 12:17:34 | Snapeニュース配信

Japanese Students Less Motivated to Study

How about you?

A survey has found that high school students in Japan study less than those in the US, China and South Korea.

The Japan Youth Research Institute conducted the survey on more than 6,100 high school students in the 4 countries last year.

The results show that the largest proportion of students who said they spend between an hour and 2 hours to do their homework was in the US and China. In contrast, Japanese and South Korean students said they spend between 30 minutes and one hour.

Twenty-three percent of the students in Japan said they do no homework at all, while the figure was 30
percent in South Korea, 4 percent in the US and one percent in China.
Asked about how much time the students spend on study not including homework, the largest proportion of students who said they spend between 30 minutes and an hour was in Japan. The students in the US said less than 30 minutes, while Chinese and South Korean students said between one hour and 2 hours.

Thirty-four percent of Japanese students said they do no study other than homework -- the highest figure among the 4 countries.

An official of the institute that conducted the survey says the results show that Japanese youth are less motivated to study. The official says this is a serious problem at a time when the academic abilities of Japanese students are said to be declining.


2010-04-04 08:28:25 | Snapeニュース配信

The Man with Half a Body

Meet 35-year-old Kenny whose body ends at his waist and who walks on his hands. Kenny has had no lower body since his legs had to be amputated* when he was a child - but has always refused to use a wheelchair or prosthetics*.

Initially, doctors did not expect Kenny to live past his 17th birthday. However, Kenny continues to beat the odds*. His condition has not stopped him from finding love, working or looking after his fiancee's children.

Neither has Kenny let his extraordinary body stop him finding love, working or looking after his fiancé's children.

Kenny's deepest desire as he approaches middle age is to father his own child. He and his fiancé Nicky have always suspected he might be the biological dad to one of her two children and in this film Kenny has a DNA test to find out if he is.

*  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *

amputate :  cut

prosthetics:  artifical legs

odds:  handicaps


2010-04-01 12:05:25 | Snapeニュース配信

Terrifying Sea Critter Hauled from Ocean's Depths

Guess how long this is!

A submarine exploring the ocean's depths recently returned with an unexpected visitor: a crablike critter that has left many readers startled and horrified.

A deep-sea technician detailed the finding, asking the site's readers to help identify what exactly the bizarre looking creature was. He says, "I work for a Sub-sea Survey Company, recently this beast came up attached to one of our ROVs(Remotely Operated Vehicles) .

It measures a bit over 2.5 feet head to tail, and we expect it latched onto the ROV at roughly 8,500 feet depth.

Unfortunately, the exact location is unknown, so I can't tell you what part of the Earth this beast was living."

The pictures reveal the creature to be a giant isopod, a large crustacean that dwells in deep Atlantic and Pacific waters. This particular creature is a Bathynomus giganteus, a deep-sea scavenger that feeds on dead whales, fish and squid.

Some people find it horrifying and disgusting while others say it looks promising as seafood. What do you say?



submarine :潜水艦

ROV : 無人探査水中ロボット

isopod  : ダンゴムシ類

scavenger : 清掃動物、腐(肉)食動物 、腐肉を食う動物

promising : 有望

