世界中に、Happy を smile を!


What’s my CHALLENGE?

2006-03-24 00:23:31 | その他

I'm worndering about my challenge these days. I like challenging new things, things that nobody do, and things that are not easy to carry out. The reason why I wrote such a topic is a book I read yesterday, which was about one medical satudent's challenge. What's my challenge? I do nothing for my future, for my dream, for my challenge. Do I waste time everyday? What am I doing! Today, I'm not good feeling because many things don't go smooth. But. Good happy things also exist daily life. Especially, yesterday morning. That should be called, "PERFECT MORNING"!! I have to cherish peaceful morning anyway!!


本「It's my challenge. ~ペンシルベニア大医学部留学奮戦記」長浜正彦
