世界中に、Happy を smile を!


GA in UK

2007-08-02 21:12:42 | 公衆衛生

I'm in UK now, attending General Assembly of IFMSA.
Now I join to Pre-GA session, 'Think Global, Acsess to Essential Medicine'.

What I feel to attend this kind of meeting is the differences bettwen japanese students and other students from all over the world.
The fluent English, knowledge of Global Health and Public Health.

I really recognaize PH is not common, popular in Japan, I mean, less opportunity of studying, and discussing about such topics.
And morelse, students from other countries know much about economics, plitics, stastics than us.

I'd like to do my best to discuss equaly with European and American students.

Short report from UK, Canterbery, luch time...   hahaha